Hearing Voices??


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Good thing that the folks who run this government, who write legislation, and perpetuate the United States of America, are balanced, stable, and able to handle the stresses placed upon them....

Then, there's this:

1. "America now knows that much like the sixth sense of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi also speaks to dead people.

2. ...the ghosts Nancy claims have contacted her are suffragists Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Alice Paul, all of whom Nancy claims spoke to her once during a visit to the White House.

3. ...when meeting with President G.W. Bush for the first time she was visited by the ghosts of the American pioneers of equality for women.

4. Pelosi swears that while Bush was talking, his voice faded and "this other thing was happening" to her. Pelosi claimed her "chair was getting crowded in" by departed women's libbers ..."My chair was getting crowded in and I couldn't figure out what it was."

5. ...this is the same woman who believes Republicans are the "E-coli club."

6. Then, she said she realized that "Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Alice Paul, Sojourner Truth... were all in that chair." Nancy swore, "I could hear them say: 'At last we have a seat at the table.'

7. Nancy Pelosi's experience places her into an exclusive group that includes former first lady Hillary Clinton who, while living in the White House, regularly communed with Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi.

8. And now, we come to find out that our "feminist foremothers" wanted a seat at the table with none other than Nancy Pelosi. Could it be that they wanted not to sit with Nancy, but to push her off the seat?

9. In the 1869 edition of The Revolution, the weekly "official voice of the National Woman Suffrage Association," founder Susan B. Anthony wrote this of abortion: "Guilty? Yes. No matter what the motive, love of ease or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent, the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed."

a. ...Elizabeth Cady Stanton. On February 5, 1868 in The Revolution, co-founder Stanton referred to abortion as "infanticide."...Stanton lamented, "When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit."

b. Although not present at the Bush/Pelosi meeting, Victoria Woodhull, the first female presidential candidate, penned to the West Virginia Evening Standard in the year 1875 that "Every woman knows that if she were free, she would never bear an unwished-for child, nor think of murdering one before its birth." Woodhull believed that "The rights of children as individuals begin while yet they remain the foetus," - a viewpoint quite contrary to the liberal left, who interpret "freedom" as a women's right to murder her children before they are born.

10. [Pelosi had] best check her dusty old history book. Because the words of Susan B. Anthony and company tell us that their wanting "a seat at the table" with Nancy Pelosi would not be to affirm the strides liberal feminists have made in the last 150 years, but to issue a stern rebuke from the beyond the grave."
Blog: Paranormal Pelosi and the Suffragists
You're taking this a bit too literally.

If any Nancy was bat shit crazy for communing with spirits it is Nancy Reagan.
this Op just lapps up any stupid thing on the right blogoshpere.

She thinks Americans are mostly NOT good people

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