HCSO sergeant suspended after alleged affair with witness to Goforth death


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
A Harris County Sheriff's Office homicide investigator has been relieved of duty after admitting to engaging in "consensual sexual conduct" with a witness to the shooting death of Deputy Darren Goforth.

The news prompted a lawyer for Shannon Miles, charged with capital murder in the death of the 47-year-old deputy, to question the integrity of the Sheriff's Office's investigation. Authorities there said the incident was an "anomaly" and pledged to keep working with the district attorney's office as the case moves forward.

A legally required disclosure made public on Friday revealed the investigator, Craig Clopton, acknowledged the misconduct to investigators in the D.A.'s office.
HCSO sergeant suspended after alleged affair with witness to Goforth death

So, now they want the death penalty off the table.
I know of a Senior County Officer where I am from, that had been having an affair with a woman...for some time, and she was later arrested for Murder.

The pic of her being taken to the courthouse ( in handcuffs ) - of a night ( it was dark ), by him if I recall. She was wearing Shirt - shorts and sandals - her to the left of the pic, the arresting officer ( the senior county officer ?? ) to the right. I do not remember what happened to the case though.

He was as ignorant as an empty trash can.

Shadow 355
I understand that people are going to have affairs but that crap has a way of coming around and smacking people upside the head in ways that are unimaginable.
I understand that people are going to have affairs but that crap has a way of coming around and smacking people upside the head in ways that are unimaginable.

Some are for a reason, some are not.

I had one, and I thought we were going to be together......till I wised up about a fact about her, that she did not know I knew about. She still does not know.....I know.

She - was smart, had a great personality, always laughed, and was a sharp dresser.

Me and my wife were done. Ka-put. My wife done me wrong, and she knows it.

It happens. There was a few occasions I do recall - being at a party and being drugged : not having a remembrance of time. Lost track of time - 8 hours seemed like 5 minutes, and vice versa. Tachycardia and chest palpations......at only particular locations.

When I was single and dating......women in the Medical field was not a big thing. I got married, and just about had to beat women off with a stick - and put up with not so serious and not highly overt....flirtations and "come ons". It's true, wedding rings do set women off......for some reason.

Shadow 355
I understand that people are going to have affairs but that crap has a way of coming around and smacking people upside the head in ways that are unimaginable.

Someone told the world about mine.

I did not say anything, nor did she that I know of. So someone, whom seen us...or was watching us - told the world. I found out the "world knew" when I walked into a Trauma ER one shift I was working.

A few females - nurses and medics......it just made them flirt with me that much more, when people starting knowing..

Shadow 355
That's interesting and sad.

Quote - Shadow = "She - was smart, had a great personality, always laughed, and was a sharp dresser."

One of the females at my current job ( she showed up here about 7 or 8 years ago - drives a white VW car - previously she drove a jeep with a lift kit on it ), when she started here - she dressed just like the girl I was "Dating". She used to work in the wing south of where I work - now she is in the "Big Building" - southeast corner , second floor

Jeans - nice shirt and a jacket. + Dress clothes.... "VW lady" dressed nearly identical to my previous "Girlfriend".

Intimidating? Embarrassing? Discrediting to my character? I am a heathen and a criminal, such a bad person for my actions ; and I am the only person whom has ever had an affair. I deserve to go to hell.......and the other "schit " I have put up with, and have had "incinuated" to me. What ever the reason..................

**** Past events at my past workplace - repeated to me.....or "Led" to me at my current work place. **** - like "VW" lady and other women.

How many women in the work place, like mine - have ever flirted, teased, with a man whom is off limits.....or the woman is? How many women whom are off limits - leave work and dream or think about a male co-worker ; while they are driving away from work - to go home and fix dinner for their husband and /or children?

And I am Criminal.....as I have been "led". Nope, I do not get it. Some people can commit a crime and it is overlooked, while some whom commit the same exact crime.....are "tarred and feathered".

Shadow 355
Oh, I am sure lots of women do. But, the fall out comes with the territory.

I find workplace romance and affairs to be unethical. So, I don't engage in it. In the end, the only actions that I can control are my own.

Doesn't mean that I think you are Criminal. I think you knew what the risks were going in.
I find workplace romance and affairs to be unethical. So, I don't engage in it. In the end, the only actions that I can control are my own.



Shadow 3585

I believe the more vulgar expression is, you don't shit where you eat. There are a gazillion little ways that it impacts the people you work with (phone calls, call offs, feigned illness, the 'effin lies, cover ups) and then there are the pissed off significant others and then the little romance ends and the drama really kicks in. That little romantic partner doesn't leave the office. It's a bunch of easily avoidable unnecessary drama. Since the vast majority of my work is dealing with crisis situations and drama---it's not like I need anymore. I don't like being impacted by it and, therefore, I don't want my selfishness in a little office romance to impact anyone else. It's just...unethical. So, I don't engage in office romances.
Cop killer Declared Incompetent...

Deputy's Alleged Killer Declared Incompetent
February 9, 2016 - Shannon Miles, the man accused of killing Harris County Sheriff's Deputy Darren Goforth last year, will now be sent to a state mental hospital, a judge ruled Tuesday after prosecutors agreed that he is incompetent to stand trial.
State District Judge Susan Brown committed Miles, 31, to a Vernon state mental hospital for 120 days in an effort for mental health professionals to medicate him and work with him to restore competency.


Deputy Darren Goforth, left, and Shannon Miles​

The move puts Miles "in limbo" until he is moved to the state facility, a transfer that could take more than three months, said his lawyer, Anthony Osso. "He's schizophrenic and episodically psychotic," Osso told reporters after a brief hearing Tuesday. After Miles is in the hospital for 120 days, he will be evaluated again to determine if he is fit to stand trial.

Only after his competency is regained will defense attorneys be able to look into whether they will pursue a defense of not guilty by reason of incompetence in the Aug. 28 shooting death of sheriff's deputy Darren Goforth. If convicted of capital murder, Miles could face the death penalty. Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson has not said whether the office will seek death, a decision typically made months after the crime.

Man Accused of Killing Deputy Declared Incompetent | Officer.com
Unanswered questions in Goforth investigation...

Activists Demand Probe Into Deputy's Murder
Feb 15, 2016 -- Community activists called Sunday for the Texas Rangers to investigate the killing of Harris County Deputy Darren Goforth, as a ballooning scandal over the relationship between deputies and a witness to the shooting raise additional questions about case.
"We want the Texas Rangers to get involved to investigate the facts of the murder and also investigate the sheriff's department's involvement with this key witness," Quanell X said Sunday. He also called for the trial of Shannon Miles, who is charged in the murder, to be moved outside of Harris County. Court papers revealed last year that Goforth, 47, was having an affair with a woman present at the gas station where he was gunned down in August 2015. The sheriff's office has since fired an investigator and a deputy for having sexual relationships with the same witness. Another deputy was fired last week for engaging in inappropriate communications with the witness.

Sheriff Ron Hickman said last week he's embarrassed by the scandal and also that he regretted saying on the day Miles was arrested and charged with capital murder that anti-police rhetoric nationwide had gotten out of control and that Goforth had been targeted simply for wearing a uniform. Though no evidence has specifically emerged as to Miles' motive, Hickman reiterated his belief that Goforth was killed solely because he was in uniform. "At the press conference, I drew a conclusion based on the absence of any other information," he said. "I stand by that."

HCSO spokesman Thomas Gilliland said Sunday that a Texas Rangers investigation would be unnecessary. "The Harris County Sheriff's Office internal affairs division are more than capable of investigating our employees," Gilliland said. He said there aren't any more deputies currently being investigated for relationships with the witness. Anthony Osso, Miles's attorney, said he would be against the Texas Rangers taking over the investigation, stating that the sheriff's office and county district attorney's office are already involved. "The last thing that we need is to have a third law enforcement agency involved in this investigation," Osso said. "I'm fine with the fact that the sheriff's office has problems with their investigation."

Osso has previously said that since Goforth was meeting his mistress at the gas station the night he was killed, he was not technically on duty and therefore Miles is ineligible for the death penalty. Last week, Miles was declared incompetent to stand trial, meaning he will be committed to a state mental hospital until he can understand the charges against him. Sen. John Whitmire, D-Houston, lobbied to put Miles on a fast track for a transfer out of the Harris County Jail. Osso opposes expediting the transfer, noting that the judge gave his team at least 10 days to gather medical records and complete additional testing in hopes of identifying the exact cause of his mental illness before his transfer. Miles is scheduled to appear in court at noon Monday for a hearing on the expedited transfer.

Activists Demand Probe Into Texas Deputy's Murder | Officer.com

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