Head of Ukraine TV Get Fired Russian Style - Caught on Tape!

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is quite a video! The Head of Ukraine TV gets fired by 3 men who look like Russian gangsters to me. ( that wasn't the report attached to vid ) Doesn't look right to me! They barge into his office and start yelling at him, pushing him around and hitting him. Incredible footage captured on film! It had to do with filming the signing at Crimea the other day. He's in big trouble now! Yikes! Watch this!

[ame=http://youtu.be/F5GeBpZ5VHY]Violent video: Ukraine TV boss beaten up, forced to resign by far-right Svoboda MPs - YouTube[/ame]

Ukraine TV head beaten up, forced to resign by Svoboda MPs
2014 03 21

From: YouTube / EuroNews


The head of Ukraine’s state TV company has been attacked by at least three MPs from the far-right Svoboda party and forced to resign.Members of Svoboda barged their way into the offices of Aleksandr Panteleymonov, the acting president of the National Television Company of Ukraine on Tuesday night.
They were angry that public broadcaster, First National Channel, had broadcast the Russian Parliament signing a treaty with Crimea on Tuesday.
Yelling and beating Panteleymonov around the head, the men accused him of serving Putin, while there were Ukrainians "dying at the hands of Russian occupiers" and called him "Moscow trash."
They then forced him to sign a letter of resignation.

Ironically, one of the men involved in the assault was the deputy head of Ukraine’s committee on freedom of speech.

Members of the Svoboda party filmed the attack and then posted it online.
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