CDZ Has anyone here contracted covid19?

Yes, I personally know 7 people that have been tested positive . I lost one of them .

You lost one? Did you misplace him, did he roll away under the frig or are you saying you work in a hospital where you are supposed to see these people? Then of COURSE you have to know a few, otherwise, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THERE? IT'S YOUR JOB!
OMG you people are brainwashed functional scum of the Earth.....
Francoroni. The San Francisco Bleat.
Yes, I personally know 7 people that have been tested positive . I lost one of them .

You lost one? Did you misplace him, did he roll away under the frig or are you saying you work in a hospital where you are supposed to see these people? Then of COURSE you have to know a few, otherwise, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THERE? IT'S YOUR JOB!
OMG you people are brainwashed functional scum of the Earth.....
Francoroni. The San Francisco Bleat.
yes yes, everything is a hoax and a gigantic conspiracy theory except your pathetic Rupert Murdoch garbage propaganda media, you incredible right-wing GOP base misinformed....
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Please tell us about your experience and if you have advice that would be very cool!
Lets disect [sic] this disease if possible.

The call center where my wife works seems to be well-optimized for making sure that any contagious disease with which any worker shows up, will soon spread to every other worker there. She's always getting sick, with various flu-like illnesses. Before my injury last September, I rarely got sick, no matter what germs my wife brought home to me. Since my injury, my immune system has become much weaker, and now, when she gets sick, I almost always get at least as sick as she does.

It was in late March that she came home early, one day,freaking out. She was ill, yet again, and this time,the symptoms almost exactly matched those of the #CoronaHoax2020 illness. She had stopped by several clinics on the way home, trying to get sen or tested, and was turned away each time.

She was eventually, a few days later, able to get an online consultation with a doctor. No biological testing was done, of course, but based on the conversation with that doctor, the discussion of symptoms, it was concluded that she very likely did have the #CoronaHoax illness.

So, she self-quarantined for two weeks. The actual illness only lasted a few days,and was considerably milder than most of the illnesses that she is always getting. There is, of course, no way for one of us to have a contagious disease without exposing the other to it. I never showed any symptoms of this one. I have a device that I was given,when I was in the hospital for my broken leg, for measuring lung capacity. As reduced lung capacity is one of the definitive symptoms of the #CoronaHoax2020, I took to using that device daily, to measure my lungs. My lungs remained as strong as ever, and it seems that I was generally healthier during that time, than I have mostly been since my injury. If what my wife had was the #CoronaHoax virus, then there is no way that I could have avoided being exposed to it. Obviously, my immune system was able to fight it off very easily, and perhaps the exposure somehow kicked my immune system into greater activity to better protect me from other illnesses as well. In fact, I think I have generally been healthier since that time, than I was between that time and the time I was injured, though still not as healthy as I was before my injury.
What ever made you think that coronavirus was a hoax? Is your area so free of infection and without deaths from it, that your community has no evidence of the effects? Is it just because trump would like you to think it is a hoax or that he is such a stable, truthful genius that you trust his word above all else? Do you think all the dead people in other countries and this one is just a Democratic plot? I would really like to understand you position on the questions. Obviously, if it is a political thing, than it is more akin to a religious belief of faith, not requiring evidence, but accepted on faith. I am pretty sure nobody on a message board could shake your faith, if that is the case and I certainly would not try.
The virus is not a hoax but the official government reaction to it has become a hoax. Trump should frog-walk Fauci out of Washington. Viruses have been with US probably since the first humans. They will inevitably infect segments of the population who will get it, get over it and contribute to herd immunity. No amount of quarantining, masks or shutting down the economy is going to stop it.
I didn't get it but both my son and his wife had it. Both tested positive. The son had mild two day symptoms. The DIL had pretty good flu symptom that lasted a week. Bad but never bad enough to go to the emergency room. The six year daughter that was of course living with them never had any discernible symptoms.
Please tell us about your experience and if you have advice that would be very cool!
Lets disect [sic] this disease if possible.

The call center where my wife works seems to be well-optimized for making sure that any contagious disease with which any worker shows up, will soon spread to every other worker there. She's always getting sick, with various flu-like illnesses. Before my injury last September, I rarely got sick, no matter what germs my wife brought home to me. Since my injury, my immune system has become much weaker, and now, when she gets sick, I almost always get at least as sick as she does.

It was in late March that she came home early, one day,freaking out. She was ill, yet again, and this time,the symptoms almost exactly matched those of the #CoronaHoax2020 illness. She had stopped by several clinics on the way home, trying to get sen or tested, and was turned away each time.

She was eventually, a few days later, able to get an online consultation with a doctor. No biological testing was done, of course, but based on the conversation with that doctor, the discussion of symptoms, it was concluded that she very likely did have the #CoronaHoax illness.

So, she self-quarantined for two weeks. The actual illness only lasted a few days,and was considerably milder than most of the illnesses that she is always getting. There is, of course, no way for one of us to have a contagious disease without exposing the other to it. I never showed any symptoms of this one. I have a device that I was given,when I was in the hospital for my broken leg, for measuring lung capacity. As reduced lung capacity is one of the definitive symptoms of the #CoronaHoax2020, I took to using that device daily, to measure my lungs. My lungs remained as strong as ever, and it seems that I was generally healthier during that time, than I have mostly been since my injury. If what my wife had was the #CoronaHoax virus, then there is no way that I could have avoided being exposed to it. Obviously, my immune system was able to fight it off very easily, and perhaps the exposure somehow kicked my immune system into greater activity to better protect me from other illnesses as well. In fact, I think I have generally been healthier since that time, than I was between that time and the time I was injured, though still not as healthy as I was before my injury.
What ever made you think that coronavirus was a hoax? Is your area so free of infection and without deaths from it, that your community has no evidence of the effects? Is it just because trump would like you to think it is a hoax or that he is such a stable, truthful genius that you trust his word above all else? Do you think all the dead people in other countries and this one is just a Democratic plot? I would really like to understand you position on the questions. Obviously, if it is a political thing, than it is more akin to a religious belief of faith, not requiring evidence, but accepted on faith. I am pretty sure nobody on a message board could shake your faith, if that is the case and I certainly would not try.
The virus is not a hoax but the official government reaction to it has become a hoax. Trump should frog-walk Fauci out of Washington. Viruses have been with US probably since the first humans. They will inevitably infect segments of the population who will get it, get over it and contribute to herd immunity. No amount of quarantining, masks or shutting down the economy is going to stop it.
Possibly, but we could slow it down, just as other countries have done if we had leadership at the top, instead of trump. His sheep fall in line pretty easy, when you get right down to it. It is not too late to benefit from trying to slow the progression of this disease in your own community. Economy in my community is doing OK. Masking and distancing are being majorly followed in all major retail outlets and even in convenience stores. It is doable to take personal protection and still have commerce.
Please tell us about your experience and if you have advice that would be very cool!
Lets disect [sic] this disease if possible.

The call center where my wife works seems to be well-optimized for making sure that any contagious disease with which any worker shows up, will soon spread to every other worker there. She's always getting sick, with various flu-like illnesses. Before my injury last September, I rarely got sick, no matter what germs my wife brought home to me. Since my injury, my immune system has become much weaker, and now, when she gets sick, I almost always get at least as sick as she does.

It was in late March that she came home early, one day,freaking out. She was ill, yet again, and this time,the symptoms almost exactly matched those of the #CoronaHoax2020 illness. She had stopped by several clinics on the way home, trying to get sen or tested, and was turned away each time.

She was eventually, a few days later, able to get an online consultation with a doctor. No biological testing was done, of course, but based on the conversation with that doctor, the discussion of symptoms, it was concluded that she very likely did have the #CoronaHoax illness.

So, she self-quarantined for two weeks. The actual illness only lasted a few days,and was considerably milder than most of the illnesses that she is always getting. There is, of course, no way for one of us to have a contagious disease without exposing the other to it. I never showed any symptoms of this one. I have a device that I was given,when I was in the hospital for my broken leg, for measuring lung capacity. As reduced lung capacity is one of the definitive symptoms of the #CoronaHoax2020, I took to using that device daily, to measure my lungs. My lungs remained as strong as ever, and it seems that I was generally healthier during that time, than I have mostly been since my injury. If what my wife had was the #CoronaHoax virus, then there is no way that I could have avoided being exposed to it. Obviously, my immune system was able to fight it off very easily, and perhaps the exposure somehow kicked my immune system into greater activity to better protect me from other illnesses as well. In fact, I think I have generally been healthier since that time, than I was between that time and the time I was injured, though still not as healthy as I was before my injury.
What ever made you think that coronavirus was a hoax? Is your area so free of infection and without deaths from it, that your community has no evidence of the effects? Is it just because trump would like you to think it is a hoax or that he is such a stable, truthful genius that you trust his word above all else? Do you think all the dead people in other countries and this one is just a Democratic plot? I would really like to understand you position on the questions. Obviously, if it is a political thing, than it is more akin to a religious belief of faith, not requiring evidence, but accepted on faith. I am pretty sure nobody on a message board could shake your faith, if that is the case and I certainly would not try.
The virus is not a hoax but the official government reaction to it has become a hoax. Trump should frog-walk Fauci out of Washington. Viruses have been with US probably since the first humans. They will inevitably infect segments of the population who will get it, get over it and contribute to herd immunity. No amount of quarantining, masks or shutting down the economy is going to stop it.
Possibly, but we could slow it down, just as other countries have done if we had leadership at the top, instead of trump. His sheep fall in line pretty easy, when you get right down to it. It is not too late to benefit from trying to slow the progression of this disease in your own community. Economy in my community is doing OK. Masking and distancing are being majorly followed in all major retail outlets and even in convenience stores. It is doable to take personal protection and still have commerce.
You gotta attack Trump, therefore making it political just like all the rest of your deep stater cohorts do in your attempt's to get Trump.
Please tell us about your experience and if you have advice that would be very cool!
Lets disect [sic] this disease if possible.

The call center where my wife works seems to be well-optimized for making sure that any contagious disease with which any worker shows up, will soon spread to every other worker there. She's always getting sick, with various flu-like illnesses. Before my injury last September, I rarely got sick, no matter what germs my wife brought home to me. Since my injury, my immune system has become much weaker, and now, when she gets sick, I almost always get at least as sick as she does.

It was in late March that she came home early, one day,freaking out. She was ill, yet again, and this time,the symptoms almost exactly matched those of the #CoronaHoax2020 illness. She had stopped by several clinics on the way home, trying to get sen or tested, and was turned away each time.

She was eventually, a few days later, able to get an online consultation with a doctor. No biological testing was done, of course, but based on the conversation with that doctor, the discussion of symptoms, it was concluded that she very likely did have the #CoronaHoax illness.

So, she self-quarantined for two weeks. The actual illness only lasted a few days,and was considerably milder than most of the illnesses that she is always getting. There is, of course, no way for one of us to have a contagious disease without exposing the other to it. I never showed any symptoms of this one. I have a device that I was given,when I was in the hospital for my broken leg, for measuring lung capacity. As reduced lung capacity is one of the definitive symptoms of the #CoronaHoax2020, I took to using that device daily, to measure my lungs. My lungs remained as strong as ever, and it seems that I was generally healthier during that time, than I have mostly been since my injury. If what my wife had was the #CoronaHoax virus, then there is no way that I could have avoided being exposed to it. Obviously, my immune system was able to fight it off very easily, and perhaps the exposure somehow kicked my immune system into greater activity to better protect me from other illnesses as well. In fact, I think I have generally been healthier since that time, than I was between that time and the time I was injured, though still not as healthy as I was before my injury.
What ever made you think that coronavirus was a hoax? Is your area so free of infection and without deaths from it, that your community has no evidence of the effects? Is it just because trump would like you to think it is a hoax or that he is such a stable, truthful genius that you trust his word above all else? Do you think all the dead people in other countries and this one is just a Democratic plot? I would really like to understand you position on the questions. Obviously, if it is a political thing, than it is more akin to a religious belief of faith, not requiring evidence, but accepted on faith. I am pretty sure nobody on a message board could shake your faith, if that is the case and I certainly would not try.
The virus is not a hoax but the official government reaction to it has become a hoax. Trump should frog-walk Fauci out of Washington. Viruses have been with US probably since the first humans. They will inevitably infect segments of the population who will get it, get over it and contribute to herd immunity. No amount of quarantining, masks or shutting down the economy is going to stop it.
Possibly, but we could slow it down, just as other countries have done if we had leadership at the top, instead of trump. His sheep fall in line pretty easy, when you get right down to it. It is not too late to benefit from trying to slow the progression of this disease in your own community. Economy in my community is doing OK. Masking and distancing are being majorly followed in all major retail outlets and even in convenience stores. It is doable to take personal protection and still have commerce.
You gotta attack Trump, therefore making it political just like all the rest of your deep stater cohorts do in your attempt's to get Trump.
We need to make a serious effort to combat the spread of the disease. We still have vulnerable populations that are affected. Other countries have done it. We can also. His leadership stands in the way of public health and has for personal reasons, since the beginning of the spread of the disease.
The immune system is a powerful equalizer when it comes to breaking down deadly viruses, and yes in the early stages people do die until build immunity up to it (create anti-bodies), and become immune over time or when the virus is broken down by the trek through the immune system of human beings.

Our best reaction is to have knowledge of such a thing early on (no thanks to the Chinese), as a way of prevention. In the lab we harbor many flu viruses/corona viruses from around the world, and we have a method of prediction that allows for us to choose the possible strain in which might help get us the proper flu shot developed for the season. The strain or virus is then allowed to grow in chicken eggs where it will be killed, and therefore shots will be created by this method in order to inoculate the public or elderly/vulnerable from the harm's of such a thing.

It makes sense that the virus has changed, and the affects of it are also changing for the better instead of for the worse. This is being proven by the death rates dropping while the infection rates are exploding.

The interpretation of these stats are leaning one way or the other, and this is all depending on which political football is being run on, and by whom.
The immune system is a powerful equalizer when it comes to breaking down deadly viruses, and yes in the early stages people do die until build immunity up to it (create anti-bodies), and become immune over time or when the virus is broken down by the trek through the immune system of human beings.

Our best reaction is to have knowledge of such a thing early on (no thanks to the Chinese), as a way of prevention. In the lab we harbor many flu viruses/corona viruses from around the world, and we have a method of prediction that allows for us to choose the possible strain in which might help get us the proper flu shot developed for the season. The strain or virus is then allowed to grow in chicken eggs where it will be killed, and therefore shots will be created by this method in order to inoculate the public or elderly/vulnerable from the harm's of such a thing.

It makes sense that the virus has changed, and the affects of it are also changing for the better instead of for the worse. This is being proven by the death rates dropping while the infection rates are exploding.

The interpretation of these stats are leaning one way or the other, and this is all depending on which political football is being run on, and by whom.
The virus is no respecter of politics. It doesn't work that way. Go with the science.
The immune system is a powerful equalizer when it comes to breaking down deadly viruses, and yes in the early stages people do die until build immunity up to it (create anti-bodies), and become immune over time or when the virus is broken down by the trek through the immune system of human beings.

Our best reaction is to have knowledge of such a thing early on (no thanks to the Chinese), as a way of prevention. In the lab we harbor many flu viruses/corona viruses from around the world, and we have a method of prediction that allows for us to choose the possible strain in which might help get us the proper flu shot developed for the season. The strain or virus is then allowed to grow in chicken eggs where it will be killed, and therefore shots will be created by this method in order to inoculate the public or elderly/vulnerable from the harm's of such a thing.

It makes sense that the virus has changed, and the affects of it are also changing for the better instead of for the worse. This is being proven by the death rates dropping while the infection rates are exploding.

The interpretation of these stats are leaning one way or the other, and this is all depending on which political football is being run on, and by whom.
The virus is no respecter of politics. It doesn't work that way. Go with the science.
Do what ? Of course the virus itself has no directive in concerns of politics, but man can take anything and add politics to it, and therefore make it a political football.
The immune system is a powerful equalizer when it comes to breaking down deadly viruses, and yes in the early stages people do die until build immunity up to it (create anti-bodies), and become immune over time or when the virus is broken down by the trek through the immune system of human beings.

Our best reaction is to have knowledge of such a thing early on (no thanks to the Chinese), as a way of prevention. In the lab we harbor many flu viruses/corona viruses from around the world, and we have a method of prediction that allows for us to choose the possible strain in which might help get us the proper flu shot developed for the season. The strain or virus is then allowed to grow in chicken eggs where it will be killed, and therefore shots will be created by this method in order to inoculate the public or elderly/vulnerable from the harm's of such a thing.

It makes sense that the virus has changed, and the affects of it are also changing for the better instead of for the worse. This is being proven by the death rates dropping while the infection rates are exploding.

The interpretation of these stats are leaning one way or the other, and this is all depending on which political football is being run on, and by whom.
The virus is no respecter of politics. It doesn't work that way. Go with the science.
Do what ? Of course the virus itself has no directive in concerns of politics, but man can take anything and add politics to it, and therefore make it a political football.
Do not play politics. It is not in the interests of reality of how the virus works.
Please tell us about your experience and if you have advice that would be very cool!
Lets disect [sic] this disease if possible.

The call center where my wife works seems to be well-optimized for making sure that any contagious disease with which any worker shows up, will soon spread to every other worker there. She's always getting sick, with various flu-like illnesses. Before my injury last September, I rarely got sick, no matter what germs my wife brought home to me. Since my injury, my immune system has become much weaker, and now, when she gets sick, I almost always get at least as sick as she does.

It was in late March that she came home early, one day,freaking out. She was ill, yet again, and this time,the symptoms almost exactly matched those of the #CoronaHoax2020 illness. She had stopped by several clinics on the way home, trying to get sen or tested, and was turned away each time.

She was eventually, a few days later, able to get an online consultation with a doctor. No biological testing was done, of course, but based on the conversation with that doctor, the discussion of symptoms, it was concluded that she very likely did have the #CoronaHoax illness.

So, she self-quarantined for two weeks. The actual illness only lasted a few days,and was considerably milder than most of the illnesses that she is always getting. There is, of course, no way for one of us to have a contagious disease without exposing the other to it. I never showed any symptoms of this one. I have a device that I was given,when I was in the hospital for my broken leg, for measuring lung capacity. As reduced lung capacity is one of the definitive symptoms of the #CoronaHoax2020, I took to using that device daily, to measure my lungs. My lungs remained as strong as ever, and it seems that I was generally healthier during that time, than I have mostly been since my injury. If what my wife had was the #CoronaHoax virus, then there is no way that I could have avoided being exposed to it. Obviously, my immune system was able to fight it off very easily, and perhaps the exposure somehow kicked my immune system into greater activity to better protect me from other illnesses as well. In fact, I think I have generally been healthier since that time, than I was between that time and the time I was injured, though still not as healthy as I was before my injury.
What ever made you think that coronavirus was a hoax? Is your area so free of infection and without deaths from it, that your community has no evidence of the effects? Is it just because trump would like you to think it is a hoax or that he is such a stable, truthful genius that you trust his word above all else? Do you think all the dead people in other countries and this one is just a Democratic plot? I would really like to understand you position on the questions. Obviously, if it is a political thing, than it is more akin to a religious belief of faith, not requiring evidence, but accepted on faith. I am pretty sure nobody on a message board could shake your faith, if that is the case and I certainly would not try.

The president NEVER said it was Hoax, stop keeping that lie alive, even Snopes said he did NOT say it.
Please tell us about your experience and if you have advice that would be very cool!
Lets disect this disease if possible.
I got it in February, flying to a ski trip. It hit about 4 days in, with flue like symptoms. Made me miss about 3 days of skiing, when could only attempt 1 run each on final 2 days of trip before having to admit, to dangerous to be on those slopes at that altitude, on skis with fever, and the amazing weakness. Drank a lot of chicken noodle soup (my go-to miracle drug for fever and congestion). Two others in party (they were on same connecting flight to Dallas) were hit, day after me. When highly congested I force deep full breaths to fully expand lungs, even though makes me cough. Forced myself to eat even though not hungry and pushed fluids. Not pleasant. AT night tried to sweat it out and changed clothes under the layers of blanket and comforters, stacking changes on chair beside bed before bed time. Felt some better after landing in Memphis, attributed it to difference of living with it at 10-13,000 ft vs 220 ft. My friends went to doctor and were told they had flue, without COVID-19 testing available back then. I continued to improve without doctor over next week and a half to mostly normal, with some residual ear ringing and balance issues. Got tested for anti-bodies a few weeks ago, LabCorp positive, told to quarrantine, checked for current Covid infection, returned negative. Provided documentation to Lifeline and donated convalescent plasma last week. Have been donating blood and plasma since my mid 20s. Doubt there is much to learn from my experience. The three that got it were and are in unusual good shape for our ages, all 20 plus year active/reserve/retired Army Officers, all having served overseas and been repeatedly vaccinated for everything under the sun since our early 20s. The active LTC (youngest) sounded worse with all the same symptoms and fever, actually missed only the last day skiing, but had to miss work on return. She's a piece of work, just like her sister, my wife.
hmmm I've had those same symptoms many times in my life, just not this year.
The immune system is a powerful equalizer when it comes to breaking down deadly viruses, and yes in the early stages people do die until build immunity up to it (create anti-bodies), and become immune over time or when the virus is broken down by the trek through the immune system of human beings.

Our best reaction is to have knowledge of such a thing early on (no thanks to the Chinese), as a way of prevention. In the lab we harbor many flu viruses/corona viruses from around the world, and we have a method of prediction that allows for us to choose the possible strain in which might help get us the proper flu shot developed for the season. The strain or virus is then allowed to grow in chicken eggs where it will be killed, and therefore shots will be created by this method in order to inoculate the public or elderly/vulnerable from the harm's of such a thing.

It makes sense that the virus has changed, and the affects of it are also changing for the better instead of for the worse. This is being proven by the death rates dropping while the infection rates are exploding.

The interpretation of these stats are leaning one way or the other, and this is all depending on which political football is being run on, and by whom.
The virus is no respecter of politics. It doesn't work that way. Go with the science.
Do what ? Of course the virus itself has no directive in concerns of politics, but man can take anything and add politics to it, and therefore make it a political football.
Do not play politics. It is not in the interests of reality of how the virus works.
Whose playing politics ? You are.
Question !!! Why does the mask work with the eyes unprotected ???? The spittal etc can enter the eyes to infect an individual, so are the mask basically being cancelled out by the eyes being left vulnerable or wide open to attack ??

I was in a situation with a mask on, and people were coughing and sneezing close by. I thought to myself now how protected does this mask make me, otherwise when the thing has no tight sealed protection around the mouth and nose when breathing ?? It doesn't, and it's a false security to think so. This bullcrap is so ridiculous that it isn't funny.

Think about how damn evil this thing is, otherwise we aren't as a human race put upon this earth to cower in our basements in order to hide from a virus, and not be able to mingle, hug, and love one another.
Please tell us about your experience and if you have advice that would be very cool!
Lets disect [sic] this disease if possible.

The call center where my wife works seems to be well-optimized for making sure that any contagious disease with which any worker shows up, will soon spread to every other worker there. She's always getting sick, with various flu-like illnesses. Before my injury last September, I rarely got sick, no matter what germs my wife brought home to me. Since my injury, my immune system has become much weaker, and now, when she gets sick, I almost always get at least as sick as she does.

It was in late March that she came home early, one day,freaking out. She was ill, yet again, and this time,the symptoms almost exactly matched those of the #CoronaHoax2020 illness. She had stopped by several clinics on the way home, trying to get sen or tested, and was turned away each time.

She was eventually, a few days later, able to get an online consultation with a doctor. No biological testing was done, of course, but based on the conversation with that doctor, the discussion of symptoms, it was concluded that she very likely did have the #CoronaHoax illness.

So, she self-quarantined for two weeks. The actual illness only lasted a few days,and was considerably milder than most of the illnesses that she is always getting. There is, of course, no way for one of us to have a contagious disease without exposing the other to it. I never showed any symptoms of this one. I have a device that I was given,when I was in the hospital for my broken leg, for measuring lung capacity. As reduced lung capacity is one of the definitive symptoms of the #CoronaHoax2020, I took to using that device daily, to measure my lungs. My lungs remained as strong as ever, and it seems that I was generally healthier during that time, than I have mostly been since my injury. If what my wife had was the #CoronaHoax virus, then there is no way that I could have avoided being exposed to it. Obviously, my immune system was able to fight it off very easily, and perhaps the exposure somehow kicked my immune system into greater activity to better protect me from other illnesses as well. In fact, I think I have generally been healthier since that time, than I was between that time and the time I was injured, though still not as healthy as I was before my injury.
What ever made you think that coronavirus was a hoax? Is your area so free of infection and without deaths from it, that your community has no evidence of the effects? Is it just because trump would like you to think it is a hoax or that he is such a stable, truthful genius that you trust his word above all else? Do you think all the dead people in other countries and this one is just a Democratic plot? I would really like to understand you position on the questions. Obviously, if it is a political thing, than it is more akin to a religious belief of faith, not requiring evidence, but accepted on faith. I am pretty sure nobody on a message board could shake your faith, if that is the case and I certainly would not try.

The president NEVER said it was Hoax, stop keeping that lie alive, even Snopes said he did NOT say it.
Hey Doofus, it is customary to read the post before responding. Didn't you read Bob Blalock's post, where he said " she very likely did have the #CoronaHoax illness." and "symptoms of the #CoronaHoax2020" and " If what my wife had was the #CoronaHoax virus" ??? How many times does the poster have to call it a hoax for you to understand that he thinks it is a hoax I am responding to the post, not trump. Stay on topic or look stupid, your choice.
What ever made you think that coronavirus was a hoax?

The coronavirus itself is not a hoax, but the idea that it poses a serious danger to a majority of the population is:
Why should we quarantine 99% of the population because 1% might become serious ill? BTW, why do you think there have there been no reported influenza deaths in the U.S. this year?
[/QUOT]Because non symptomatic people can kill those at risk. America has 4% of the population and 25% of the corona deaths because of doubters.

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