Hats off to the Giants AND the Patriots for Darned Good SB Game


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
OK, I confess that I have long hated the NE Patriots. They are like the New York Yankees of the NFL: so much money, resources, players and coaching genius that I just hated them. I hated them worse than the Oakland Raiders or the Philthydelphia Iggles. There are so many times I have watched the Tube and hoped to see Brady get turned into a red smear on the turf that I cant even attempt to estimate them all. I have often considered buying a NE Patriot jersey just so I could take it to the gun range, shoot it up and then burn it in the trash barrel.

But after watching them lose two super bowls with the class and dignity that they continue to show and I am feeling kind of soft-hearted toward them now. Even sympathetic.

The Patriots just never give up, they never stop giving it their very best. They are so professional, so calm and steady that I just have to admit that I kind of admire them as an organization and the style they have. Belichik has got to be one of the top three coaches alive today, and I have to admit that alot of my hate has been motivated by jealousy that my team, the Dallas Cowboys, havent had much in the coaching department primarily because Jerry Jones wants to run the show and what good coach would put up with that kind of crap from an owner?

I am officially removing the Patriots from the top of my shit-list. I actually like them, kind of now. Guess their my favorite team that's not in the NFC East.

And congratulations to the Giants for another Super Bowl. Eli Manning is a Quarteback demi-god.
I thought it was a mediocre game played by two mediocre teams (by Super Bowl standards anyways.)

The half-time show was mediocre, to say the least - a 50 year-old woman dressed up like a cheerleader, c'mon!. Even the adds were mediocre.

The end was good though.
I thought it was a mediocre game played by two mediocre teams (by Super Bowl standards anyways.)

The half-time show was mediocre, to say the least - a 50 year-old woman dressed up like a cheerleader, c'mon!. Even the adds were mediocre.

The end was good though.

Are you underwhelmed?
Eli is GOD

2 forth quarter comebacks in the SuperBowl

Congratulations to the Giants in their EIGHTH NFL Championship
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I thought it was a mediocre game played by two mediocre teams (by Super Bowl standards anyways.)

The half-time show was mediocre, to say the least - a 50 year-old woman dressed up like a cheerleader, c'mon!. Even the adds were mediocre.

The end was good though.

Meh, you're a hard marker as they used to say in the old days.

I enjoyed the game quite a bit, but I agree the end was the best part. The Patriots and Giants kept taking shots at it and did not give up.

I really love seeing such determination and effort.
OK, I confess that I have long hated the NE Patriots. They are like the New York Yankees of the NFL: so much money, resources, players and coaching genius that I just hated them. I hated them worse than the Oakland Raiders or the Philthydelphia Iggles. There are so many times I have watched the Tube and hoped to see Brady get turned into a red smear on the turf that I cant even attempt to estimate them all. I have often considered buying a NE Patriot jersey just so I could take it to the gun range, shoot it up and then burn it in the trash barrel.

But after watching them lose two super bowls with the class and dignity that they continue to show and I am feeling kind of soft-hearted toward them now. Even sympathetic.

The Patriots just never give up, they never stop giving it their very best. They are so professional, so calm and steady that I just have to admit that I kind of admire them as an organization and the style they have. Belichik has got to be one of the top three coaches alive today, and I have to admit that alot of my hate has been motivated by jealousy that my team, the Dallas Cowboys, havent had much in the coaching department primarily because Jerry Jones wants to run the show and what good coach would put up with that kind of crap from an owner?

I am officially removing the Patriots from the top of my shit-list. I actually like them, kind of now. Guess their my favorite team that's not in the NFC East.

And congratulations to the Giants for another Super Bowl. Eli Manning is a Quarteback demi-god.

Even though I predicted that "my" Patriots would lose (on a different thread), it still HURTS to see them lose the way they did.

Nice to see a Patriots "hater" come out of the closet and admit that they have a helluva organization. Thanks for that!

The Patriot really had NO BUSINESS even being in the Super Bowl this year. Their defense has STUNK the whole year. The Ravens got robbed when the refs apparently forgot that possession of the ball and both feet down is a CATCH, and the ball was stripped too late to negate the touchdown catch. Then of course there was the game-ending shanked field goal by the the Ravens journeyman kicker.

All in all, Brady is still a great quarterback, and the Patriots defense can only get BETTER. Watch out for next year!
Yes, hats off to Eli Manning and the NY Giants...

Gotta be tough losing to Manning the goober.

Oh well.

Manning the Goober?

Dude, get your eyes checked out, OK?

Eli Manninng can run circles around you at your best game on your very best day.

lol, goober, lololol

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