Has the Missing Link Between Organic and Inorganic Life Been Found?


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
Philosophers and scientists have argued about the origins of life from inorganic matter ever since Empedocles (430 B.C.) argued that every thing in the universe is made up of a combination of four eternal 'elements' or 'roots of all': earth, water, air, and fire, and that all change is explained by the arrangement and rearrangement of these four elements. Now, scientists have discovered that simple peptides can organize into bi-layer membranes. The finding suggests a “missing link” between the pre-biotic Earth’s chemical inventory and the organizational scaffolding essential to life.
Has the Missing Link Between Organic and Inorganic Life Been Found? (A Weekend Feature)
Inorganic life?

Is that like "Jumbo shrimp"?

Or "military intelligence"?

Or "Honest Republican"?
I cannot find it right now, but a few years ago a very interesting article "On the Other Hand" was published concerning chirality and abiogenisis.
Terms: Organic and Inorganic, the person has thought up.
In the world all is uniform, and our abstract mind always tries to shatter it on two and more parts what then to try to find their joint root!

The unity of the Universe to us not on mind, and dualism is all навсего the mechanism helping us to live (alive and lifeless are abstraction) the Book: " Romeo's Mistake "!! Esteem!
Inorganic awareness is covered quite extensively in the works of Carlos Castaneda
Terms: Organic and Inorganic, the person has thought up.
In the world all is uniform, and our abstract mind always tries to shatter it on two and more parts what then to try to find their joint root!

The unity of the Universe to us not on mind, and dualism is all навсего the mechanism helping us to live (alive and lifeless are abstraction) the Book: " Romeo's Mistake "!! Esteem!

Romeo’s mistake is that he naively believes that he could stop the fighting
Terms: Organic and Inorganic, the person has thought up.
In the world all is uniform, and our abstract mind always tries to shatter it on two and more parts what then to try to find their joint root!

The unity of the Universe to us not on mind, and dualism is all навсего the mechanism helping us to live (alive and lifeless are abstraction) the Book: " Romeo's Mistake "!! Esteem!

Romeo’s mistake is that he naively believes that he could stop the fighting

In the book " Romeo's mistake " it is written that today scientists cannot understand where a precise side between alive and lifeless. Any attempt is incorrect and true at the same time on all existing, as though all at the same time alive and lifeless!
Terms: Organic and Inorganic, the person has thought up.
In the world all is uniform, and our abstract mind always tries to shatter it on two and more parts what then to try to find their joint root!

The unity of the Universe to us not on mind, and dualism is all навсего the mechanism helping us to live (alive and lifeless are abstraction) the Book: " Romeo's Mistake "!! Esteem!

Romeo’s mistake is that he naively believes that he could stop the fighting

In the book " Romeo's mistake " it is written that today scientists cannot understand where a precise side between alive and lifeless. Any attempt is incorrect and true at the same time on all existing, as though all at the same time alive and lifeless!

Shelly wrote "Frankenstein."
Cool. Now, the holy grail is to figure out how asymmetric induction in non-biological amino acid synthesis occurs.


Keep talkin' durty, ya sexsay thang.....


Amino acids, the small-molecule units of peptides have a handedness (chirality) to them. Recall first semester organic (R) and (S) - enantiomers. If the peptides are composed of amino acids that are racemic (both (R) and (S) enantiomers of the amino acids present in equal amounts due to random orientation during amino acid synthesis), then the bilayers the peptides form will be less organized and inconsisent in their quaternary sturctures.

But, if there is a less random orientation during non-biological amino acid synthesis, then one has asymmetirc induction. So far, we have found little to nothing that will provide that asymmetirc induction outside having origins in the biological world.
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Imagination and явь also are uniform)) In fact the Universe is so uniform, that is capable to contain all!
And our idea - energy of the Universe, and it cannot отрозить nonexistent.
Existing and nonexistent abstraction, therefore "Frankenstein" it is truthful also as well as " Romeo's Mistake " and during too time they are false.

And the lie and the truth are uniform)) Well Самсон the Friend, I shall go to drink vodka, and that friends revolt already, without me cannot begin))))
Cool. Now, the holy grail is to figure out how asymmetric induction in non-biological amino acid synthesis occurs.


Keep talkin' durty, ya sexsay thang.....


Amino acids, the small-molecule units of peptides have a handedness (chirality) to them. Recall first semester organic (R) and (S) - enantiomers. If the peptides are composed of amino acids that are racemic (both (R) and (S) enantiomers of the amino acids present in equal amounts due to random orientation during amino acid synthesis), then the bilayers the peptides form will be less organized and inconsisent in their quaternary sturctures.

But, if their is a less random orientation during non-biological amino acid synthesis, then one has asymmetirc induction. So far, we have found little to nothing that will provide that asymmetirc induction outside having origins in the biological world.



Oh////.......yeah.....YEAH, that's GOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo............

Cool. Now, the holy grail is to figure out how asymmetric induction in non-biological amino acid synthesis occurs.


Keep talkin' durty, ya sexsay thang.....


Amino acids, the small-molecule units of peptides have a handedness (chirality) to them. Recall first semester organic (R) and (S) - enantiomers. If the peptides are composed of amino acids that are racemic (both (R) and (S) enantiomers of the amino acids present in equal amounts due to random orientation during amino acid synthesis), then the bilayers the peptides form will be less organized and inconsisent in their quaternary sturctures.

But, if their is a less random orientation during non-biological amino acid synthesis, then one has asymmetirc induction. So far, we have found little to nothing that will provide that asymmetirc induction outside having origins in the biological world.

Cool. Now, the holy grail is to figure out how asymmetric induction in non-biological amino acid synthesis occurs.

Keep talkin' durty, ya sexsay thang.....

Amino acids, the small-molecule units of peptides have a handedness (chirality) to them. Recall first semester organic (R) and (S) - enantiomers. If the peptides are composed of amino acids that are racemic (both (R) and (S) enantiomers of the amino acids present in equal amounts due to random orientation during amino acid synthesis), then the bilayers the peptides form will be less organized and inconsisent in their quaternary sturctures.

Simple words: Asymmetry aspires to symmetry!
Two asymmetric molecules incorporate then and on that level when joint symmetry is created!

Keep talkin' durty, ya sexsay thang.....


Amino acids, the small-molecule units of peptides have a handedness (chirality) to them. Recall first semester organic (R) and (S) - enantiomers. If the peptides are composed of amino acids that are racemic (both (R) and (S) enantiomers of the amino acids present in equal amounts due to random orientation during amino acid synthesis), then the bilayers the peptides form will be less organized and inconsisent in their quaternary sturctures.

But, if their is a less random orientation during non-biological amino acid synthesis, then one has asymmetirc induction. So far, we have found little to nothing that will provide that asymmetirc induction outside having origins in the biological world.



Oh////.......yeah.....YEAH, that's GOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo............


K, imagine that peptides are a chain of gloves strung together. Imagine if that chain is all left-handed gloves. Then imagine organizing a few of those chains together (bilayers). In those chains, some thumbs of one chain will tend to be next to other thumbs (or pinkies) of other chains, palms will tend to align with backs of hands, etc..

Now, imagine a chain of gloves with an equal amount of left-handed and right-handed gloves. How the pinkies and thumbs, palms and backs of hands, etc., of those chains align with each other will be more random - like a bowl of spaghetti rather than an organized layer like lasagna - than the all left-handed glove chains.

Make more sense?
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Amino acids, the small-molecule units of peptides have a handedness (chirality) to them. Recall first semester organic (R) and (S) - enantiomers. If the peptides are composed of amino acids that are racemic (both (R) and (S) enantiomers of the amino acids present in equal amounts due to random orientation during amino acid synthesis), then the bilayers the peptides form will be less organized and inconsisent in their quaternary sturctures.

But, if their is a less random orientation during non-biological amino acid synthesis, then one has asymmetirc induction. So far, we have found little to nothing that will provide that asymmetirc induction outside having origins in the biological world.



Oh////.......yeah.....YEAH, that's GOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo............


K, imagine that peptides are a chain of gloves strung together. Imagine if that chain is all left-handed gloves. Then imagine organizing a few of those chains together (bilayers). In those chains, some thumbs of one chain will tend to be next to other thumbs (or pinkies) of other chains, palms will tend to align with backs of hands, etc..

Now, imagine a chain of gloves with an equal amount of left-handed and right-handed gloves. How the pinkies and thumbs, palms and backs of hands, etc., of those chains align with each other will be more random - like a bowl of spaghetti rather than an organized layer like lasagna - than the all left-handed glove chains.

Make more sense?

BOTH HANDS?????:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Oh....OH.........OH Baybee.....................:ack-1:





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