"He had his head down"-Chris Matthews

Anybody wonder why our foreign policy is so chaotic when the freaking coward couldn't even stand up to a debate with a political opponent? Media supporter Chris Matthews couldn't understand why Obama "had his head down" and looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but in a debate with Romney. How do you think he deals with Putin?

He tells him to wait until he is re-elected so he can be more flexible? What can't he do now that would make us so mad?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsFR8DbSRQE]Obama open mic slip: 'After my election I have more flexibility' - YouTube[/ame]
So he took notes, and still he responses were nothing but regurgitated, False attacks on Romney?

You thank that's better?


I always believe the truth is better. The truth is non-partisan.

The clip was intended to mislead. I provided the truth.

You're welcome.

President Hussein likes to be liked. His speeches are given in a friendly venue and he spent the first year in office on an apology tour for America's super power status. When push comes to shove even a radical left wing member of the media notices what a freaking coward he turned out to be.

Now we know why he wouldn't meet with a single foreign leader in New York at the UN and preferred to be 'eye candy' for the gals at The View.
Look at Obama,
Head down, stupid smirk on his face.
Obama in this clip just looks like a looser.

Smirk - YouTube

Well, there's your answer as to why his head is down. You can plainly see he is making notes for his response.


Wow interesting
Maybe you should tweet Chris Matthews. since he is the one that couldn't understand why Obama "had his head down" and looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but in a debate with Romney
Let's assume (as I do) that Pres. Obama had his head down to take notes.

It still came ACROSS like he was being bitch slapped and felt himself deserving of the bitch slapping.

Like, when Nixon wiped the sweat off of his upper lip. Hot lights and sweat glands are funny like that. Wiping off the droplets probably made more sense than standing there like a jamoke and dripping.

But it still looked like he was getting HAMMERED.

Appearances do count.

As for the President's now infamous "smirk:" that, too, was understandable. While Mitt was lacing into the President, the President couldn't very well grimace. And he couldn't interrupt. And he sure didn't want to look all angry. So he tried to put a face on it. Sadly, it DID come across like a bit of a smirk. Well, sadly for him. I thought the "smirk" undercut his stature, so I was happy to see it.

I am not convinced he was actually smirking, though. Indeed, I thought he looked kind of pained.

Understandable. He's smart enough to realize when he's getting spanked.
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Anybody wonder why our foreign policy is so chaotic when the freaking coward couldn't even stand up to a debate with a political opponent? Media supporter Chris Matthews couldn't understand why Obama "had his head down" and looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but in a debate with Romney. How do you think he deals with Putin?

Head down, ass up.
The left wing assumed that Obama would not do well and they were right. Why would they take such a stance? They instinctively know that Obama is an empty suit who has been propped up by the liberal media.
Look at Obama,
Head down, stupid smirk on his face.
Obama in this clip just looks like a looser.

Smirk - YouTube

Well, there's your answer as to why his head is down. You can plainly see he is making notes for his response.


It's refreshing to know that Obama can write. We already know he can read, thanks to his constant companion, "Mr. Teleprompter".

The problem Obama has with any kind of "debate" format is that he can't use his "Mr. Teleprompter". His handlers can't pre-package everything he says.

Last night, Hussein performed like he had Tourette's Syndrome.
This is interesting. I was unable to watch the debate on TV due to extenuating circumstances, and had to listen to it on the radio instead.

To me, it sounded like a draw. A very boring debate where both candidates played it safe.

Listening to people who watched it say Obama lost based on his movements or appearance reminds me of the Nixon-Kennedy debates. Radio listeners said Nixon won. TV watchers said Kennedy won. The era of media consultants was born.


Oct. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Republican Mitt Romney won tonight’s first presidential debate with President Barack Obama, according to a CNN/ORC International poll of registered voters who watched the nationally televised event.

Sixty-seven percent of those surveyed said Romney fared better, compared with 25 percent for Obama, according to results aired on CNN after the match concluded. Forty-six percent said they found Romney more likeable, compared with 45 percent for Obama, CNN reported.

The CNN poll interviewed 430 Americans by telephone after the debate and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.
Romney Won First Debate, 67 Percent of Voters Say in CNN Poll - SFGate

Now what's scary for Obama supporter's is the Frank Luntz focus group of voters. A lot of minds were changed last night about Romney--and I imagine it's characteristic about what's going on across this nation.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfCIhyRDXAo]Frank Luntz' Suspicious Presidential Debate Focus Group - YouTube[/ame]
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the thrill is gone


Namvet...now i have to gouge my eyeballs out! Thank you very much :mad:

That's hillarious!--:badgrin:
For the next debate they need to put a pillow on Obama's podium so he'll have something to bite...
For the next debate they need to put a pillow on Obama's podium so he'll have something to bite...

Ha.ha. I have watched Presidential debates since Nixon/Kennedy and I have never seen such a Presidential "spanking" in my lifetime. Never thought I would see someone who could do worse than Jimmy Carter in his debate with Ronald Reagan but we just saw it.

Barack Obama finally EXPOSED--(without his teleprompter) of just how incompetent he really is. No one could save him--not even his media fortress who is having an absolute meltdown over it. Al Gore blaming it on the altitude in Denver--LOL. Since I live in Colorado--I can tell you that Barack Obama might as well lived here over the last several months-- because we're a swing state--and he's here all of the time--and never seemed to have any problems with the altitude when he's making campaign stops throughout this state.--LOL

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqre-hECbB8]Al Gore Blames Denver's High Altitude for Obama's Poor Debate Performance - 10/3/2012 - YouTube[/ame]
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I think it's likely that the only piece of advice Obama really took to heart was.. 'don't let the cameras catch you pulling a face'. He's thin-skinned and everybody knows it. For weeks there was speculation about whether or not Romney would prod his temper. But his handlers had to know that if he was up there shooting dirty looks and showing anger, the pictures would fly around the internet before he ever even left the stage. As it is, Drudge still has that photo of Michelle up looking like she could do murder if only somebody would hand her an ax. :lol:
This one?

It looks like she just realizes what has been happening for the last 4 years, but her onus is on Romney for painting her a picture.


  • $Michelle dirty looks isol.jpg
    $Michelle dirty looks isol.jpg
    16.6 KB · Views: 49
A bump for Chris...

Speaking of Chris, I wonder where the rat-bastard moron of the board is hiding.

He's probably huddled up in the corner of his bedroom (at his parents house) sucking his thumb hoping nobody talks about how his living god got creamed last night.
I think it's likely that the only piece of advice Obama really took to heart was.. 'don't let the cameras catch you pulling a face'. He's thin-skinned and everybody knows it. For weeks there was speculation about whether or not Romney would prod his temper. But his handlers had to know that if he was up there shooting dirty looks and showing anger, the pictures would fly around the internet before he ever even left the stage. As it is, Drudge still has that photo of Michelle up looking like she could do murder if only somebody would hand her an ax. :lol:
This one?

It looks like she just realizes what has been happening for the last 4 years, but her onus is on Romney for painting her a picture.

Uh oh no more free stuff......Moving on down to the south side of Chicaaaaago (/ in the style of the Jefferson's theme song)

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