Helen Thomas is Retiring


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Breaking news: Helen Thomas is retiring.

What a pathetic way to end a long career. I didn't agree with most of what she wrote, but it's sad to see someone end her career in a public display of hateful self-destruction.
She made a mistake, but she's also been a nasty piece of work for years. Still, I wish she had retired under more dignified circumstances.
She made a mistake, but she's also been a nasty piece of work for years. Still, I wish she had retired under more dignified circumstances.

A nasty piece of work for years? WHY, because she called out government when it didn't tell the truth or when it didn't serve the interests of We, the People?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, she criticized King George W...:eek:

Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed--and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy.
President John F. Kennedy

Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.
Thomas Jefferson
A nasty piece of work for years? WHY, because she called out government when it didn't tell the truth or when it didn't serve the interests of We, the People?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, she criticized King George W...:eek:

Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed--and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy.
President John F. Kennedy

Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.
Thomas Jefferson

She is a nasty peace of work because she is a racist idiot, not because she is a Democrat.
A nasty piece of work for years? WHY, because she called out government when it didn't tell the truth or when it didn't serve the interests of We, the People?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, she criticized King George W...:eek:

Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed--and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy.
President John F. Kennedy

Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.
Thomas Jefferson

She is a nasty peace of work because she is a racist idiot, not because she is a Democrat.

Citation needed, I should think. Racism is a pretty serious accusation.

About time for Thomas really, the last thing she did of note, outside of having her birthday celebrated by the President (everyone just loves that picture of her and Obama, isn't it great that people love when people wish other people happy birthday?), was that video she did for Stephen Colbert a couple years ago.
She made a mistake, but she's also been a nasty piece of work for years. Still, I wish she had retired under more dignified circumstances.

A nasty piece of work for years? WHY, because she called out government when it didn't tell the truth or when it didn't serve the interests of We, the People?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, she criticized King George W...:eek:

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...it only took a few posts before her retiring and being a bigot got blamed on Bush!!!!!
Fucking CLASSIC!!!!!
I keep saying: given the omnipotent powers Bush wields from his political grave, why isn't Obama seeking his help in Plugging The Hole?
Breaking news: Helen Thomas is retiring.

What a pathetic way to end a long career. I didn't agree with most of what she wrote, but it's sad to see someone end her career in a public display of hateful self-destruction.

Why retire? She only said what Obama and his administration was thinking. Oh, wait. Did Obama throw her under the bus, too? :lol:
Breaking news: Helen Thomas is retiring.

What a pathetic way to end a long career. I didn't agree with most of what she wrote, but it's sad to see someone end her career in a public display of hateful self-destruction.

Great news!
Breaking news: Helen Thomas is retiring.

What a pathetic way to end a long career. I didn't agree with most of what she wrote, but it's sad to see someone end her career in a public display of hateful self-destruction.

Why retire? She only said what Obama and his administration was thinking. Oh, wait. Did Obama throw her under the bus, too? :lol:


She had the audacity to give voice to the underlying anti-semitism that is brewing in DC (and across Europe) these days.

Oriana Fallaci wrote an excellent essay in 2002, which is very relevant today:

... Oriana Fallaci on Anti-Semitism

Panorama, April 18, 2002


I find it shameful that virtually the entire Left, that Left which 20 years ago permitted a trade-union procession to place a coffin (a Mafia-like warning) in front of the synagogue in Rome, has forgotten the contribution of the Jews to the anti-fascist struggle: of Carlo and Nello Rosselli, for example; of Leone Ginzburg, Umberto Terracini, Leo Valiani, Emilio Serani; of women such as my friend Anna Maria Enriques Agnoletti, shot in Florence on June 12, 1944; of 74 of the 335 victims of Fosse Ardeatine; of the infinite other deaths under torture or in combat or in front of the firing squads; the friends, the teachers of my childhood and of my early youth. I find it shameful that, in part because of the fault of the Left—no, especially because of the fault of the Left (think of the Left that begins its congresses applauding the PLO representative in Italy, who represents here the Palestinians who seek Israel’s destruction)—the Jews in Italian cities once again are frightened. And in French and Dutch and Danish and German cities, it is the same. I find it shameful that when the scoundrels dressed as kamikazes march, (Jews) shudder as they trembled in Berlin during Kristallnacht, that is, the night on which Hitler began the hunt of the Jews.

I find it shameful that, obeying the stupid, vile, dishonest, and, for them, the extremely opportunistic fashion of political correctness, the usual opportunists—no, the usual parasites—exploit the word “peace.” In the name of the word “peace,” now more devalued than the words “love” and “humanity,” they absolve just one side of hate and bestiality. In the name of pacifism (read conformity) from the mouths of shrill voices, the same voices that earlier genuflected to Pol Pot, they now incite people who are confused, naïve, or intimidated. They cheat them, corrupt them, take them back half a century, that is, to the yellow star on the coat. These charlatans care as much about the Palestinians as I care about them (the charlatans), i.e., not at all....

Oriana Fallaci on Anti-Semitism
I just knew that one of these days she would 'open mouth, in comes foot'.....at 90, anything can be said. Too bad that she has to go out on such a negative note. But the time has come and this is a good a time as any.
Rabbi Who Filmed Helen Thomas Says More Video Is Coming

Helen Thomas - Jews | Rabbi Interview | White House | Mediaite

Heh, I'll miss her if only because I knew who she was for my entire politically aware life. For whatever reason she stuck around so long, she was still an institution. She wasen't always the tired old shrew with the 'hezbollah view'. Alas, she used up the last of the tolerance of civil society, which always takes extra long and "extra proof" for a lefty. But she has flung her last flying monkey poo (from the WH press room anyway) and so I bit adieu.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McHyLKw5mHc]YouTube - Fame "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead"[/ame]
Hell, I had thought she had died about 10 years ago to be honest.

How many people will Obama throw under the bus? you know she wouldn't have said that if she hadn't felt that the Administration would have her back.

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