Help Identify Tea Party & Rand Paul Gun Totting Thugs

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Help Identify Tea Party & Rand Paul Gun Totting Thugs

Tim Profitt is the man who stomped on a woman's head and shoulders(?). Mike Pezzano is gun advocate for open carry laws, who wrestled an unarmed and defenseless woman to the ground. Thank god the man was NOT armed. We might be talking major tragedy here. We've seen this type of right wing thug at abortion clinics and churches.

There is a woman in the video who looks to be part of the team that surrounded and assaulted...


...what is her name? Somebody out there knows who this woman is. It looks like she may have been part of a group of hysterical professional Tea Party people who surrounded and assaulted the unarmed and defenseless woman who got stomped.


This woman looks eerily familiar. She looks like a woman who was photographed in company of the gun advocate and Tea Party Rand Paul thug, Mike Pezzano.


Are there people out there who can identify the woman? It looks like some of these people are professional protesters and maybe paid thugs. Only an investigation will settle this.

Meet the Gun-Toting Tea Partier Who Beat Up a Woman at Rand Paul's Debate

more of the story: Paul supporters who clashed with liberal activist speak out

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I carry 2 guns everywhere I go.

Chances are, the guy DID have a firearm on him if he is an active advocate, but the situation didn't call for it.

Just because you aren't calm enough to know when a firearm is justified and when it isn't, that doesn't mean the rest of us aren't.

I also support open carry, and carry mine openly where allowed (anytime I am on my property, which includes my business, where I require all employees to carry openly).
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I carry 2 guns everywhere I go.

Chances are, the guy DID have a firearm on him if he is an active advocate, but the situation didn't call for it.

Just because you aren't calm enough to know when a firearm is justified and when it isn't, that doesn't mean the rest of us aren't.

Open carry. The man was not calm enough to not put his hand on another human being. There were police there. Citizens this unstable should have their carry permits pulled. The man seems like he may represent a danger to the community. It looks by the video that Mike is unstable when confronted with others who pose NO threat to him personally.

I think Mike and his lady friend(?) need to be investigated. Do these people carry guns to public events? Do they always think they are the police even when police are within view?

are they always this paranoid and quick to assault other citizens?

this is serious stuff folks.

note: save in case this gets moved or deleted.
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read my signature and what Tea Party types @ USMB have called to be done to other citizens.

we need to put pressure on law enforcement before we have what happens at legal abortion and family planning clinics, starts happening at political events and rallies.
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I carry 2 guns everywhere I go.

Chances are, the guy DID have a firearm on him if he is an active advocate, but the situation didn't call for it.

Just because you aren't calm enough to know when a firearm is justified and when it isn't, that doesn't mean the rest of us aren't.

Open carry. The man was not calm enough to not put his hand on another human being. There were police there. Citizens this unstable should have their carry permits pulled. The man seems like he may represent a danger to the community. It looks by the video that Mike is unstable when confronted with others who pose NO threat to him personally.

I think Mike and his lady friend(?) need to be investigated. Do these people carry guns to public events? Do they always think they are the police even when police are within view?

are they always this paranoid and quick to assault other citizens?

this is serious stuff folks.

note: save in case this gets moved or deleted.

I carry ESPECIALLY to public events, unless prohibited. I would have had mine there, and I guarantee you there were dozens, if not hundreds of concealed weapons there.

I carry 2 guns everywhere I go.

Chances are, the guy DID have a firearm on him if he is an active advocate, but the situation didn't call for it.

Just because you aren't calm enough to know when a firearm is justified and when it isn't, that doesn't mean the rest of us aren't.

Open carry. The man was not calm enough to not put his hand on another human being. There were police there. Citizens this unstable should have their carry permits pulled. The man seems like he may represent a danger to the community. It looks by the video that Mike is unstable when confronted with others who pose NO threat to him personally.

I think Mike and his lady friend(?) need to be investigated. Do these people carry guns to public events? Do they always think they are the police even when police are within view?

are they always this paranoid and quick to assault other citizens?

this is serious stuff folks.

note: save in case this gets moved or deleted.

I carry ESPECIALLY to public events, unless prohibited. I would have had mine there, and I guarantee you there were dozens, if not hundreds of concealed weapons there.


I have no issues with legal carrying. I do have issues as should all rational people, with unbalanced and emotionally immature people carrying. The people in question assaulted another citizen in a public space where law enforcement were present.

This is not a banana republic or an unstable European country where citizens are prone to take laws into their own hands at political rallies. This is America.

Unstable and emotionally unbalanced people should be restricted from carrying weapons into public spaces


read my signature and what Tea Party types @ USMB have called to be done to other citizens.

we need to put pressure on law enforcement before we have what happens at legal abortion and family planning clinics, starts happening at political events and rallies.
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I have no issues with legal carrying. I do have issues as should all rational people, with unbalanced and emotionally immature people carrying.

I don't see a firearm anywhere in the video, nor mentioned in any reports of the incident, so I would say the whole issue of their alleged advocacy for open carry is moot, other than it is the brush you have chosen to paint fear with.

Open carry is far safer than concealed. We conceal them because people like you can't accept the reality that the world is not a warm, fuzzy place.

But the weapons you see are not the ones that should concern you. The ones you cannot see are the ones that cause all of the problems.
I have no issues with legal carrying. I do have issues as should all rational people, with unbalanced and emotionally immature people carrying.

I don't see a firearm anywhere in the video, nor mentioned in any reports of the incident, so I would say the whole issue of their alleged advocacy for open carry is moot, other than it is the brush you have chosen to paint fear with.

Open carry is far safer than concealed. We conceal them because people like you can't accept the reality that the world is not a warm, fuzzy place.

But the weapons you see are not the ones that should concern you. The ones you cannot see are the ones that cause all of the problems.

Fear? Damn straight! When a professional protester who vehemently advocates for open carry in public laws, assaults a woman at an ordinary political event, teh signs are all there.

Danger Will Robinson! :lol:

But seriously, do you want people who without a reasonable defense for doing so, have demonstrated a propensity to take the law into their own hands -- do you want these people carrying their weapons at public events?

May as well allow the carrying of weapons in bars and casinos by people with a history of snapping at other citizens and assaulting them for imaginary threats. .
I have no issues with legal carrying. I do have issues as should all rational people, with unbalanced and emotionally immature people carrying.

I don't see a firearm anywhere in the video, nor mentioned in any reports of the incident, so I would say the whole issue of their alleged advocacy for open carry is moot, other than it is the brush you have chosen to paint fear with.

Open carry is far safer than concealed. We conceal them because people like you can't accept the reality that the world is not a warm, fuzzy place.

But the weapons you see are not the ones that should concern you. The ones you cannot see are the ones that cause all of the problems.

Fear? Damn straight! When a professional protester who vehemently Iadvocates for open carry in public laws, assaults a woman at an ordinary political event, teh signs are all there.

Danger Will Robinson! :lol:

But seriously, do you want people who without a reasonable defense for doing so, have demonstrated a propensity to take the law into their own hands -- do you want these people carrying their weapons at public events?

May as well allow the carrying of weapons in bars and casinos by people with a history of snapping at other citizens and assaulting them for imaginary threats. .

We can already carry in bars and casinos, and I'll bet the guy was carrying in the video as well, just not openly.

I carry a 380 into the casino every time I go. You would be surprised to know just how many guns are within 5 feet of you every day. Your head would explode if you knew.
read my signature and what Tea Party types @ USMB have called to be done to other citizens.

we need to put pressure on law enforcement before we have what happens at legal abortion and family planning clinics, starts happening at political events and rallies.

xotoxi is a Tea Party member?

Xot! You got some 'splainin to do!
I have no issues with legal carrying. I do have issues as should all rational people, with unbalanced and emotionally immature people carrying.

I don't see a firearm anywhere in the video, nor mentioned in any reports of the incident, so I would say the whole issue of their alleged advocacy for open carry is moot, other than it is the brush you have chosen to paint fear with.

Open carry is far safer than concealed. We conceal them because people like you can't accept the reality that the world is not a warm, fuzzy place.

But the weapons you see are not the ones that should concern you. The ones you cannot see are the ones that cause all of the problems.

I have been around people with weapons. I have no problem. They were all stable and rational.

Your despicable attack on me personally as a way of defending unstable people with guns is noted.
If he has a permit to carry, this episode should result in him losing it.

Violence is violence is violence. The degree of harm is the only difference.
read my signature and what Tea Party types @ USMB have called to be done to other citizens.

we need to put pressure on law enforcement before we have what happens at legal abortion and family planning clinics, starts happening at political events and rallies.

xotoxi is a Tea Party member?

Xot! You got some 'splainin to do!

Jon. and so-poisonous-rabid-turd is a Tea Party type. Irrational and unstable. Look at what xo-lunatic wrote
If he has a permit to carry, this episode should result in him losing it.

Violence is violence is violence. The degree of harm is the only difference.

Exactly. We've seen this type of thing escalate outside family planning clinics and inside Churches. The man who tackles and unarmed and defenseless woman, is a hyper advocate of carrying in public laws. The man acted irrationally. A legal investigation of him and the woman he is with(?) is on order.

My hope ia that since they did this in public, somebody with publicly identify the woman and others not yet named.
read my signature and what Tea Party types @ USMB have called to be done to other citizens.

we need to put pressure on law enforcement before we have what happens at legal abortion and family planning clinics, starts happening at political events and rallies.

xotoxi is a Tea Party member?

Xot! You got some 'splainin to do!

Jon. and so-poisonous-rabid-turd is a Tea Party type. Irrational and unstable. Look at what xo-lunatic wrote

You say that like it's a bad thing :confused:
We can already carry in bars and casinos, and I'll bet the guy was carrying in the video as well, just not openly.

I carry a 380 into the casino every time I go. You would be surprised to know just how many guns are within 5 feet of you every day. Your head would explode if you knew.

stop being a troll and making personal attacks.

I have no problem with hundreds of weapons near me. I have issues with the irrational and emotionally fragile having a gun near me.

I always thought guns were banned in bars and casinos.
Of course I am speaking of people being drunk or drinking while armed. Please, stop defending people who act irrational. Irrational people and weapons do not mix well.

but would it not add a bit of sportsmanship at bars?

Only if I got to wear that body armor I have on order. :eusa_whistle:

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