Have you heard of Babu G. Ranganathan?

Which is not identical dirt. Oh..and, which dirt? There are lots of types of dirt. Go on, pour over them all, and pick the on eclosest (but still not identical at all) to the composition of hand. Then try to claim the author of Genesis was divined this information, and it's not simply a colorful myth. You will not be rational to do so.

Still dirt, like you.
But not identical at all....so, quite a reach.

How did the author if Genesis know that the human race started with o ly two humans? Oh wait, that's not true either.

This is some serious cherry picking.
He writes a blogspot creationismnow.blogspot.com


Here is a short excerpt.

Popular atheistic scientist Stephen Hawking admits that the universe had a beginning and came from nothing but he believes that nothing became something by a natural process yet to be discovered. That's not rational thinking at all, and it also would be making the effect greater than its cause to say that nothing created something. The beginning had to be of supernatural origin because natural laws and processes do not have the ability to bring something into existence from nothing.

It's quite interesting. He is saying that you need a human cell to make other human cells. You can't make human cells from nothing.

A lot of the 'Intelligent design' theories make more sense than the stupid 'evolution' speculations and Darwinism was a lot more about adaptation than random beneficial mutations many tried to turn it into. I'm agnostic myself, and I sleep just fine not knowing either way, but we know the 'evolution' fib they brainwash schoolchildren with isn't science it's just propaganda and politically motivated rubbish.

The 'evolutionists' rip off Genesis anyway, 'warm pond' theory ='Garden of Eden', Big Bang theory = 'the Genesis creation allegory. Those biblical writers were certainly very intuitive at the least with spot on allegories; certainly makes them brighter and more perceptive about nature than the 'evolution' cultists right off the bat.
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He didn't, because that is simply untrue....

Oh? You'd better research the elemental makeup of the human body before spouting.
That didn't make any sense. And it makes no more or less sense to say we are made of dirt then to say we are made of the cores of dead stars, or of rocks, or of dead trees...

All elements of common dirt.
Which shows...what? Would you expect humans to be made of stuff not found here? You're really reaching....this is nothing but religious apologism.

How did he know? People look nothing like common dirt, and scientific analysis was not available at the time.
Ancient Sumerian texts says the Sumerians believed humans were made from clay. Clay is a subset of "dirt"
Abraham was Sumerian... JS. The more you know.
A lot of the 'Intelligent design' theories make more sense than the stupid 'evolution' speculations
Well, except for not having a shred of evidence and except for not actually explaining anything at all....sure!

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