*Hawking Fuck Off*

Sorry bout that,

"God is great" shouted the infamous 19 as they participated in the murder of thousands of human beings on Sept. 11, 2001.

Raised Catholic my fundamental values were formed by the nuns in their teaching of Jesus Christ. Sadly, the Fundamentalist Christians of the late 20th and early 21st C. in our nation reflect not any of the values I learned as a child.

Later, as I studied world history and later philosphy and political science I was exposed to the realities of religious conflicts and the extreme violence of true believers.

Since no non-psychotic man or woman has ever spoken with/to God there is no reason (as in a reasoned judgment) to believe a supreme being exists. I think, therefore, I am agnostic.

Being agnostic does not make me evil or immoral or dishonest, in fact it is an honest judgment based on the facts in evidence of which there are none to prove a surpreme being exists.

A far question to ask, IMHO, of those who believe and have faith in a supreme being, is this:

Would you behave differently if there was evidence to prove a supreme being did not exist?

Would you rape, rob and pillage if you knew for a fact God did not exist? Does the fear of hell or the hope for heaven control your behavior? I live by the values I learned as a child, notwithstanding the fact the Jesus Christ was likely just a man. A good man but not a son of God.

1. Ahhh, you have some deep rooted issues, the problem you have is you think people don't actually speak to God, and hear his voice, you think those people who do are crazy bastards, which is a lie from hell, so if anything, you unknowingly work for Satan.
2. Theres your problem.
3. Most people who rape rob and pillage indeed think there is no God, their hearts are turned black with disbelief, so they have nothing to lose.
4. Jesus Christ is God, if you have seen him you have seen God.
5. If you live by Christian guide lines, with morality then you got something out of your childhood, but you will end up cast away, thats sad indeed, lets talk about this.
6. To your first statement, Islam is and has always been *the anti-Christs*, that will never change, I have spoken out against Islam for nearly half my life, over twenty years, and its obvious they are of the devil.
7. There is proof now, at one of the super colliders that they found a *God Particle* which is why everything thing made has *mass*, even these letters on this screen you are reading right now, has *mass* only because God is holding them together, if God stopped doing this, everything you see would just stop being.
8. You think us Christians are the ones brain washed, when in fact its you.
9. People like you are brain washed at the universities, and you come out two fold the disciple of Satan as to when you went in, so you lost your soul, and gained the world, so what will you be able to gain with this education now, will you gather wealth that will have no value?
10. Will you make a nest for yourself, and find yourself out on a limb in the storms of life, seeking no shelter from the elements/realities around you.
11. Yeah you have a lot to sort out, think about it.:eek:
12. I have spoken directly with God, so now I'm the crazy one eh?:eusa_whistle:

Sorry bout that,

1. Well folks, Hawking is on the attack of Christians again.
2. So fuck that fairy!
3. I say he is irelevant, and the fucker talks out the side of his mouth too, and uses a fucking machine to do it!
4. I think his theory crap is just that theory crap!
5. And no one can defend this fucker!
6. LNK:Heaven is a 'fairy story', says Stephen Hawking

"Heaven is a 'fairy story', says Stephen Hawking

edited short, due to copyright.

Hawking's stance on religion has hardened significantly in the nearly quarter century since the publication of his seminal work on the cosmos.

In "A Brief History of Time" he suggested that the idea of a divine being was not necessarily incompatible with a scientific understanding of the Universe.

But in his 2010 book "The Grand Design" he said a deity no longer has any place in theories on the creation of the universe in the light of a series of developments in physics.

Hawking has achieved worldwide fame for his research, writing and television documentaries despite suffering since the age of 21 from motor neurone disease that has left him disabled and dependent on a voice synthesiser."


Ignore for you Brent. finally..
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I think Hawking can keep his opinions to himself!
2. If he doesn't want to start some *sheeeeeet* with *CWN*!!!!!
3. I'm sick and tired of some handicapped fuck bashing God, and no one says anything!!!
4. I know God will sort it out when Hawking kicks the bucket.
5. But I want him to have a piece of my mind before that happens.
6. And no one can defend this asshat either!
7. He has no good reason to attack Christianity.
8. But for some reason he does.
9. He's scared shitless that when he slides outa here, he will end up in hell.
10. The fuck should be scared, attacking God and all.:evil:


1. His opinions are conclusions reached after consideration and deduction, unlike yours which come from blind faith, brainwashing, insecurity and a weak mind.
2. Are you going to let his tyres down? You big tough Christian you!!
3. But, if a retard fuck (Chesswarsnow) can spout his crap, why can't a 'handicapped fuck'?
4. I think God will be too busy sorting out the shit that you retard fucks have left him to deal with to worry too much about Mr Hawking.
5. It had better not be too big a piece...you haven't got that much to spare!
6. No one needs to, you haven't given any evidence in rebuttal.
7. Attack? More evidence of your weak mind and the insecurity of your 'faith' that you feel threatened when someone asks questions too hard for you to answer.
8. He's paid to think about questions and come up with answers.
9. You're projecting your own fears I fear...I feel a little sorry for you, it must be awful being so terrified every waking moment.
10. So...does that mean you are really going to let his tyres down?

Cheers SirJames

1. Thanks for your response's in such a structured way, I appreciate it.
2. What I see from Hawking is a shriveled man who is stricken with a very destruction illness who is bitter, and is just lashing out at God, which I think is uncalled for, and its my duty being a Christian to call him to the mat over this.
3. Hawking will wither away and no one will miss him, he's a loser.
4. The loser is openly attacking God, I think God can defend himself, but I think its best the world knows how I feel about the fucker.
5. He's paid to make some bullshit and sell it in books that heatherns like you lap up like dogs eating vomit.
6. I fear nothing, death itself has no hold on me because I have faith in Jesus.
7. Hawking is afraid of me, if he wasn't he would come here and defend himself.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Well folks, Hawking is on the attack of Christians again.
2. So fuck that fairy!
3. I say he is irelevant, and the fucker talks out the side of his mouth too, and uses a fucking machine to do it!
4. I think his theory crap is just that theory crap!
5. And no one can defend this fucker!
6. LNK:Heaven is a 'fairy story', says Stephen Hawking

"Heaven is a 'fairy story', says Stephen Hawking

edited short, due to copyright.

Hawking's stance on religion has hardened significantly in the nearly quarter century since the publication of his seminal work on the cosmos.

In "A Brief History of Time" he suggested that the idea of a divine being was not necessarily incompatible with a scientific understanding of the Universe.

But in his 2010 book "The Grand Design" he said a deity no longer has any place in theories on the creation of the universe in the light of a series of developments in physics.

Hawking has achieved worldwide fame for his research, writing and television documentaries despite suffering since the age of 21 from motor neurone disease that has left him disabled and dependent on a voice synthesiser."


Ignore for you Brent. finally..

1. Thank you.
2. Thats cool, you can't handle the truth in your fragile state.
3. See help though, really dude.

Sorry bout that,

1. Thanks for your response's in such a structured way, I appreciate it.
2. What I see from Hawking is a shriveled man who is stricken with a very destruction illness who is bitter, and is just lashing out at God, which I think is uncalled for, and its my duty being a Christian to call him to the mat over this.
3. Hawking will wither away and no one will miss him, he's a loser.
4. The loser is openly attacking God, I think God can defend himself, but I think its best the world knows how I feel about the fucker.
5. He's paid to make some bullshit and sell it in books that heatherns like you lap up like dogs eating vomit.
6. I fear nothing, death itself has no hold on me because I have faith in Jesus.
7. Hawking is afraid of me, if he wasn't he would come here and defend himself.


if you've been taught it's your duty as a christian to call anyone 'to the mat' you need to find yourself a new church - and your delusional if you believe that not answering the ravings of some anonymous jerk on the internet means that hawking is afraid of said jerk.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Thanks for your response's in such a structured way, I appreciate it.
2. What I see from Hawking is a shriveled man who is stricken with a very destruction illness who is bitter, and is just lashing out at God, which I think is uncalled for, and its my duty being a Christian to call him to the mat over this.
3. Hawking will wither away and no one will miss him, he's a loser.
4. The loser is openly attacking God, I think God can defend himself, but I think its best the world knows how I feel about the fucker.
5. He's paid to make some bullshit and sell it in books that heatherns like you lap up like dogs eating vomit.
6. I fear nothing, death itself has no hold on me because I have faith in Jesus.
7. Hawking is afraid of me, if he wasn't he would come here and defend himself.


if you've been taught it's your duty as a christian to call anyone 'to the mat' you need to find yourself a new church - and your delusional if you believe that not answering the ravings of some anonymous jerk on the internet means that hawking is afraid of said jerk.

1. Have I've got time to attack this fuck, *yes*, if he has time to attack, *My God*.
2. I don't see a problem with it.
3. Through out time those who were found to be for and with God, and knew God, always defended God, and spoke up, study scripture.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Thanks for your response's in such a structured way, I appreciate it.
2. What I see from Hawking is a shriveled man who is stricken with a very destruction illness who is bitter, and is just lashing out at God, which I think is uncalled for, and its my duty being a Christian to call him to the mat over this.
3. Hawking will wither away and no one will miss him, he's a loser.
4. The loser is openly attacking God, I think God can defend himself, but I think its best the world knows how I feel about the fucker.
5. He's paid to make some bullshit and sell it in books that heatherns like you lap up like dogs eating vomit.
6. I fear nothing, death itself has no hold on me because I have faith in Jesus.
7. Hawking is afraid of me, if he wasn't he would come here and defend himself.


if you've been taught it's your duty as a christian to call anyone 'to the mat' you need to find yourself a new church - and your delusional if you believe that not answering the ravings of some anonymous jerk on the internet means that hawking is afraid of said jerk.

1. Have I've got time to attack this fuck, *yes*, if he has time to attack, *My God*.
2. I don't see a problem with it.
3. Through out time those who were found to be for and with God, and knew God, always defended God, and spoke up, study scripture.


you're right. you could disagree, you could point out where and why you believe hawking is incorrect - you could do lots of things short of attacking him and his illness.

however, attacking him and his illness is all you've actually done. you haven't refuted anything he's said, or offered reasons you believe him incorrect.

seriously, you need to examine your actions and really ask yourself if they are in accordance with christian teachings.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

if you've been taught it's your duty as a christian to call anyone 'to the mat' you need to find yourself a new church - and your delusional if you believe that not answering the ravings of some anonymous jerk on the internet means that hawking is afraid of said jerk.

1. Have I've got time to attack this fuck, *yes*, if he has time to attack, *My God*.
2. I don't see a problem with it.
3. Through out time those who were found to be for and with God, and knew God, always defended God, and spoke up, study scripture.


you're right. you could disagree, you could point out where and why you believe hawking is incorrect - you could do lots of things short of attacking him and his illness.

however, attacking him and his illness is all you've actually done. you haven't refuted anything he's said, or offered reasons you believe him incorrect.

seriously, you need to examine your actions and really ask yourself if they are in accordance with Christian teachings.

1. Sure I could tone it down a notch, but why, this is the internet, and everyone gets to rant here.
2. My rant is not unjustified, and has a good bases.
3. Is my language atrocious, yes, but I do it for shock affect.
4. But what I find funny is when known atheists condemn me for not being a *good Christian*, as if now they believe in scriptures/Bible, now thats funny!!!!:lol:
5. I'm not all that good with words and that shows, but neither was Moses.
6. But I can still get my message across to you.

Hawking is entitled to his opinion. Because he is seen as a "genius" does not make his word gold.
And those who don't agree are entitled to express it.

It's only those who can't seem to control themselves that resort to namecalling and ridicule because of the differing opinions expressed.

Some of y'all are really sad indiviuduals.

I can agree with that.

In the world of Physics Hawkings is brilliant and has advanced Albert Einstein work.

In the world of name calling and ridicule the OP is brilliant.
Sorry bout that,

1. Well folks, Hawking is on the attack of Christians again.
2. So fuck that fairy!
3. I say he is irelevant, and the fucker talks out the side of his mouth too, and uses a fucking machine to do it!
4. I think his theory crap is just that theory crap!
5. And no one can defend this fucker!
6. LNK:Heaven is a 'fairy story', says Stephen Hawking

"Heaven is a 'fairy story', says Stephen Hawking

edited short, due to copyright.

Hawking's stance on religion has hardened significantly in the nearly quarter century since the publication of his seminal work on the cosmos.

In "A Brief History of Time" he suggested that the idea of a divine being was not necessarily incompatible with a scientific understanding of the Universe.

But in his 2010 book "The Grand Design" he said a deity no longer has any place in theories on the creation of the universe in the light of a series of developments in physics.

Hawking has achieved worldwide fame for his research, writing and television documentaries despite suffering since the age of 21 from motor neurone disease that has left him disabled and dependent on a voice synthesiser."


when hawking said humans cause global warming - i turned him off - but he is right about crazy religions - we are in a religious world war that goes back to the 10th. century

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