Has Any Agency Responsible For Voter Integrity Directly Verified A Single Voter Of A Mail In Ballot In Person ?


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Has Any Agency Responsible For Voter Integrity Directly Verified A Single Voter Of A Mail In Ballot In Person ? "

* Verify The Voter In Person *

How is it that statisticians making false predictions about elections have yet to select even one random sample space from mail in ballots and directly verify the identity of the voters in person , to additionally confirm that the votes occurred without coercion by individuals competent to cast the votes ?

A recount is a joke , the overriding issue is that voters be verified in person through the equivalent of a sworn affidavit before a magistrate .

The use of excuse absentee ballots can be reduced by allocating a sufficient number of early voting days .

The use of mail in ballots should be removed entirely by allocating a sufficient number of early voting days .
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" Has Any Agency Responsible For Voter Integrity Directly Verified A Single Voter Of A Mail In Ballot In Person ? "

* Verify The Voter In Person *

How is it that statisticians making false predictions about elections have yet to select even one random sample space from mail in ballots and directly verify the identity of the voters in person , to additionally confirm that the votes occurred without coercion by individuals competent to cast the votes ?

A recount is a joke , the overriding issue is that voters be verified in person through the equivalent of a sworn affidavit before a magistrate .

The use of excuse absentee ballots can be reduced by allocating a sufficient number of early voting days .

The use of mail in ballots should be removed entirely by allocating a sufficient number of early voting days .

Several states have been using mail in balloting for years. The military has used it for decades. All without any screams or cries from either side.
Now, because of the soon-to-be-former resident of 1600's inaction on said pandemic, it was necessary for states to offer this option.
What happened this year is what SHOULD happen every year. The by-in-large elimination of voter suppression because of your said requirement to be in person.
Not everyone can make that happen.

Are there ways to fix the backlog? Probably. Unfortunately, a state like PA has a law that says you cannot open a ballot until after the polls close on election day.
Making counting there a daunting task.
" Election Rules To Challenge Voter Identity For Cause "

* No Validation *

Yep. The poll workers.
And they're not new at this.Gee Wally, that was easy.
Are you too stupid to know what in person voting means ?
" Criminal Psychopaths At Large "

* Local Levels Can Fuck Themselves But Not National Elections *

What happened this year is what SHOULD happen every year. The by-in-large elimination of voter suppression because of your said requirement to be in person.
You mean to state the implementation of mass voter fraud should be facilitated , as such idiocy denies that efforts made to stop voter fraud are in place because voter fraud occurs .

In some states with non-documentary ID requirements, the evidence voters provide is verified by elections officials as a matter of course. Many states that require signatures or signed affidavits mandate that elections officials compare these signatures to the signatures on voters’ registration forms. Elections officials typically check voter- provided biographical information against voter records, registration lists or electronic poll books. In New York, officials also compare voters’ physical appearances to descriptions included in their voter records.

Like other states, states with non-documentary ID requirements permit citizen poll watchers and others to challenge voters' identity and/or eligibility to vote. States that require voters to provide their names at the polls often require elections officials verbally to repeat the names. This can help challengers identify individuals who are attempting to vote in another person's name or who are ineligible to vote.

Who can challenge a voter at the polls—and how—varies from state to state. Some states allow only elections officials or officially-appointed poll watchers to file challenges, while others permit all voters to do so. Commonly accepted grounds for challenge include failure to satisfy age, residency or registration requirements.
" Has Any Agency Responsible For Voter Integrity Directly Verified A Single Voter Of A Mail In Ballot In Person ? "

* Verify The Voter In Person *

How is it that statisticians making false predictions about elections have yet to select even one random sample space from mail in ballots and directly verify the identity of the voters in person , to additionally confirm that the votes occurred without coercion by individuals competent to cast the votes ?

A recount is a joke , the overriding issue is that voters be verified in person through the equivalent of a sworn affidavit before a magistrate .

The use of excuse absentee ballots can be reduced by allocating a sufficient number of early voting days .

The use of mail in ballots should be removed entirely by allocating a sufficient number of early voting days .

Several states have been using mail in balloting for years. The military has used it for decades. All without any screams or cries from either side.
Now, because of the soon-to-be-former resident of 1600's inaction on said pandemic, it was necessary for states to offer this option.
What happened this year is what SHOULD happen every year. The by-in-large elimination of voter suppression because of your said requirement to be in person.
Not everyone can make that happen.

Are there ways to fix the backlog? Probably. Unfortunately, a state like PA has a law that says you cannot open a ballot until after the polls close on election day.
Making counting there a daunting task.


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