‘He Likes an Honest, Rigorous Debate’


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Of course the president does? Any executive worth his or her salt wants all sides of a subject in order to make an informed decision.Kelley served an mportant purpose in trying to clean the Deep State out of the White House. [I’ve read there are still hold overs there from the Reagan/Ford administrations.]

We see all sorts of “anonymous sources” spouting off but nobody knows who the president will ask to take the job beside the president.
well, yes we do, and he's given the big 'thanks, but no thanks!'
Are the Rats Preparing to Jump Off the Trump Ship?
And only a really stupid person would accept the position.
Someone as stupid as the President, perhaps, but such people are hard to find.
It will be very interesting to see who takes the position. I suspect it will be someone with the name Trump... or Kushner?
well, yes we do, and he's given the big 'thanks, but no thanks!'
Are the Rats Preparing to Jump Off the Trump Ship?
And only a really stupid person would accept the position.
Someone as stupid as the President, perhaps, but such people are hard to find.
It will be very interesting to see who takes the position. I suspect it will be someone with the name Trump... or Kushner?

I am sure there are a number of people lined up for the job. It will end up being someone with politiical leadership experience who can help fend off the barrage of political attacks coming from the DimocRAT House.

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