Hello all!

I love freedom

United We Stand
Oct 19, 2010
Hello, I am glad to find this site. I've been posting for a few days now, and am enjoying the discussions. I am the author of "This is what I am" and wrote it as a reaction to the ignorance in the Media about Muslim Americans. I generally have positive reactions from the people who meet me face to face, and so I just wanted to get the non-Muslim population of America to get to know me, as I am one of you, in every sense. I am looking forward to many lively exchanges.
Muslims Americans have died in this war fighting for their country.

First responders who were Muslim died on 911.
Yes, and some died in the attacks of 911 as well. The attacks were on them too, because they are American. Muslims are not immune to the hate of those with destructive political agendas.
Those who wish to make every living Muslim the enemy of America must hate what the US stands for.
Hello and welcome to the message boards.
I look forward to read more from you.
My first name (username) comes from Arabic. I'm also a Muslim, but I don't live in the USA.

Assalamu Alakum Sister,

I am also a convert (revert) to Islam.

Go by the name of Dawud at the Masjid.

I said Shahada exactly 120 days before 9/11

Life has been a whirlwind every since that day in May. :cool:
Welcome, I love freedom!

BTW, for those who have not read it, this is the very moving article written by I love freedom....

Theresa McCune: This is What I am | Grove Report

We have a bona fide published author with us.....I am so pleased!

you have a couple more of those here, too.

grump's published.

i've had artlcles published. :)


i guess we should get out the ritz crackers.
Yep. Magazines, journals, newspapers, books. I am a multi-talented girl. :eusa_angel:

Technically, one is only a 'published author' when one has written a book. So, technically, I'm a published author.... but I'm a ghost. Nice time of year to be a ghost. LOL

What was your book about? Maybe a children's book?
You do not have to name the book, which would indirectly give insight into your real-life identity.

And is this your main profession, because you said you're a multi-talented girl...
Sorry, if I do ask too many questions, just curious.
Hello, I am glad to find this site. I've been posting for a few days now, and am enjoying the discussions. I am the author of "This is what I am" and wrote it as a reaction to the ignorance in the Media about Muslim Americans. I generally have positive reactions from the people who meet me face to face, and so I just wanted to get the non-Muslim population of America to get to know me, as I am one of you, in every sense. I am looking forward to many lively exchanges.

Hello I love freedom. Thank you for a warm and informative introduction. :)


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perfunctory welcome.

i mainly post here to draw attention to my status as a published author*, too!

respect me.

* i scratched "fuck bush" into several subway-train windows across europe, and NE USA. you might have seen my work.
Do to your lack of participation, I have to conclude that you cannot and your claims about Islam were false .
Should you make further false claims about Islam, I will be here to illuminate your distortions.
Thanks for playing.

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