Heard this randomly on SyriusXM today. What do you think?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Not at all the type of music I listen to, but I like it for some reason. The video is awful, words are kind of depressing but it's a really fun to listen to, at least to me.
That painfully stupid POS is "catchy" simply because the writer seems to have been introduced to Konokol, a rhythmic system invented in India that simplifies complex beat patterns.
Not at all the type of music I listen to, but I like it for some reason. The video is awful, words are kind of depressing but it's a really fun to listen to, at least to me.

Why even try and define the things we like unless you are trying to create such things? Just like it and enjoy it. It is kinda catchy. My son is actually a very talented song writer, I can understand him beinginterested in the why but for those of us that are not artsy just enjoy.
Not at all the type of music I listen to, but I like it for some reason. The video is awful, words are kind of depressing but it's a really fun to listen to, at least to me.

Why even try and define the things we like unless you are trying to create such things? Just like it and enjoy it. It is kinda catchy. My son is actually a very talented song writer, I can understand him beinginterested in the why but for those of us that are not artsy just enjoy.

Hey I've been doing your putting drill and it's working. Shot even par for 9 holes yesterday two birdies and no three putts. Yay!
That was the first drill I was given. and yet to find a better one after years of trying. The confidence that drill gives is amazing. You see all those putts in a line and some sort of muscel memory kicks in and all of a sudden you are getting alot of invites to scrambles. I love free golf,bowling,softball ect. I have gotten alot of free shit over the years by being good at that stuff. I get to spend alot of time on yahts recently. I hang out around the gas pumps on the lake and some one will see me and say "hey don't you fish for a living?" I reply yes and they invite me along because they know I know where the bite is. I hardly ever burn my own fuel. I als o teach how to count cards.
I liked it. Bit more of a Billie Eilish fan though for that genre.

I didn't know who Billy Eilish was until I saw her on Austin City Limits one night. I think she's talented but her following looks like pre teen girls. She's Maybe not the best role model for them.

Austin City Limits? Missed that, thanks. Yeah, she has a bit of an unhealthy fixation with suicide in some of her tunes and that's not a good message for vulnerable teens. She's great with little kids though :)


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