Health Care Learning from Other Sectors


Nov 26, 2017
Amazon is known as a powerhouse for great management and business model prowess. They have been voted as one of the top American business when it comes to their business management model, consumer and employee satisfaction, and operational practices (Rivet, 2017).

Amazon’s key to success can be attributed by Jeff Bezos and his innovated management techniques and demanding operational practices. Bezos key business practices are as follow: Obsess over customers, not competitors, build a culture that's right for your company, make employees think like owners, and empower people ("5 key business lessons from Amazon's Jeff Bezos", 2017). Obsession over customers versus competitors allows Amazon to place consumers first and work on issues and suggestions that customers want, rather than competing with other companies for customer satisfaction. This connects with building a culture that’s right for the company. A company’s culture is extremely important it drives the organizations goal and mission with the support of their employees. Inclusion of environmental factors that make employees want to work helps fulfill the goals of Amazon (Rivet, 2017). When employee have the ideals of the organization they can be part of the next key practice, make employees think like owners. When an employee is aligned with the goals and vision of the organization they are keener to be a benefit, therefore if you allow them to be part of and give them “stake” to the organization retention and satisfaction will follow. The next key, empower people, share the previous key. When the employee feels satisfied and have stake then they will feel like that have partnership which is where the empowerment comes from. Empowerment of the employee gives them contribution to policy and decisions which allows them to feel more connected to the organization ("5 key business lessons from Amazon's Jeff Bezos", 2017).

The best practices for a healthcare organization focused on long term positive effects focus on many of the same approaches that Amazon utilizes to be the best in their division. The use of a customer focus and satisfaction impacted by employee ideals and satisfaction is one of the best approaches to a satisfactory health care organization. The best practice for an organization to focus on is providing employees with a positive work culture, implementing goal oriented and engaging management system, holding employees accountable through empowerment, and placing emphasis in employee and organization partnership can create an outstanding organization. The patient/customer satisfaction from any organization is based from the care they receive, employees are those to provide the care so they are the most important part of the organization (Talib, Rahman & Azam, 2011).


5 key business lessons from Amazon's Jeff Bezos. (2017). CNBC. Retrieved 10 December 2017, from 5 key business lessons from Amazon's Jeff Bezos

Rivet, Daniel J., "Amazon's Superior Innovation: A Study of Amazon's corporate structure, CEO, and reasons behind why it has become the most innovative company in today's market." (2017). Honors Theses and Capstones. 343. "Amazon's Superior Innovation: A Study of Amazon's corporate structure," by Daniel J. Rivet

Talib, F., Rahman, Z., & Azam, M. (2011). Best Practices of Total Quality Management Implementation in Health Care Settings. Health Marketing Quarterly, 28(3), 232-252.

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