Have a Cookie: Cartoon / Thanks Everyone!


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
I found this cartoon while going through all my files. Wanted to post this in honor of my friend Orion from backpage, who loved sacrilegious humor, a lot more than my serious messages.
He helped me to focus more, and try to talk normal for once! (Still working on that part...)

Thank you to Everyone here for sharing
and tolerating an amazing diversity of views and people.
The freedom to do that represents the best of what we can all be thankful for.
May we all be better people for it, Thanks!


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I think the people who are the most frustrated with circular arguments online are the people who participate in them the most.

Yes. This can either be good or bad.
If the two people equally frustrated don't realize it is mutual, they can stay stuck
blaming the other person for needing to change first.

If either one or both people recognize they both have issues and perceptions
that require equal change or stretching on their part as they are asking of the other,
then there is opportunity to make that change, starting with the side they can do something about directly.

So one level of enlightenment or awareness is to recognize the conflicts
and solutions are mutual.

And another level is to see that by taking care of our side of an issue first,
this naturally inspires or compels similar change in others by conscience.
Even if it isn't an immediate or direct result, it can influence others indirectly.
What comes around goes around.

Given the ripple effect this has, this brings greater awareness that local changes like this "collectively" influence the rest of society and humanity. This is where I think "faith in Christ" comes in -- the faith there is connection between the local level of man and the collective higher spiritual level of God. That we are joined and no longer separated as we overcome divisive barriers and conflicts in this way, locally and globally at the same time.

I think the more we can forgive and let go, then these connections between ourselves, other people, and collective humanity are more fully realized, on all levels.

So we start and invest in a positive cycle of growth and change,
instead of staying stuck in the past cycles of mutual deadlock by
negative emotion and unforgiveness that cuts us off from understanding each other.

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