Hawking says physics proves there is no time for "Gawd".

Think, if you were God what would you do to bring death to those that sin which is everyone ? but still let them have a taste of life and how precious life is. But he is also showing mans system of life that lacks perfection verses a perfect world that he offered to adam and eve with no death or disease and where the animal kindom would be at peace with each other.

What we are deciding each and everyone of is do we want man's system of things or what God offers to us all.
A "perfect" world with the most deceitful creature the mind of God could conjure up lurking around to prey on the innocent defenseless creatures who were deliberately denied the KNOWLEDGE needed to cope with your God's devil.
That "PERFECT" world???

Your true colors are showing.

No he is allowing each and everyone of us to choose the road for ourselves.
Sure, after being denied the knowledge of good and evil they are deceived into making a choice between good and evil.

How bout this,I know there is a lot of reading in those threads,so I can make it eaier on you and we can choose a topic to discuss.

Here are some topics you choose the topic and let's discuss it.

Genetics,mutations, mutation count,origins of life,DNA is a language,DNA similarity,the fossil record,Abiogenesis,what do mutations do,Neo darwinism, and the miller urey experiment.

Choose the topic? You already did. You claimed the big bang has been disproven. I asked you to explain how. I'm waiting.
None of those threads present arguments articulated by you.

You are incapable of doing so.

How bout this,I know there is a lot of reading in those threads,so I can make it eaier on you and we can choose a topic to discuss.

Here are some topics you choose the topic and let's discuss it.

Genetics,mutations, mutation count,origins of life,DNA is a language,DNA similarity,the fossil record,Abiogenesis,what do mutations do,Neo darwinism, and the miller urey experiment.

Choose the topic? You already did. You claimed the big bang has been disproven. I asked you to explain how. I'm waiting.

What I said was there was plenty of evidence against the the Big Bang theory you said no there isn't And I gave you links showing otherwise.

Now pick a subject that I offered you. You are the one that made the claim I can't articulate my arguments,I am giving you the chance to prove your claim.
A "perfect" world with the most deceitful creature the mind of God could conjure up lurking around to prey on the innocent defenseless creatures who were deliberately denied the KNOWLEDGE needed to cope with your God's devil.
That "PERFECT" world???

Your true colors are showing.

No he is allowing each and everyone of us to choose the road for ourselves.
Sure, after being denied the knowledge of good and evil they are deceived into making a choice between good and evil.

God simplified it for all of us.

Joh 3:13 And no one has ascended up to Heaven except He who came down from Heaven, the Son of Man who is in Heaven.
Joh 3:14 But even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
Joh 3:15 so that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Joh 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him.
Joh 3:18 He who believes on Him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only-begotten Son of God.
Hawking has bat shit for brains. No time for God, put plenty of time for the Big Bang when there was no time?

i'm sure he'll be very distressed that someone with a double digit IQ like you thinks a genius like Hawkings is brainless.

the irony is lovely.

I think hawking is bitter and blames God for his condition when he should just blame poor genetics.
The honest answer is you wish he (hawking) did.
if hawking genes are bad then by your highly bigoted reasoning then god fucked up.
or did god give him bad genes for not believing in him?
i'm sure he'll be very distressed that someone with a double digit IQ like you thinks a genius like Hawkings is brainless.

the irony is lovely.

I think hawking is bitter and blames God for his condition when he should just blame poor genetics.
The honest answer is you wish he (hawking) did.
if hawking genes are bad then by your highly bigoted reasoning then god fucked up.
or did god give him bad genes for not believing in him?

That makes no sense, either.

It was a lousy genetic crap shoot outcome, at least in terms of physical stuff.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

Hawking can blame God. Or he can just deny that any God who would allow misery to exist can Himself exist. Either way, it is also possible that nione of this even matters in the long run.

A lifetime to US may be an inconsequential nanosecond to an eternal Being and the entire suffering of all humanity might be no more than a kid scraping his knee in the big picture.
Stephen Hawking Explains Creation, Big Bang Sans God

Enter: the black hole.

The black hole, which floats in space, is a star so massive that it has collapsed in on itself. Nothing, including light, can escape its gravity.

"Its gravitational field is so powerful it doesn't only warp and distort light but also time," he explained. Time, thus, doesn't exist in the black hole.

Using this as the final key to revealing how the universe created itself, Hawking explained that if you travel back in time toward the moment of the big bang, the universe gets smaller until it comes to a point where the whole universe is in a space so small that it is "in effect a single infinitesimally small, infinitesimally dense black hole."

He concluded, "You can't get to a time before the big bang because there was no before the big bang. We have finally found something that doesn't have a cause because there was no time for a cause to exist in. For me, this means there is no possibility of a Creator because there is no time for a Creator to have existed."


You gotta love the fact science was put into the Christian "entertainment" section.

I'm by no means a proponent of religion nor do I know diddly squat about physics, but aren't physics (especially the one pertaining to black holes and that stuff) mostly theoretical (not saying religion isn't, lol)
Your true colors are showing.

No he is allowing each and everyone of us to choose the road for ourselves.
Sure, after being denied the knowledge of good and evil they are deceived into making a choice between good and evil.

God simplified it for all of us.

Joh 3:13 And no one has ascended up to Heaven except He who came down from Heaven, the Son of Man who is in Heaven.
Joh 3:14 But even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
Joh 3:15 so that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Joh 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world might be saved through Him.
Joh 3:18 He who believes on Him is not condemned, but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only-begotten Son of God.
out of context!
I think hawking is bitter and blames God for his condition when he should just blame poor genetics.
The honest answer is you wish he (hawking) did.
if hawking genes are bad then by your highly bigoted reasoning then god fucked up.
or did god give him bad genes for not believing in him?

That makes no sense, either.

It was a lousy genetic crap shoot outcome, at least in terms of physical stuff.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

Hawking can blame God. Or he can just deny that any God who would allow misery to exist can Himself exist. Either way, it is also possible that nione of this even matters in the long run.

A lifetime to US may be an inconsequential nanosecond to an eternal Being and the entire suffering of all humanity might be no more than a kid scraping his knee in the big picture.
that's the point I was making but you did a more concise job of it ..thanks
The honest answer is you wish he (hawking) did.
if hawking genes are bad then by your highly bigoted reasoning then god fucked up.
or did god give him bad genes for not believing in him?

That makes no sense, either.

It was a lousy genetic crap shoot outcome, at least in terms of physical stuff.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

Hawking can blame God. Or he can just deny that any God who would allow misery to exist can Himself exist. Either way, it is also possible that nione of this even matters in the long run.

A lifetime to US may be an inconsequential nanosecond to an eternal Being and the entire suffering of all humanity might be no more than a kid scraping his knee in the big picture.
that's the point I was making but you did a more concise job of it ..thanks

My pleasure. And if Hawking has chosen to reject the very idea of a Divine Being, that doesn't make him correct -- no matter how angry he is at the crappy outcome of random chance in the health lottery of life.
Stephen Hawking Explains Creation, Big Bang Sans God

Enter: the black hole.

The black hole, which floats in space, is a star so massive that it has collapsed in on itself. Nothing, including light, can escape its gravity.

"Its gravitational field is so powerful it doesn't only warp and distort light but also time," he explained. Time, thus, doesn't exist in the black hole.

Using this as the final key to revealing how the universe created itself, Hawking explained that if you travel back in time toward the moment of the big bang, the universe gets smaller until it comes to a point where the whole universe is in a space so small that it is "in effect a single infinitesimally small, infinitesimally dense black hole."

He concluded, "You can't get to a time before the big bang because there was no before the big bang. We have finally found something that doesn't have a cause because there was no time for a cause to exist in. For me, this means there is no possibility of a Creator because there is no time for a Creator to have existed."


You gotta love the fact science was put into the Christian "entertainment" section.

I'm by no means a proponent of religion nor do I know diddly squat about physics, but aren't physics (especially the one pertaining to black holes and that stuff) mostly theoretical (not saying religion isn't, lol)
you're right difference is, one has actual evidence the other does not. you choose.
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If i'm choosing I'd have to go with science, theory of gravity seems pretty sound, and I expereience it all the time with and without my knowing.

I'd say the same for god, but I know when I feel a push or pull, its gravity. Yet there isn't any such experience for religion that I am aware of, and I'm saying that NOT becuase I don't believe in god, i'm very much on the fence.
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That makes no sense, either.

It was a lousy genetic crap shoot outcome, at least in terms of physical stuff.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

Hawking can blame God. Or he can just deny that any God who would allow misery to exist can Himself exist. Either way, it is also possible that nione of this even matters in the long run.

A lifetime to US may be an inconsequential nanosecond to an eternal Being and the entire suffering of all humanity might be no more than a kid scraping his knee in the big picture.
that's the point I was making but you did a more concise job of it ..thanks

My pleasure. And if Hawking has chosen to reject the very idea of a Divine Being, that doesn't make him correct -- no matter how angry he is at the crappy outcome of random chance in the health lottery of life.
someone please explain where ywc gets the idea that death is punishment for sin
If i'm choosing I'd have to go with science, theory of gravity seems pretty sound, and I expereience it all the time with and without my knowing.

I'd say the same for god, but I know when I feel a push or pull, its gravity. Yet there isn't any such experience for religion that I am aware of, and I'm saying that becuase I don't believe in god, i'm very much on the fence.
every try magic mushrooms?
Stephen Hawking Explains Creation, Big Bang Sans God

Enter: the black hole.

The black hole, which floats in space, is a star so massive that it has collapsed in on itself. Nothing, including light, can escape its gravity.

"Its gravitational field is so powerful it doesn't only warp and distort light but also time," he explained. Time, thus, doesn't exist in the black hole.

Using this as the final key to revealing how the universe created itself, Hawking explained that if you travel back in time toward the moment of the big bang, the universe gets smaller until it comes to a point where the whole universe is in a space so small that it is "in effect a single infinitesimally small, infinitesimally dense black hole."

He concluded, "You can't get to a time before the big bang because there was no before the big bang. We have finally found something that doesn't have a cause because there was no time for a cause to exist in. For me, this means there is no possibility of a Creator because there is no time for a Creator to have existed."


You gotta love the fact science was put into the Christian "entertainment" section.

I'm by no means a proponent of religion nor do I know diddly squat about physics, but aren't physics (especially the one pertaining to black holes and that stuff) mostly theoretical (not saying religion isn't, lol)
you're right difference is, one has actual evidence the other does not. you choose.

There is no actual evidence for SOME of the things science holds.

There ARE, however, some facets of actual evidence that can inferentially support some of those things.

But so far, no matter how you slice it, there is no scientific basis for grasping the "why" or the "how" of the beginnings of life.

There are theories. There is some evidence to support some facts (like the primordial "stew") and the possibility of lightning somehow causing some pre-organic chemicals to combine in a way that created the earliest primitive forms of "life."

But there is no proof.

Tossing out words like "abiogenesis" doesn't resolve diddly dog, either. That's like tossing out the "word" "phlogiston" to "explain" fire.
that's the point I was making but you did a more concise job of it ..thanks

My pleasure. And if Hawking has chosen to reject the very idea of a Divine Being, that doesn't make him correct -- no matter how angry he is at the crappy outcome of random chance in the health lottery of life.
someone please explain where ywc gets the idea that death is punishment for sin

The wages of sin? I have also heard that it is "death."

Why ask the question, though?

What difference does it make?
Yeah right, its a "distinct" field in much the same way that the study of white dwarfs and supernovae are "distinct" fields.

Where do you come up with this crap?

Abiogenesis is biochemistry, evolution is biology. If you don't understand the difference I suggest you pick up some books.

Oh no, no! You misunderstand! I agree 100%. BIOchemisty and BIOlogy are two completely unrelated and distinct fields. Evolutionary biologists rarely interact with biochemists, I'm sure. They probably don't even know each other's names. You're right.

Sarcasm just makes you look stupid.

Tell me something, is PSYCHology and PSYCHiatry the same thing too?
Then how do you know what it says?

Gee, how do I know that? Because he fracking said that is what it says. If you have a problem with his interpretation of the math feel free to take it up with him. How dumb are you?

If I can't my degree isn't worth the paper its printed on.

I would just love to see the math.

You have degree in proving Hawking wrong? You are right, it isn't worth the paper it is printed on.

You answered your own question. General relativity implies an expanding (or contracting) universe unless you rig it with a fudge parameter called the "Cosmological constant" that magically has the exact value needed to cause gravity to be balanced in the universe, resulting in a steady state. Any deviation above or below the exact value required will result in an expanding or contracting Universe.

Damn, not only are you stupid, you are proud of your stupidity.

Einstein's math showed him the the universe had already collapsed, and it kept showing him that no matter how many times he redid it. He was forced to throw in the cosmological constant in order to make the universe exist in a steady state where it neither expanded nor contracted. That universe is fundamentally incompatible with the Big Bang, which is why he called that constant the biggest mistake he ever made after Hubble proved the universe is expanding.

The only reason scientists are using it now because they still have the problem that the universe is not cooperating with their math, so they are forced to do the same thing Einstein did, add a fudge factor to the equations to make their math line up with the observed reality.
Your true colors are showing.

No he is allowing each and everyone of us to choose the road for ourselves.
Sure, after being denied the knowledge of good and evil they are deceived into making a choice between good and evil.

God simplified it for all of us.

Joh 3:13 And no one has ascended up to Heaven except He who came down from Heaven, the Son of Man who is in Heaven.
Not that your quote has anything to do with the fact that Adam and Eve were denied the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil before they had to make a choice between good and evil, but it is yet more proof that the bible contradicts itself everywhere.

2Ki 2:1* And it came to pass, when the LORD would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha from Gilgal.

2Ki 2:11* And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
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