health insurance companies going out of business .. DUE TO OBAMACARE!!!

Perhaps if the CEOs of those insurance companies took a salary cut they could survive.
The Veteran's Administration and Medicare get the job done on far less money.

WHAT a f...king IDIOT!!

Again YOU show absolute IGNORANCE about how health insurance works AND even MORE ignorance about MEDICARE.. I won't say anything about VA because I'm NOT an expert on that but I am on Medicare and for your information you dumb. ff...k!!

1) Medicare itself in D.C. as part of HHS DOES NOT process ONE single CLAIM!
Now I'm going to SHARE with you some INSIDE information about Medicare!
Download this file:partBAllowedServicesAllowedChargesPayment2008 look it up on Google
A. the MEDICARE ADMINISTRATIVE CONTRACTORS (9 private for profit companies that BID to manage the 50 states in Medicare Part B (little inside knowledge for you idiots... Part B are physicians, etc. NOT hospitals which are Part A!)
These 9 contracts (known as MACs) received claims for 4,276,198,985 SERVICES performed by Part B!
The total claims submitted: $113,135,699,782 and the MACs paid $87,623,828,908 or 77% of ALL Part B claims!

SO dumb...f..k without MAKING any further stupid statements PROVE DIFFERENTLY that Medicare gets the job done!!!
YOU don't know crap because each of the 9 MACs that MANAGE Medicare MAKE A Profit!

NOW you dumb..f...k!!!
How about explaining further your dumb ass comment in LIGHT of THIS FACT again I have access to 6,000+ hospitals and WHAT THEY Charged Medicare and what it COST them! YOUR dumb ass comment is so far off the mark!

In 2009 the University Community Hospital in Tampa sent Medicare 2,110 claims for CAT scan no contrast :Each claim averaged: at $2,635 billed Medicare...
But the hospital's ACTUAL COSTS to perform the CAT SCAN: $43 a mark up 6,127.91%

AGAIN dumb.ffl..k tell me how efficient a system is if it PAYS knowingly 6,000% MARKUP?????

So without one shred of proof for your stupid comment: "Medicare get the job done on far less money."

I mean YOU think that Medicare paying a 6,000% markup is EFFICIENT??????
Canada approval rate 86%, ours 34% 2007

So why do Canadians keep coming to the USA for health care?

Maybe you should use the internet like I did and find a web site like this: Timely Medical Services
Timely Medical Alternatives is the only medical brokerage company of it’s kind in all of Canada.
We help Canadians from every province obtain urgently needed diagnostic imaging and surgical procedures.
If you are in need of anything from a routine MRI to a medically necessary surgery, we are here to help.
Since 2003, Timely Medical Alternatives has helped thousands of Canadians leave the increasingly long public waiting lists, and take matters into their own hands.
We help Canadians from every province obtain virtually any type of medical procedure.
If you are in need of a surgical or diagnostic procedure, contact us and we can give you a quote within 24 hours.

Fact No. 1: Americans have better survival rates than Europeans for common cancers.
Breast cancer mortality is 52 percent higher in Germany than in the United States, and 88 percent higher in the United Kingdom.
Prostate cancer mortality is 604 percent higher in the U.K. and 457 percent higher in Norway.
The mortality rate for colorectal cancer among British men and women is about 40 percent higher.

Fact No. 2: Americans have lower cancer mortality rates than Canadians.
Breast cancer mortality is 9 percent higher, prostate cancer is 184 percent higher and colon cancer mortality among men is about 10 percent higher than in the United States.

Fact No. 3: Americans have better access to treatment for chronic diseases than patients in other developed countries.
Some 56 percent of Americans who could benefit are taking statins, which reduce cholesterol and protect against heart disease. By comparison, of those patients who could benefit from these drugs, only 36 percent of the Dutch, 29 percent of the Swiss, 26 percent of Germans, 23 percent of Britons and 17 percent of Italians receive them.

Fact No. 4: Americans have better access to preventive cancer screening than Canadians.
Take the proportion of the appropriate-age population groups who have received recommended tests for breast, cervical, prostate and colon cancer:

* Nine of 10 middle-aged American women (89 percent) have had a mammogram, compared to less than three-fourths of Canadians (72 percent).
* Nearly all American women (96 percent) have had a pap smear, compared to less than 90 percent of Canadians.
* More than half of American men (54 percent) have had a PSA test, compared to less than 1 in 6 Canadians (16 percent).
* Nearly one-third of Americans (30 percent) have had a colonoscopy, compared with less than 1 in 20 Canadians (5 percent).

Fact No. 5: Lower income Americans are in better health than comparable Canadians. Twice as many American seniors with below-median incomes self-report "excellent" health compared to Canadian seniors (11.7 percent versus 5.8 percent). Conversely, white Canadian young adults with below-median incomes are 20 percent more likely than lower income Americans to describe their health as "fair or poor."[5]

WOULD YOU LIKE MORE FACTS especially about how poor 308 million Americans are vs 33 million Canadians
because Canada's health system is superior???

10 Surprising Facts about American Health Care | NCPA

NOW is the SOURCE (where is yours for this statement: Canada approval rate 86%,"
Are Patients in Universal Healthcare Countries Less Satisfied? – denialism blog

60% of Canadians say a fundamental changes needed! 57% UK... 48% USA!
Note in this study that 28% of Canadians receive the best medical technology vs USA 38%
28% Canadians very confident they get hig-quality safe care...... 35% USA

NOW because of the USA according to a survey 90% of physicians say they because of fear of lawsuits spend $600 billion in defensive medicine..
and as a result in Canada 12% say doctors treatments were no benefit.. 20% for USA! Directly relates to Americans KNOW their physicians practicing $600 billion waste out of fear!

Good... it's called, tough love. In business, only the strong survive according to supply and demand. Let the market dictate.

Too fucking funny.
You don't even know how stupid you look typing that.

The market isn't "dictating" anything you moron, the Goverment is, god liberals are stupid.

The 80-85 cents of every dollar for claims and the no pre-existing clause were the first shots fired.

Next comes the Gov dictating WHAT policies can be sold by regulating them through the State Exchanges....

In this little nugget they begin telling the Companies WHAT must be covered by EVERY policy and how much they can CHARGE for evey policy.....all designed to do what the OP is saying, drive private companies out.

Oh yes...and as for that policy Obama said you can keep if you want to?

You can...until the moment ANY change is applied to it...whether its a coverage change...or a premium hike...then guess what happens????

The policy goes away and if they wish to stay in the marketplace....they must submit to the exchange rules.

What the market dictates my ass....
health insurance companies going out of business .. DUE TO OBAMACARE!!!

As it should be.

So you are willing to put 400,000 more people on unemployment checks 99 weeks for $11 billion?
You willing to pay MORE in Federal/state/local income taxes that would remove $100 billion a year?
You willing to explain where Medicare/SS would get the $3 billion a year that comes from the employees AND employers if they are bankrupt?

I can't believe how f..king stupid people like you are!
Where did YOU ever get your anti-capitalism attitude that ALL businesses are evil. ALL profits are evil!

Private insurance companies PAY for a FACT under penalty of LAW 80% of every dollar in premium out in claims!

LIKE other idiots YOU are so bassackwards! The insurance companies pay the claims submitted you idiot!
The insurance companies MUST make a profit to build RESERVES UNDER LAW!

And again you idiots that WANT businesses to go bankrupt! HOw. f...king DUMB!

IDIOTS... the $100 billion in taxes will come from YOU! How stupid!
Why don't you idiots that HATE insurance companies get as angry at lawyers?
I mean they according to a survey of 1,300 physicians are the reason doctors submit duplicate tests,
refer to specialists.. to the tune of $600 billion a year! All out of fear of lawsuits!

So when that $600 billion in services HIT Medicare/private insurance are they paid? Of course they are!

And so you idiots that believe there are 50 million "uninsured" EVEN though 10 million are not citizens, 14 million are Already covered by Medicaid and 18 million PAY their own way.. which means there is less then 8 million truly need insurance... you idiots BLAME insurance companies!

How many times does it take to explain INSURANCE CoMPANIES on average pay 80% of all premiums out in claims! that is NOW by idiot Obamacare required 85%!
And as a result.. this will as the President of Aetna cause health insurance companies to stop offering health insurance!

A simple solution would REDUCE the $600 billion in defensive medicine AND reduce the "padding and passing" by hospitals to cover their "uncompensated" costs!

BUT most of you idiots HAVE NO idea of what I'm describing do you???
Experts were trying to tell Obamacare idiots IT wouldn't work!

Tried to point out that the fundamental premise of 50 million "uninsured" was a lie.. with 10 million NOT citizens, 14 million already covered by Medicaid and
18 million under age 34, make over $50k that PAY their health services WITHOUT insurance cheaper.. that real number is 8 million!
BUT if the Obamacare IDIOTS didn't even get this number correct.. OMG... wait till you see what else that means!!!

The boss at one of the nation’s biggest health insurers recently dropped a very public bombshell about the future of his industry — by forecasting its imminent death.

At a February conference in Las Vegas, Aetna president Mark Bertolini told a crowd of thousands that
“the end of insurance companies, the way we’ve run the business in the past, is here.”

This isn’t just industry whining — it’s the truth. And the chief reason for the shift is Obamacare — to its critics’ dismay and its champions’ delight.

One of Obamacare’s most disruptive new restrictions is its “minimum medical loss ratio” (MLR). This rule requires insurers to spend 80 to 85 percent of all premiums received on claims. The former governs the individual and small-group markets, the latter the large-group market.

The idea is to prevent insurers from funneling excessive amounts of revenue toward administrative expenses or profit. If the company doesn’t hit the 80- or 85-percent target, it must rebate its customers the difference.

This rule may sound reasonable. After all, who doesn’t want to get better value for their premium dollars?

But it’s exerting a serious toll on insurers’ bottom lines. WellPoint, the country’s biggest insurer, took an estimated $300-million hit last year because of the rule. Aetna suffered $100 million in damage at the hands of the MLR.

The decline has already started. Aetna has pulled out of the individual insurance market in Colorado and Indiana and out of the small-group market in Michigan.
The Iowa-based Principal Financial Group stopped selling health insurance entirely, leaving 840,000 people without coverage.
And Unicare has stopped selling policies in Virginia.

These developments are just the beginning. As Obamacare locks into place, the economic pressures on insurers and taxpayers will only grow stronger. Indeed, the Congressional Budget Office just revealed that Obamacare will cost $1.76 trillion between 2012 and 2022 — about $800 billion more than the Office estimated when the bill was signed in March 2010

The End of Private Health Insurance In America - Forbes

NOTE: The Average is almost 80% of every premium $ goes to claims:

FACTS why are people so ignorant when the Internet provides this!
1) % of premiums spent on Claims:
Total Premium % of Premium
in billions - 2009 paid in claims
UnitedHealth Group $81,186 82.30%
WellPoint $61,251 80.60%
Aetna $30,951 76.90%
Humana $28,946 83.20%
Cigna $19,101 82.30%
Health Net $15,367 83.90%

AVERAGE % of Premiums paid in claims: 81.53%!!!

Fortune 500 2009: Industry: Health Care: Insurance and Managed Care

Koch Brothers Financed 'Research' Institute Steps Up Misleading Obamacare Attacks - Forbes

Sally Pipes, the President & CEO of the Koch Brothers funded Pacific Research Institute (which also received or currently receives hefty amounts of cash from corporations such as PhRMA, Pfizer and Exxon Mobile), recently shared her view of the findings of a Deloitte survey of America’s physicians, offering the study up as the latest proof of how Obamacare is destroying the nation’s health care system.

Having reviewed the survey prior to reading Ms. Pipes’ article, I came away from the Pipes piece wondering if I had, somehow, misread the results of the Deloitte poll. Or, I wondered, was it possible that Ms. Pipes was simply cherry-picking the data to continue her ever-escalating tirade against the Affordable Care Act? Such a move would hardly come as a shock given the Pacific Research Institute’s history of questionable studies such as those presented in their failed effort to get rid of California’s clean air regulations or the Institute’s early efforts to fabricate research in support of the tobacco companies (although the highly suspect relationship with Phillip Morris began prior to Ms. Pipe’s arrival at the Institute.)

I also could not help but notice that Pipes never actually linked to the report she had chosen to write about so that readers could review the findings on their own – often a sure sign that the author might be a little uncomfortable with all the data included in such a study.

To be clear, I am not suggesting that Ms. Pipes did not accurately represent the findings she chose to include in her piece. I am, however, saying that her report stops well short of conveying all of the findings in the survey—findings that cast the study’s results in a much different light.
“the end of insurance companies, the way we’ve run the business in the past, is here.”

Umm the way they have run the business not the end of the company.
At a February conference in Las Vegas, Aetna president Mark Bertolini told a crowd of thousands that “the end of insurance companies, the way we’ve run the business in the past, is here.”

Bertolini didn't suggest insurance companies are going out of business, he said the business model they've been operating under (built around medical underwriting, which will no longer be allowed) will have to change. That's correct. Changing the way health insurers do business was one of the points of passing the Affordable Care Act.

Bertolini sees new (and, I think, more productive) roles for health insurers in the future:

So what will the health insurers look like in the future? Bertolini offered a strong endorsement of the accountable health organization model, positioning health insurers as uniquely suited to usher in an era of coordinated care. “We need to move the system from underwriting risk to managing populations,” he said. “We want to have a different relationship with the providers, physicians and the hospitals we do business with.”

Technology is crucial to redefining this relationship, he said, noting that Aetna recently purchased health information exchange Medicity. Part of rationale behind the deal, he said was Medicity’s software development kit for mobile app creation. Bertolini said Aetna will give away the SDK to the public domain for free, hoping to spur a marketplace for healthcare-centric mobile apps.

Thus leveraging mobility, social and cloud technologies, he sees health insurers increasingly providing providers with the technical wherewithal to better serve patients and drive costs out of the system, likening the relationship to Intel’s strategy to support computer manufacturers rather than targeting consumers directly. Pondering the future of the health care exchanges, Bertolini foresees the brands of health systems superseding those of health insurers. “We want to leverage or technologies and capabilities to allow you to be the face in marketplace,” he said.

Indeed, Bertolini says this new arrangement makes great sense from the perspective of the customer. The lack of coordination inherent in the current system stems largely from the various stakeholders acting rationally in their own self-interest. “For the patient it’s a nightmare. Think of a hockey game where everybody has their own puck.”

A new business model for insurers predicated on partnering with providers coupled with skillful use of technology can turn the focus back on the customer, he said. “We can use technology to make it easier for the consumer. Convenience is the new word for quality.”
health insurance companies going out of business .. DUE TO OBAMACARE!!!

As it should be.

So you are willing to put 400,000 more people on unemployment checks 99 weeks for $11 billion?
You willing to pay MORE in Federal/state/local income taxes that would remove $100 billion a year?
You willing to explain where Medicare/SS would get the $3 billion a year that comes from the employees AND employers if they are bankrupt?

I can't believe how f..king stupid people like you are!
Where did YOU ever get your anti-capitalism attitude that ALL businesses are evil. ALL profits are evil!

Private insurance companies PAY for a FACT under penalty of LAW 80% of every dollar in premium out in claims!

LIKE other idiots YOU are so bassackwards! The insurance companies pay the claims submitted you idiot!
The insurance companies MUST make a profit to build RESERVES UNDER LAW!

And again you idiots that WANT businesses to go bankrupt! HOw. f...king DUMB!

IDIOTS... the $100 billion in taxes will come from YOU! How stupid!

Yes. Making huge profits off of the suffering of fellow human beings is immoral. 11 billion is less that the combined income of the top health care insurance companies executives.

If you have been foolish enough to be employed in an unneccesary service then you need to make better choices. Health insurance companies are like ticket scalpers. They do nothing to add value to the customer.
Last edited:
At a February conference in Las Vegas, Aetna president Mark Bertolini told a crowd of thousands that “the end of insurance companies, the way we’ve run the business in the past, is here.”

Bertolini didn't suggest insurance companies are going out of business, he said the business model they've been operating under (built around medical underwriting, which will no longer be allowed) will have to change. That's correct. Changing the way health insurers do business was one of the points of passing the Affordable Care Act.

Bertolini sees new (and, I think, more productive) roles for health insurers in the future:

So what will the health insurers look like in the future? Bertolini offered a strong endorsement of the accountable health organization model, positioning health insurers as uniquely suited to usher in an era of coordinated care. “We need to move the system from underwriting risk to managing populations,” he said. “We want to have a different relationship with the providers, physicians and the hospitals we do business with.”

Technology is crucial to redefining this relationship, he said, noting that Aetna recently purchased health information exchange Medicity. Part of rationale behind the deal, he said was Medicity’s software development kit for mobile app creation. Bertolini said Aetna will give away the SDK to the public domain for free, hoping to spur a marketplace for healthcare-centric mobile apps.

Thus leveraging mobility, social and cloud technologies, he sees health insurers increasingly providing providers with the technical wherewithal to better serve patients and drive costs out of the system, likening the relationship to Intel’s strategy to support computer manufacturers rather than targeting consumers directly. Pondering the future of the health care exchanges, Bertolini foresees the brands of health systems superseding those of health insurers. “We want to leverage or technologies and capabilities to allow you to be the face in marketplace,” he said.

Indeed, Bertolini says this new arrangement makes great sense from the perspective of the customer. The lack of coordination inherent in the current system stems largely from the various stakeholders acting rationally in their own self-interest. “For the patient it’s a nightmare. Think of a hockey game where everybody has their own puck.”

A new business model for insurers predicated on partnering with providers coupled with skillful use of technology can turn the focus back on the customer, he said. “We can use technology to make it easier for the consumer. Convenience is the new word for quality.”

Aetna just bought Coventry...what we are seeing is the planned contraction of the market place...

I've been saying this since 2010...the Mndate wasa red herring...they couldn't care less about it...the fact that it survived urprised them as mush as it did us.

The thrust has ALWAYS been a single payor system and the ACA is the instrument being used to further that aim.
everyone is missing the point.

If the hospitals and doctors weren't ripping off the insurance companies with every maxed out bill. (20$ for a tylanol? / what is the cut off before an insurance company questions the bill?)

If the insurance companies weren't dry fucking us in the ass with skyrocketing premium costs. Although it could be argued that medical fraud by doctors and insurance companies is part of the reason for higher and higher premiums.

Than there would have been no need for the ACA. It is the greed on the part of Hospitals and insurance companies that has brought us to this point. Now that the government has stepped in to lessen their greed, they are whinning and threatening to take it out on the public. I say Fuck them.
Aetna just bought Coventry...what we are seeing is the planned contraction of the market place...

I've been saying this since 2010...the Mndate wasa red herring...they couldn't care less about it...the fact that it survived urprised them as mush as it did us.

The thrust has ALWAYS been a single payor system and the ACA is the instrument being used to further that aim.

And that single payer is going to be Aetna?
The last thing to remember is this. Those that don't have Insurance and can't afford it don't really give a shit who else looses it, because no one cares that the uninsured are uninsured.
Doctors are closing up too. This is what dictatorship is like. The government takes over an industry and drives out all competition. That was the goal all along. It shouldn't be surprising.
Aetna just bought Coventry...what we are seeing is the planned contraction of the market place...

I've been saying this since 2010...the Mndate wasa red herring...they couldn't care less about it...the fact that it survived urprised them as mush as it did us.

The thrust has ALWAYS been a single payor system and the ACA is the instrument being used to further that aim.

And that single payer is going to be Aetna?

Not neccessarily, what I am seeing is a consolidation of the largest corps....Aetna, Blue Cross, and United to name a may become regional administrative thing meaning the largest 4 or whatever the regional divisions might be.

The only upside is the use of these companies administratively will help keep the new buracracies to a minimum.
At say average of $50,000 a year times 400,000 employees @ 7.65% SS/Medicare paid by employees: $1.53 billion; matched by employer $1.53 billion.
Nearly $3 billion in SS/Medicare payments.. gone!
Then we have the change from $20 billion a year going into the economy/ paying taxes to at $300/week 99 weeks: $11.8 billion unemployment checks!

Then as I pointed out the insurance companies pay local property taxes, local/state/Federal income taxes over $100 billion a year!

Who will make that up?

Obama care will deliver several million young healthy kids to the insurance companies. It is a windfall for them. Many of these kids are now being kept on their parents insurance until age 26. When Obamacare is in full effect all young people will be required to have insurance.

There is nothing in Obamacare that will drive insurance companies out of business. Quite the opposite, it is a gift.
Experts were trying to tell Obamacare idiots IT wouldn't work!

Tried to point out that the fundamental premise of 50 million "uninsured" was a lie.. with 10 million NOT citizens, 14 million already covered by Medicaid and
18 million under age 34, make over $50k that PAY their health services WITHOUT insurance cheaper.. that real number is 8 million!
BUT if the Obamacare IDIOTS didn't even get this number correct.. OMG... wait till you see what else that means!!!

The boss at one of the nation’s biggest health insurers recently dropped a very public bombshell about the future of his industry — by forecasting its imminent death.

At a February conference in Las Vegas, Aetna president Mark Bertolini told a crowd of thousands that
“the end of insurance companies, the way we’ve run the business in the past, is here.”

This isn’t just industry whining — it’s the truth. And the chief reason for the shift is Obamacare — to its critics’ dismay and its champions’ delight.

One of Obamacare’s most disruptive new restrictions is its “minimum medical loss ratio” (MLR). This rule requires insurers to spend 80 to 85 percent of all premiums received on claims. The former governs the individual and small-group markets, the latter the large-group market.

The idea is to prevent insurers from funneling excessive amounts of revenue toward administrative expenses or profit. If the company doesn’t hit the 80- or 85-percent target, it must rebate its customers the difference.

This rule may sound reasonable. After all, who doesn’t want to get better value for their premium dollars?

But it’s exerting a serious toll on insurers’ bottom lines. WellPoint, the country’s biggest insurer, took an estimated $300-million hit last year because of the rule. Aetna suffered $100 million in damage at the hands of the MLR.

The decline has already started. Aetna has pulled out of the individual insurance market in Colorado and Indiana and out of the small-group market in Michigan.
The Iowa-based Principal Financial Group stopped selling health insurance entirely, leaving 840,000 people without coverage.
And Unicare has stopped selling policies in Virginia.

These developments are just the beginning. As Obamacare locks into place, the economic pressures on insurers and taxpayers will only grow stronger. Indeed, the Congressional Budget Office just revealed that Obamacare will cost $1.76 trillion between 2012 and 2022 — about $800 billion more than the Office estimated when the bill was signed in March 2010

The End of Private Health Insurance In America - Forbes

NOTE: The Average is almost 80% of every premium $ goes to claims:

FACTS why are people so ignorant when the Internet provides this!
1) % of premiums spent on Claims:
Total Premium % of Premium
in billions - 2009 paid in claims
UnitedHealth Group $81,186 82.30%
WellPoint $61,251 80.60%
Aetna $30,951 76.90%
Humana $28,946 83.20%
Cigna $19,101 82.30%
Health Net $15,367 83.90%

AVERAGE % of Premiums paid in claims: 81.53%!!!

Fortune 500 2009: Industry: Health Care: Insurance and Managed Care

That was the plan stan.

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