Has Morality become the fringe?

Have the Righteous become Outcasts?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 6 100.0%
  • No.

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Consider this conversation between me and my friend today (I censored her name). The conservation really starts where I inserted three large lines highlighted in purple. I included some of the beginning so you know it's a real conversation.

And yes, girls like this really exist.

I underlined the part of our discussion (at the end of the excerpt) that prompted this thread.

Hey check out this time signature:

lots of syncopation. Is it a new version of a lullaby?

It's what I hear naturally

I wasn't aware of it's time signature and timing until i wrote it down

Yes, it it form of lullaby

lol nice. It reminds me a little bit of an atonal version of Edelweiss or some other lullaby or both.

now I have to listen to something by edelweiss

hold on

lol no the piece is called edelweiss haha

you know from Sound of Music


I thought maybe you used something like that for inspiration and then took the theme and created something new.

I never knew that was the name of the song

haha oh

but I am familar with it

when I googled it


yeha I thought that was the name of the composer



When you hear the rest of the orchestration it will have the same atmosphere

I was recalling a time when I was 14 when i walked from the mid point of Pike's Peak to the top

It's the tallest mountain in Colorado

It wasn't really the "mid point"

more like that 3/4 mark


Although it was very cold, it was beautiful

I took about two hours, then I took the train back down.


That's cool

Sounds like it must have been pretty


It's one of those moments that you realize you're a part of the world

instead of the world being a part of you

Her: (she interrupted in the middle of my message)
Because it looks so big?

The first is spiritual, the second is materialistic

No, it's an ego that us humans suffer from most of the time

Where we think the world revolves around us

When you see birds, animals and fuana, mountains and clouds and randbows in the middle of a snow shower witht he sun shining brightly


And waterfalls and forests

and lakes and rivers

all at the same time

You just understand how glorious nature is

Nature is phenomenal. I think what is even cooler are all the patterns throughout all of nature and the same ones that show up in many different places. That shows that even though the world is so large, there is some design through it all.

There is a cool book you might like called Music and Mathematics: From Pythagoras to Fractals
Pythagoras disocvered the golden ratio and it's measure to the perfect fifth

the golden ratio itself is an iterative fractal

of rectangles

it's spiral appears even in sea shells and pine cones

which are supposed to be seperate species altogether

Even the snow flake is a fractal

That talk about that in the book. There was also this theory of this guy who I always get confused with. It begins with a K. Kepler maybe? But some of his ideas were wrong. Still interesting.
Maybe not Kepler. I don't remember though. I know it begins with a K.


Sometimes I wonder if those old thinkers were actually wrong

or at least if all of them were wrong

No not kelvin

Chiara, the world is indeed a majestic place. It is the Kingdom of God.

It was a guy who talked about the universe having a pattern

Moments (like the one I described in Colorado) humble you. Not as an inferior of the Lord, but as an equal.

Indeed it has a pattern

It is all by design

It's why I love classical art

but I abhor "avant garde" art

or w/e mess they call art today

Well I wouldn't go as far to say equal. I don't know I have a bit different view I guess


There is order in the classical art

such as your own drawings

This new art promotes disorder


very much like the thug culture in music today

Genesis 1 is about bringing Order from Chaos

Genesis = generate = create

The Creator

When we write music, draw picture, make a painting

We are creating

We are made in God's likeness

And like God we create

But the other types of art they destroy

Yes but there is a lot of chaos in the universe that is far to complex for our minds to find the patterns .They are spiritually destructive.

and if God created all things, then he must have created the "chaos"

I don't think other types of art have power like that

I think ideologies do and often times ideologies are implemented in social norms that are expressed through art but the art itself is not spiritual

Chaos is that without Form.

I think chaos theory in math is interesting including the butterfly effect. I like that one

You do not find the genre of rap to be destructive?

And no I love rap.




I don't like the objectifying culture that has grown with it

But I think it is a beautiful type of art

How can the genre be separated from the fruit it bears?

I write rap.

I hear it in my mind as a theatrical poetry

To be that is beautiful. I mean nothing is as simple as it first seems

Rap developed from poor neighborhoods of immigrants who had different cultural norms and lived with a strong sense to survive each day because of the poverty they lived in.

*To me that is...

To you perhaps, and the rare and fringe part of the rap genre that writes about positive things

In it's common usage and cultural employment, I consider it a weapon of mass destruction.

I just see a lot of society's derogatory nature as a part of human weakness.

I mean our generation came from the druggy hippies.

The drug culture is another weapon of mass destruction

Our level of education has increased making it harder to get jobs at a younger age.

Mass destruction is a dramatic word for human nature lol

I think there is hope

Do you read the Bible a lot?

If human nature is derogatory, than I would be ashamed to be human. But I am not ashmed of being human.

Because that is not human nature.

That is certainly not my nature. And that is not your nature. If that we human nature, how could you possibly have any "hope." If these evil things be our true nature, than all is hopeless.

It says in it that the Shepherd will find his lost sheep. and another instance it says He did not come for those who are well but who are not well.

God knows how fragile we are and how lacking in knowledge. He even said "Forgive them for they know not what they do"

It is human nature to be imperfect

Otherwise why did God bother coming down to restore

Imperfect does not mean to be intentionally derogatory. For instance, I was unintentionally derogatory when I condemned all rap artists.

But I never said humans are derogatory I said society

There is a bit of a difference

Society tends to take on characteristics that have built up from generations

Humanity is imperfect, societies can be corrupt.

Yes a society can be corrupt, but that doesn't mean it must be corrupt.

An imperfect society is not the same as a corrupt society.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,"

We can advance

and cure old evils

Since those words were written we've abolished slavery

and several other corruptions were rooted out

Women were recognized as equal and given the right to vote

However we are no longer remedying old corruptions

We are creating new corruptions

The hippie drug culture and current rap culture are two of methods being used to deliver these new evils to us.

Consider all the "pro-choice" propaganda today

In China, if one violates the "pro-environment" One Child Policy, they give you a forced abortion.

That's where America is headed.

Most of our citizens have accepted the murdering of child in the mother's womb.

That is not simple corruption

That is ...

an abomination.

If I ever printed out all of our conversations, you would notice that there is never any "small talk." Haha

Sorry I got wrapped up in a movie about people wearing timers that count down to their one true love lol.

most our age would not even participate in our discussions and would chastise us as outcasts.

We live in a world where the righteous are outlaws.

Would be great if my true love just fell out of the sky when the hourglass ran out. I've learned that love is not that which is deserved, but that which is earned. It is forged, not found.
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Step one is to define 'morals' and 'righteous' in this discussion.

Did anyone break Federal Law?

Did any one break Catholic Law?

Did anyone break Sharia Law?

Does anyone really break a law if there isn't a cop doing paperwork at Dunkin' Donuts when all is said and done?

:dunno: Does a law have to be broken for righteous morals to be offended?

Like everything else legal in life..... That depends on who's paying the cops! ;)
Step one is to define 'morals' and 'righteous' in this discussion.

Did anyone break Federal Law?

Did any one break Catholic Law?

Did anyone break Sharia Law?

Does anyone really break a law if there isn't a cop doing paperwork at Dunkin' Donuts when all is said and done?

:dunno: Does a law have to be broken for righteous morals to be offended?

Like everything else legal in life..... That depends on who's paying the cops! ;)

I think that may qualify as ... Pineapple
Mark me down for pineapple as well.

They have always been outcasts.

As Socrates once said, if there was ever a righteous man without fault, he would be murdered. Thousands of years later Jesus proved him correct, not to mention Socrates was murdered as well.

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