Heavy Snowfall Winter Weather Brings Europe to a Standstill


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Photo Gallery: Europe Blanketed in Snow - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International
Winter*arrived to much of Europe over the weekend as heavy snowfall blanketed the Balkans and Germany came to a standstill. At least six deaths were reported in southwestern Europe while Romanians struggled to get to the polls on election day.

Are they dreaming of a white or green Christmas? And, do you think they still believe in that Globull Warming stuff?

Read more @ Heavy Snowfall and Freezing Temperatures Hit Europe - SPIEGEL ONLINE

BTW – current temperature in Oslo is 21 degrees Fahrenheit with snow in the forecast.

I laughed my ass off when I saw this graph last weekend. Exactly supports what Ive been saying for years.............


Some nutty MSNBC anchor guy said this weekend on one of the shows that, "Energy is getting too cheap!!!". It was that young nerdy guy with the glasses.

Oh.....I found the video cliip of this jackass...............name is Chris Hayes..........

Chris Hayes: Price Of Energy Is "Too Low" Right Now | RealClearPolitics

These people are mental cases. Centuries ago, the Mayan people were superstitious and brainwashed about severe weather so much taht they would sacrafice people to stave off the extreme weather. This guy Christ Hayes and the rest of the radicals are no different. Its an obession for these people not unlike the nutty ass who cant leave the house because they're worried their hands are not clean enough. Thats how obsesive/compulsive disorders work. Many who have it are very brilliant people too........has nothing to do with intelligence at all. All this shit is a self-fullfilling prophecy............

There has been no increase in the natural variation of extreme weather events; hurricane energy has been in decline; the "dustbowl" drought in the US in the 1930s was worse than the recent one; the floods in Australia in the 19th century were worse than the recent one. In 2000, Dr David Viner, an alarmist British scientist, predicted: "Children just aren't going to know what snow is"; this warning was followed by winters of heavy snow in the UK.

ANDREW KENNY: Climate change ushers in a new age of superstition | Archive | BDlive

Essentially, what you have here is a cult..........a church of science not at all unlike the nutters who have that extreme right anti-everything church down south. These are true believers.........a wart in society but when you are fringe, there is really little effect on society in general in the long run......as my graph above displays. Nobody is buying this man-made climate change shit anymore..........inasmuch as nobody wants to fork over even a penny to support its 20th century technology that cant make it on the open market.


And the irony? Using more renewables causes us to use MORE fossil fuels, the support systems price tag is staggering too.............

From todays REALCLEARENERGY..............


Doesnt matter to the church of climate change.............but thank God they are losing.
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Skook, that babbling made no sense the first 13 times you spammed it. It's not making any more sense with repetition.

Anyways, back to the OP, what does a local storm have to do with the rising global average temperature? Longknife seems to be assuming that europeans are as retarded as American conservatives. That's not likely, since almost no one on the planet is as retarded as American conservatives.
As predicted by climate scientists. With Ocean Temperatures warming, the USA will get warmer and have less rainfall, Europe will go into a deep freeze due to changes in the gulf stream. So yes, the heavy snow fall is another indicator.
Photo Gallery: Europe Blanketed in Snow - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International
Winter*arrived to much of Europe over the weekend as heavy snowfall blanketed the Balkans and Germany came to a standstill. At least six deaths were reported in southwestern Europe while Romanians struggled to get to the polls on election day.

Are they dreaming of a white or green Christmas? And, do you think they still believe in that Globull Warming stuff?

Read more @ Heavy Snowfall and Freezing Temperatures Hit Europe - SPIEGEL ONLINE

BTW – current temperature in Oslo is 21 degrees Fahrenheit with snow in the forecast.


It was in the 60's in Boston yesterday.
As predicted by climate scientists. With Ocean Temperatures warming, the USA will get warmer and have less rainfall, Europe will go into a deep freeze due to changes in the gulf stream. So yes, the heavy snow fall is another indicator.

Thanks for reminding us that we can expect the opposite of whatever climate science predicts. The US is not warming, in fact it has been in a cooling trend for some time now with no end in sight; the oceans are not warming. , and the prediction was that children would not even know what snow is just before it started snowing like the ice age and they conveniently changed their predictions.

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent


THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Paper: Global Cooling began in 2003

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New Study: Mid-Atlantic Ocean has cooled "strongly" since 1998 to temperatures cooler than 1981

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds world's oceans have warmed only 0.09°C over past 55 years

.09 degrees in 55 years. Ask yourself what the margin of error might be there.

Thanks for the reminder of how unreliable climate science is and how uninformed warmists are.
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Skook, that babbling made no sense the first 13 times you spammed it. It's not making any more sense with repetition.

Anyways, back to the OP, what does a local storm have to do with the rising global average temperature? Longknife seems to be assuming that europeans are as retarded as American conservatives. That's not likely, since almost no one on the planet is as retarded as American conservatives.

Yeah......but on this front, the retarded are winning, in fact, are dominating. Its not even debatable.:2up:

All the science the warmist k00ks throw at the public isnt making a rats ass bit of difference in public policy. = nothing significant in over 5 years now = LOSING:eusa_dance:

As Ive said for years, the left has always had connect the dots issues. Debating temperatures, icebergs and snowfall in a public forum is about as functional as the internet community on Navel Contemplation Strategies. Nobody cares
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Skook, that babbling made no sense the first 13 times you spammed it. It's not making any more sense with repetition.

Anyways, back to the OP, what does a local storm have to do with the rising global average temperature? Longknife seems to be assuming that europeans are as retarded as American conservatives. That's not likely, since almost no one on the planet is as retarded as American conservatives.

babbling FTW..................


Hmmm..........global warming was #22 on the list in 2011. Now? Oooooops.........didnt even make the list.


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