
What do belly buttons have to do with your preconception of biological sense? Is this that basic biology I keep hearing about Mr. 2011 memes?

That was an evasive answer, I wasn't talking about navels. Gender is not a "preconception." Every living human being is assigned one specific gender at birth, it's "basic biology." Gender is also not a social construct, no matter what anyone tells you: You can only be one or the other.

Now once again:

1.) Innie (biological female at birth) or outie (biological male at birth)?
That was an evasive question. I wasn't talking about navels. Gender is not a "preconception." Every living human being is assigned one specific gender at birth. It's "basic biology." Gender is also not a social construct, no matter what anyone tells you.

Now once again:

1.) Innie (biological female at birth) or outie (biological male at birth)?
Taking evasive maneuvers.
No cause why do you wanna know my belly button anatomy?

I like to know who I'm addressing, specifically male or female. I also detest ambiguity.

Let's move on. Question 2.)

You appear to be hiding something. What are you guilty of?
troll-detected-troll (1).gif

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