Haslamah,! South-Israel and Gaza, following the situation since this morning


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
In the last 48 hours, 8 Hamas people were targeted by IDF.

One Israeli soldier injured in Soroka hospital in Be'er sheva.

4 civilians seriously injured in south Israel.

more than 5 Israeli civilian houses bombed and destroyed.

since this morning, over 60 rockets fired toward the towns surrounding gaza.

All schools up to 7 kilometers from Gaza, are closed.

School in Han Yunis was also closed.
The destruction in Eshkol and Hof Ashkelon caused serious injuries to 4 civilians workers.





Question for discussion------"both sides" please respond

Would it be ok if Israel counted up the Incoming missiles and simply launched a similar number back of -----any size or power? would any call that a "war crime" ?
over 80 missiles since this morning. huge damage. injuries.

If it was the other way around the would would have cried out to stop the Israeli aggression
over 80 missiles since this morning. huge damage. injuries.

If it was the other way around the would would have cried out to stop the Israeli aggression

Lipush----you think that if in response to the missile barrage of 80 missiles from Gaza ---Israel responded with 80 missiles shot into residential areas of Gaza THAT SOMEONE would object?----I wonder if other posters on this board would like to comment DEACH? TINNIE?
I wonder just what the "intelligence" on Iran's involvement is. I wonder what has taken Iran so long-----I have been expecting them to start up -------for more than a year
It shows that your cast lead was a failure

Best move out of range and give Ashkelon and that whole area back to its rightful owners in Gaza.

It was never ever Jewish and most folx there now are not even Jewish; they are recent reconomic migrants from Russia who should be sent home and their pig farms with them

I don't support violence, but you have stolen their land and oppressed them and its your chickens coming home to roost
It shows that your cast lead was a failure

Best move out of range and give Ashkelon and that whole area back to its rightful owners in Gaza.

It was never ever Jewish and most folx there now are not even Jewish; they are recent reconomic migrants from Russia who should be sent home and their pig farms with them

I don't support violence, but you have stolen their land and oppressed them and its your chickens coming home to roost

"I dont support violence but....."

Weasel words at its finest.
You justify nail bombs---which is nothing short of justifying "warfare" by grabbing little girls and raping them and tossing their severed heads in the gutters or sneaking into houses in order to slit the throats of infants. ---ie EMULATING AL NABI---(allahuakbar)

Ashkelon is part of Israel ------as to its population none of your business. The situation today PROVES that no matter where the border------filthy thugs of your ilk will line up upon it and engage in their customary filth
Israel really needs to end its war or at least accept the ceasefire that Hamas has been offering.
You justify nail bombs---which is nothing short of justifying "warfare" by grabbing little girls and raping them and tossing their severed heads in the gutters or sneaking into houses in order to slit the throats of infants. ---ie EMULATING AL NABI---(allahuakbar)

Ashkelon is part of Israel ------as to its population none of your business. The situation today PROVES that no matter where the border------filthy thugs of your ilk will line up upon it and engage in their customary filth
I hate all bombs, nails or IDF missiles and there is no justification for killing.

Looks like N Yahoo is goin to cast more lead and white phosphphorus to win the next election and destroy the Emir's hospital

just like Olmert, Peres and sharon before him all fought elections by launching wars and killing thousands just to get a few more votes.

Peres and Olmert lost the elections, too.

Those being killed are not Hamas but splinter groups as our resident Gazan I know says.

there's a civil war goin on in Hamas between Muslim Bro moderates and Iran and Al Qa'ida types as to Hamas future strategy

Nothing to do with Israel as such.

In any civilised law, those that receive or deal with stolen goods or property are punished not by violence but by restoring the property to their real owners.

that's what I advocate....give the Gazans their old cities of Majaf / Ashkelon etc etc back

those Israelis who put their kids in harms way are not blameless but it aint the kids fault their parents are thieves and I repeat again they should be respected as sons and daughters of thieves deserve to be.

israel does NOT recognise the 1948 stolen armistice borders which it stole by forse

that area is NOT israeli sovereign terrirory..it was given to the arabs by the UN then stolen by force and the people expelled to gaza

what would you do to someone who stole your house by force and sent you to gaza for life?? eh???
HAMAS CEASE FIRE PLAN<<<<< Gaza launches missiles and nudges sluts with bombs on their asses into Israel ---------and Israel says "thanks" BUT
(and this is very important) HAMAS SAYS "we didn't do it-----he did it....who? we don't know"
You justify nail bombs---which is nothing short of justifying "warfare" by grabbing little girls and raping them and tossing their severed heads in the gutters or sneaking into houses in order to slit the throats of infants. ---ie EMULATING AL NABI---(allahuakbar)

Ashkelon is part of Israel ------as to its population none of your business. The situation today PROVES that no matter where the border------filthy thugs of your ilk will line up upon it and engage in their customary filth
I hate all bombs, nails or IDF missiles and there is no justification for killing.

Looks like N Yahoo is goin to cast more lead and white phosphphorus to win the next election and destroy the Emir's hospital

just like Olmert, Peres and sharon before him all fought elections by launching wars and killing thousands just to get a few more votes.

Peres and Olmert lost the elections, too.

Those being killed are not Hamas but splinter groups as our resident Gazan I know says.

there's a civil war goin on in Hamas between Muslim Bro moderates and Iran and Al Qa'ida types as to Hamas future strategy

Nothing to do with Israel as such.

In any civilised law, those that receive or deal with stolen goods or property are punished not by violence but by restoring the property to their real owners.

that's what I advocate....give the Gazans their old cities of Majaf / Ashkelon etc etc back

those Israelis who put their kids in harms way are not blameless but it aint the kids fault their parents are thieves and I repeat again they should be respected as sons and daughters of thieves deserve to be.

israel does NOT recognise the 1948 stolen armistice borders which it stole by forse

that area is NOT israeli sovereign terrirory..it was given to the arabs by the UN then stolen by force and the people expelled to gaza

what would you do to someone who stole your house by force and sent you to gaza for life?? eh???


Than what do you propose Israel does

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