
I'm a Chinese living and working in mainland of China. I come here expecting to get an idea how poltical issues are being discussed, since I have little experience of such discussion.

In addition I'd love to have a talk associated with China's politics and economics and other aspects. I think it must be very interesting.:2up:
Welcome! Your viewpoint should be a great contribution!

Indeed.Here in america its a facist dictatership where dissenting voices are not allowed anymore.I understand its the same there as well?

oh and welcome.:welcome:

fascist dictatorship? I have heard America are in democraty, and maybe the best.

Dont believe what you hear.thats just a myth thats been created by the CIA.we are actually one of the most supressed countries in the world losing more and more freedoms all the time.the CIA is an evil organization making the third reich look like a bunch of choir boys.they are always starting wars with other countries and blaming it on somebody else so they can start their wars.

The myth that america is a free country was created by our media which is controlled by the CIA.we know the CIA controls it because congress did an investigation into the CIA's activities in the 70's and discovered they have agents in the media.

Here,if you want to learn the TRUTH,then please take the time to read this link below.It will wake you up,

The notion that America has "special freedoms" that the rest of the world doesn't, like many concepts in America, turns out to be a baseless myth upon examination.

In actuality, America is one of the least free countries in the world, compared to most other countries. Yet Americans are brainwashed to believe that they live in "the land of the free" without reason or basis. Since the media and everyone else around them repeat this like a programmed mantra, they assume it must be true so they just repeat it to go along.

It's like a religion. But it's based on the faulty premise that all other countries are unfree and all under some kind of dictatorship, while America is the only country that remains free, which is totally UNTRUE. It's just a form of mind control designed to pacify the sheeple and human cattle with false ideas to keep them motivated to go to work and be productive.

However, with the US government and power elite taking away more America's freedoms since 9/11, and undermining the US Constitution, I don't think most Americans believe anymore that America is a free country. So nowadays, on the 4th of July, they just use it as a holiday to have fun and light fireworks. So this myth of America being "the land of the free" is way outdated now. But people still chant it to be cool and fit in, and the corporate media still propagates it of course, because their job is to promote the mind control of the establishment. So perhaps I'm beating a dead horse with this article.
8 Reasons Why America is NOT The Land of the Free - A 4th of July Special Blog of The Happier Abroaders
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