Has There Been a Blanket Amnesty?


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
I've noticed that what I'm assuming were perma-banned members have active accounts. If there has been an amnesty on banned posters, would it be permitted to get in touch with them to let them know they're welcome back?
Ropey, was that another one of your attempts at being 'clever', or is there an actual reason you posted an image shipwrecked tanker?
Ropey, was that another one of your attempts at being 'clever', or is there an actual reason you posted an image shipwrecked tanker?

I posted it because your question is shipwrecked. And the tanker? That's the banned. :D
I don't get it Ropey. It's a valid question; I've seen them too. At least one is already posting again.
It's a valid response if not an answer. I'm just a member. It's my view that the way it is, then no one knows who is banned and who isn't banned anymore. Even while they're in the process of being banned and then subsequently banned....

...even while in the thread. :D :D

The guys on the ship? The perm-banned... until they aren't if that's the choice of administration.. :)

This is what I see and my explanation of what I see. I never said the question was not valid, only shipwrecked. He needs to contact Admin for the real voyage reasoning.

I responded with a graphic as I thought Swagger would get the 'lost' humor.

I think the entire topic is verboten.
We'll see...

Yep, we'll see. You could be right.

I thought the question was shipwrecked from the beginning, but not forbidden

Discussing administrators, moderators and rules in general on the open forum is not a violation of the rules. However, bringing a specific mod action or specifics of a mod action into the open forum IS a violation of the rules and will be dealt with accordingly.

PLEASE NOTE: If a mod/admin thread (or any thread for that matter) has degenerated into nothing more than pissing, moaning, demeaning, degrading and insulting staff we will close and/or trash the thread in question at our discretion as indicated in the Rules and Guidelines.
^^^ Negged

G-d forbiddit!!!

I was banned not only from posting upon but even reading the I/P board because one or more of the filthy fascist mods do
not like my politely expressed opinions and is or are afraid of
the fact that I know too much. One interesting example----long ago I politely told the story of my mother-in-law who escaped the filth of the "dhimmi orphan law" in the shariah cesspit in which she was born (she became vulnerable circa
1930) The filthy fascist mod who is largely responsible for banning me------called my story a "LIE" For the record----
that same law has been used by Khartoum to ENSLAVE
thousands of Christian Sudanese who are STiLL enslaved---and will, NO DOUBT, also be used in the CALIPHATE----
one of the fascist mods warned me not to mention
"THE CALIPHATE". what are you mods afraid of?----

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