Heartland Democrats to Washington: You’re Killing Us


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Democrats create a stereotype and then respond to the stereotype which locks them into a stereotype. It's like watching a dog chasing it's tail.

As a rule, I don't read Politico anymore. The majority of what is up there is propaganda.

When the above are mixed together it creates something that in pc terms could at best be described as a "wintry mix". In reality it's a bunch of sleet and some black ice.

“If we have a litmus test of who can be a Democrat and who shouldn’t be, I think the Democrat Party would shrink pretty quickly,” Goodin told me. “I think it’s wrong. I think it’s unproductive. And quite frankly, I think it smacks of elitism.”

“We went into this project with an open mind and an invitation to the participants to speak their minds openly and honestly,” the pro-choice Bustos said in the news release that announced the report. “While I don’t agree with all of the comments we received, this report reconfirms my deeply held belief that Democrats must keep our eye on the ball by spending each and every day addressing the very real economic challenges facing families who are struggling and feel like Washington has left them behind.”
Heartland Democrats to Washington: You’re Killing Us

The Democratic Party as a huge umbrella, eh?

Left them behind is going to be new lingo. This is the actual report.
Hope from the Heartland: How Democrats Can Better Serve the Midwest by Bringing Rural, Working…

Here is my problem with the "sales" department and where that huge umbrella thangy becomes a crap deal. From the report:

In my district, you hear stories of workers whose jobs were outsourced overseas and faced the indignity of having to train their replacements from China. Stories of working families holding multiple jobs and trying to save some money for their kids to have the opportunity to go to college. Stories of farmers concerned about how they have to transport their goods to market on crumbling roads and bridges.

There are places in our region where people feel they never fully recovered from the early 1980’s recession let alone the Great Recession. They feel left behind and that neither party listens to them. Their votes in 2016 were a shock to our system, and they sent a message that they will not be taken for granted.

The people were not "left behind". They were bent over intentionally, willingly and consciously via policies and legislation enacted or supported by the Democratic Party and the Republican Party concerning shipping R&D overseas, offshoring and outsourcing and maintaining a massive amount of immigration legal and otherwise. They usually have a tendency to try to redefine this as "automation".

At any rate, it's all about "sales".
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