Harvard Survey: Young Voters Say Obama Will Lose


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Harvard Survey: Young Voters Say Obama Will Lose

More bad news for President Obama, this time from his Alma Mater Harvard University. In a new poll, more younger voters may of whom voted for Hoax-n-Chains in 2008 think that he will lose next year.

“This survey may well serve as an ominous sign for Barack Obama’s 2012 chances and the political engagement of America’s largest generation,” said John Della, Volpe Voting Director at Harvard’s Institute of Politics.

Harvard Survey: Young Voters Say Obama Will Lose
The study backs up what most see coming, a land slide loss for the kenyan. But you will NOT hear this come from ANY liberal lame stream media outlet. They would NEVER let you believe ANYTHING other than their propaganda that EVERYONE is still in LOVE with obama.

Just ain't so. He fooled a lot of people the first time around with his hyperbole and lies, but he won't do that again. Only the truly retarded and brain dead will continue to buy his shit and support him. So he's probably lost half of everyone that voted for him before. I personally know three people that voted for him, big democrats, that say they will NOT vote for him again. When asked if they'll vote for the republican, they say no, they JUST WON'T VOTE.

Yup... b'bye kenyan. Hope you enjoyed the White House, spending tax payer money on all your vacations and ruining the American economy, but now it's time for you to get your socialist ass back to obscurity.... mm,hmmm... b'bye.
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Harvard Survey: Young Voters Say Obama Will Lose
You'd expect young Asian-"conservatives" to say otherwise???? :eusa_eh:



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