Hate the system not the religion

Originally posted by cptpwichita

If a religion exists and people follow it,sometimes to their own demise.Isn't it the moral and just thing to correct those who are following a lie,by providing them the truth?

what religion is yours?

If people follow a religion and if it leads them to their own demise, then it is a moral and just thing to stop them. However, if a religion exists and people follow it and not to their demise but according to their own personal comfort, then it is immoral to force those people into making their religion into the cause of their death.

What religion is mine? I have abandoned all religions and have surrendered to the supreme, I have only one religion. :p:

I don't see any arab ruler stepping down for any reason do you? Which one could step down and improve the situation? This sounds crazy but after centuries of hate do you think these 2 cultures can "hate from afar" without having to act on it or does this hate have to play itself out with a cost of more lives than i can even imagine.

:p: Thanks for your welcome. Arab kings and dictators can step down and that is possible by the "dissent of the governed" toward the rulers and ofcourse to have that, people themselves should want to change and majority will want to change the system if they are given enough support.

Any Arab leader who is taken out of power now will contribute to a safer future of America.

Also, after centuries of hate, I think it is impossible for the two sides to hate each other and not act on it, I think the only way to end this would be to come together as human beings, which is possible... because there are people who want peace on both sides, just like there are people who want war and destruction on both sides.
Originally posted by Sir Evil
How would you suggest these people prevent their governments from funding terrorists?

There is no educating the likes of Saddam! again it all sounds nice but nothing more then a pipe dream!

I think we prevented Saddam from helping terrorists in the only wy possible.

And I think Saddam has been well schooled by now in what he should have done.:p:
Originally posted by Myvoicecounts
-Sir Evil.


These people will prevent their governments from funding terrorists through a widespread revolution. How do we go about doing that?

I can say that we can do lots of things to stop the terrorist activities peacefully. However, the quest for the answer to that question has also left me bewildered.
Still, I think there is a way and all we have to do is find it. I refuse to believe that our government which is the most powerful government in the world has fools sitting in those big chairs. If they really stop thinking about how to get more votes and start thinking about how to stop the terror threat once and for all- not just for America, but for the whole world, then! they will most definitely find the answer.

Why do you refuse to believe? Have you ever considerered this to be a from of denial. It is an unfortunate reality that the party in power must fight two wars. One against the terrorists and the other against the liberals and their lying media allies. If the American enemy could come up with a realistic way to end the terrorism instead of merely criticizing we would be providing the world with a powerful unified front. That would be important in gaining the support in other countries
Originally posted by dilloduck
Why do you refuse to believe? Have you ever considerered this to be a from of denial. It is an unfortunate reality that the party in power must fight two wars. One against the terrorists and the other against the liberals and their lying media allies. If the American enemy could come up with a realistic way to end the terrorism instead of merely criticizing we would be providing the world with a powerful unified front. That would be important in gaining the support in other countries

The refusal to believe is quite clear: You are talking to a muslim who believes in following the koran. Lying is all part of the program if it achieves higher goals. Lying has ensued, as I have shown, and now a denial of reality is showing the inconsistencies once again.
Liberals and the media and Christians are in denial. You're gonna need a better argument if you insist on blaming muslims
Originally posted by dilloduck
Liberals and the media and Christians are in denial. You're gonna need a better argument if you insist on blaming muslims


You haven't even read the whole thread.

Don't tell me ANYONE is in denial when all you can do is use your 2 ears, 2 eyes and 1 mouth in reverse order of importance.
Originally posted by NewGuy

You haven't even read the whole thread.

Don't tell me ANYONE is in denial when all you can do is use your 2 ears, 2 eyes and 1 mouth in reverse order of importance.

Hey NewGuy,isn't it sad that although we have consistently presented the numerous verses from the koran and hadiths describing the immoral life of islams founder and his group of thugs, that people still just shrug their shoulders and continue to insist "all religion is basically the same".

What act or instructions from mohammed, if any,would cause people to finally start to see islam NOT as a religion of peace, but as a potential danger to humanity?

Another thing that i am continually witnessing is the attempt to divert attention away from islam by attacking christianity.Yet the people who make accusations against christianity usually do so in very broad strokes and do not usually have a specific objection related to something in the bible.I on the other hand have stuck strictly to the most trusted Islamic authors (tabari,al bukhari,ishaq) and the koran.

I can just see the eyes glazing over as i speak.....:confused:
Originally posted by cptpwichita
Hey NewGuy,isn't it sad that although we have consistently presented the numerous verses from the koran and hadiths describing the immoral life of islams founder and his group of thugs, that people still just shrug their shoulders and continue to insist "all religion is basically the same".

What act or instructions from mohammed, if any,would cause people to finally start to see islam NOT as a religion of peace, but as a potential danger to humanity?

Another thing that i am continually witnessing is the attempt to divert attention away from islam by attacking christianity.Yet the people who make accusations against christianity usually do so in very broad strokes and do not usually have a specific objection related to something in the bible.I on the other hand have stuck strictly to the most trusted Islamic authors (tabari,al bukhari,ishaq) and the koran.

I can just see the eyes glazing over as i speak.....:confused:

Agreed. It is happening faster and faster.

It has carried over into other sections of the board as well.

I keep pointing these things out, but you know how it goes.

I know for a fact, though, that the combiniation of islamic law and catholocism cannot truly be effective under a world leader until the world accepts both.

Catholocism is respected world wide as a system of ethics and islamic law as a set of accepted religious beliefs. -Kind off odd how just a few years ago, these were reversed.

In a time where for the first time in history, a mark of a beast under a revived roman empire can come to pass, all in the name of peace and security, this is to be expected.

Come Hell or high water, I am thrilled to live in the last days and will go down fighting all the way. I am a firm believer I could live in no other time.
Originally posted by dilloduck
this must be the same catholicism that has covered up sexual abuse for years

Yes......your point?
Originally posted by dilloduck
I'm sorry I'm not sure what sect you belong to but it uses the same bible as the catholics right?

Catholics use a Bible that has been twisted by a Latin rewording of original Greek and Hebrew text. -It has been changed further to allow for papal authority.

It also includes a non-corresponding book of books called the "apocrypha" as being equally important.

There are millions of twisted rewordings of original texts amongst many cults.
Originally posted by dilloduck
what sect of christianity do you belong to and which version of the bible do you use?

I have resigned to using only the AV1611 and original Greek/Hebrew texts.

What does it matter when you are condemning the faith?

Are you looking for a foothold for dispute?
Condemning THE faith??? You mean the is only one right one?Your religious bigotry is showing again. What sect of Christianity do you belong to?
Originally posted by dilloduck
Condemning THE faith??? You mean the is only one right one?Your religious bigotry is showing again. What sect of Christianity do you belong to?

1. By referring to "the", I was referring to "my".
2. Since you brought it up, it IS "THE" meaning only true way to heaven -(meaning through Christ)- as proven in Biblical prophecy which cannot in any way be disproven.

If you want to call me a bigot, at least sound intelligent when you do it. Again you ask a dumb question which has already been answered and does not justify a response.
you never answered what sect of Chritianity you belong to ! If you did please remind me . A quote or simple statement will be fine.

We obviously need a new thread ! these are being distorted by our debate------How about you come up with one? I'm sure I'll be able to figure out which one it is
Originally posted by dilloduck
you never answered what sect of Chritianity you belong to ! If you did please remind me . A quote or simple statement will be fine.

We obviously need a new thread ! these are being distorted by our debate------How about you come up with one? I'm sure I'll be able to figure out which one it is

Three letters for you:


sorry I have never heard of a sect of christianity called RWA nor does that hint bring any to mind. Is this really hard for you to do?

please edit
Originally posted by dilloduck
sorry I have never heard of a sect of christianity called RWA nor does that hint bring any to mind. Is this really hard for you to do?

please edit

Come on. If you want me to purse this, the public will be aware.

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