Health insurance companies are a big problem in this country. My friend just had to shell out $130 out of pocket for his mom’s medicine.

Great question. What if they don't? What are you proposing? There are a LOT of people who can't afford the latest most expensive treatment. What are you going to do about it?
I am asking you about the ones who don't have money? that means they won't have insurance, so what do you do let them die or suffer for years in pain?
The health care market is a mess - but it's not because of ridiculous fantasies of robber-baron greed. The problem IS the "government oversight" that has pushed us all into employer-provided health insurance as a means of financing health care. It was a bad idea to begin with, and like most bad ideas it requires government to prop it up. Remove the props, remove the problem.
Just as it’s been posted before John Kramer had it right. The problem is not the government or the people it’s the goddamn health insurance companies.

One cannot be a morally upright Christian, and say it’s totally fine for insurance companies and the pharmacy industry to demand extremely high payments for medicine. It is literally pricing people out of healthcare. That’s unbelievable in the country like America. It’s a straightforward issue. It’s either somebody is on the right side of morality or they’re

I can’t imagine what it’s like to wake up every day, working for these pharmaceutical or health insurance companies, and jacking up the prices of medicine. These are the most evil people in the world. They’re worse than people who engage in a strong armed robberies of 7-Elevens.

They pay well so people who work for them wake up feeling pretty chuffed with themselves I imagine.
They do not remove patients over money. If they are not medically stable and progressing, they stay
Of course they do. The hospitals lose money every extra day the patient stays. The hospitals are under immense pressure to get patients to leave whether they’re ready or not.
Brother, you’ve been on a fishing expedition throughout this entire thread… every point you bring up has a response to it.

Ignore all you want we should’ve never had the lockdowns that’s the problem …. Republicans let it happen to, including the printing of trillions of dollars stimulus money.

. And giving billions to Israel in Ukraine we should stop doing that that’s part of the problem you have your answer. And we need to do something about the millions of illegals on government handouts.

All of these policies result in more poor Americans, including veterans who are poor, and cannot afford healthcare. And it’s the evil people and the government and the health insurance industry, who are going to go to hell unless they change their ways. We need healthcare reform.
And we are right back to, how do you propose to pay for the cheap/free healthcare?
They want those in the upper level forced down to lowest level because that’s “fair”

Yes, and "upper level" is driven by politics. Who is wealthiest in China for example? Political elites, it's what leftists value
Cheap, crappy, health care? Infant mortality rate in Cuba, 4.9 per 1,000 births. In the US, 6.06. Death rate for children under 5, 5.8 per 1,000 in Cuba, 7.8 per 1,000 in the US. Death rates, measured in deaths per 100,000, women in Cuba, 68.29. US, 81.46. For men, Cuba, 109.12, US, 141.23. Malnourished and underweight children, Cuba, 3.4%, US, 5.4%.

Rather you are newborn baby, a child under five, an adult male, or an adult female, you have a greater chance of BEING DEAD within a year living in the United States than living in Cuba. And Cuba delivers those superior results spending just a touch over six hundred dollars per person, the US spends EIGHT THOUSAND MORE DOLLARS PER PERSON.

I totally agree. You should move to Cuba for their superior healthcare. Godspeed, my friend
This is additional spending and we're already borrowing a large share of our budget. Is there any limit or just spend what it costs until it destroys us?
Well maybe you should get your priorities right and stop jackbooting all over the world spending trillions on weapons and war, take care of your sick instead.
Well maybe you should get your priorities right and stop jackbooting all over the world spending trillions on weapons and war, take care of your sick instead.

So you're not in agreement with Biden sending millions to that shyster in Ukraine?
I am asking you about the ones who don't have money? that means they won't have insurance, so what do you do let them die or suffer for years in pain?

I would not provide free healthcare to illegals, which would already make our medical system far more accessible to American citizens, the people who pay for it
Well maybe you should get your priorities right and stop jackbooting all over the world spending trillions on weapons and war, take care of your sick instead.

Um .... what? What does that have to do with anything I ever said, MAGA boy. Discussions with you are all going to be stupid, aren't they?

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