Harry Reid: Bain Investor Told Me That Mitt Romney 'Didn't Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Sam Stein and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has what he says is an informed explanation for why Mitt Romney refuses to release additional tax returns. According a Bain investor, Reid charged, Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Huffington Post from his office on Capitol Hill, Reid saved some of his toughest words for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Romney couldn't make it through a Senate confirmation process as a mere Cabinet nominee, the majority leader insisted, owing to the opaqueness of his personal finances.

More: Harry Reid: Bain Investor Told Me That Mitt Romney 'Didn't Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years'

By Sam Stein and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has what he says is an informed explanation for why Mitt Romney refuses to release additional tax returns. According a Bain investor, Reid charged, Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Huffington Post from his office on Capitol Hill, Reid saved some of his toughest words for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Romney couldn't make it through a Senate confirmation process as a mere Cabinet nominee, the majority leader insisted, owing to the opaqueness of his personal finances.

More: Harry Reid: Bain Investor Told Me That Mitt Romney 'Didn't Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years'

I'm not buying, but anything is possible. I think before anyone makes such accusations, it would behoove them to have at least some evidence and not just pure hearsay.
EVIDENCE, hell Reid or Lahkoda don't need no stinking evidence...hearsay is good enough for them

this is your Democrat REPRESENTIVE people..
It's a brilliant calculation on Reid's part to float this rumor, no way the Romney campaign can counter it with facts without releasing the returns in question.
I have been told by a 'reliable source', that Shitting Bull is actually a Lithuanian prostitute, and not a Native American.

My source is just as believable as the OP's.
By Sam Stein and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has what he says is an informed explanation for why Mitt Romney refuses to release additional tax returns. According a Bain investor, Reid charged, Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Huffington Post from his office on Capitol Hill, Reid saved some of his toughest words for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Romney couldn't make it through a Senate confirmation process as a mere Cabinet nominee, the majority leader insisted, owing to the opaqueness of his personal finances.

More: Harry Reid: Bain Investor Told Me That Mitt Romney 'Didn't Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years'

McCain passed on Romney for Vice President. Now we know why

EVIDENCE, hell Reid or Lahkoda don't need no stinking evidence...hearsay is good enough for them

this is your Democrat REPRESENTIVE people..

Wow, werent you just in the Black Panther thread going all hearsay on that ass?
Let me guess. This Bain investor is anonymous, and will stay anonymous. Fuckin retarded Indians. Why did we give them land after puttin the smack down on their dumb asses?
1. If this was true, just how does that disqualify him from not being able to be president?

2. If this was true, the IRS would be all over his ass like stink on shit.

3. If this was true, liberals should be clamoring for him. The first step in closing tax loopholes for asshole millionaires is understanding where the loopholes are and how they are exploited. If Romney has been doing so, who better to fix them up and therefore solve all the country's problems?
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A friend of my aunt's hairdresser's boyfriend's fraternity brother told me...

Why should I believe anything Harry Reid says? He is one of the biggest liars in Congress.

He's a goddamned hypocrite too. Obama is the most opaque person in the lot. We don't really know what Obama's political philosophies are. He won't release his college thesis papers.

Now, you tell me...why would a man want to hide the papers he wrote to impress his Marxist professors? Shouldn't he be proud of his political views and want them known to the world? Doesn't he want his Marxist professors to know what a good little boy he has been since he kissed their asses in college?
By Sam Stein and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has what he says is an informed explanation for why Mitt Romney refuses to release additional tax returns. According a Bain investor, Reid charged, Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Huffington Post from his office on Capitol Hill, Reid saved some of his toughest words for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Romney couldn't make it through a Senate confirmation process as a mere Cabinet nominee, the majority leader insisted, owing to the opaqueness of his personal finances.

More: Harry Reid: Bain Investor Told Me That Mitt Romney 'Didn't Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years'

HEY ... you and others have said Obama was being TAX smart when he and Michele gave $48,000 to their daughters in order to reduce their 2011 tax bill.
YOU and other said Obama was "tax smart" when HE HAS for the last 3 years deducted $100,000 a year in long term capital losses.. Obama is smart.

SO... Maybe Romney has NOT paid taxes for 10 years.. BEING SMART as Obama!

I also know though Romney DEDUCTS from his taxes
The Romneys donated about 16.4 percent of their adjusted gross income of $42.5 million in the two-year period, according to their 2010 tax returns and an estimate for 2011 taxes.

OBAMA??? As you know he keeps telling us we are our "brother's keepers" all the while his brother lives in $12 a year hut! YET Obama donated LESS in % 14.18% of gross income in

$1,728,096 Obama's adjusted gross income
245,075 14.18% of his income as donations to charities
49,945 home mortgage interest
122,527 Long term capital loss CARRYOVER!!! 7% sheltered income!!

Obama's 2010 Tax Returns

SO tell me is Obama TAX smart as Romney???
By Sam Stein and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has what he says is an informed explanation for why Mitt Romney refuses to release additional tax returns. According a Bain investor, Reid charged, Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Huffington Post from his office on Capitol Hill, Reid saved some of his toughest words for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Romney couldn't make it through a Senate confirmation process as a mere Cabinet nominee, the majority leader insisted, owing to the opaqueness of his personal finances.

More: Harry Reid: Bain Investor Told Me That Mitt Romney 'Didn't Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years'

Any fucking moron would know that if that were true the IRS would be on Mitt like white on Rice..
By Sam Stein and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has what he says is an informed explanation for why Mitt Romney refuses to release additional tax returns. According a Bain investor, Reid charged, Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Huffington Post from his office on Capitol Hill, Reid saved some of his toughest words for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Romney couldn't make it through a Senate confirmation process as a mere Cabinet nominee, the majority leader insisted, owing to the opaqueness of his personal finances.

More: Harry Reid: Bain Investor Told Me That Mitt Romney 'Didn't Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years'

Neither have I.

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