Harris wants to abolish private insurance

The fact that she wants to abolish private insurance. Keep up with the conversation.

When did she say that?
It's in the news. Look it up.

I did. I don't see her stating that anywhere. Three pages now and none of you have been able to quote her saying that either.

Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt for one second that's a goal she might want to ultimately see, but she did not state so in this interview, or any other that I can find, and that's what this thread is about. The OP made an erroneous claim.
It's a goal we should have accomplished long ago. For profit insurance adds nothing, no value added at all.

Zero? Really? LMAO.

I found out firsthand that this is another lie by you, Houston. At least you're a consistent liar.


For profit health insurance is outlawed in nations with 21st century healthcare for all, because they provide nothing of value to anyone but insurance company investors and shareholders; they provide nothing of value to society as a whole, they're parasites. Let's take a look at how our system stacks up, shall we?

New York, N.Y., October 8, 2015 The U.S. spent more per person on health care than 12 other high-income nations in 2013, while seeing the lowest life expectancy and some of the worst health outcomes among this group, according to a Commonwealth Fund report out today. The analysis shows that in the U.S., which spent an average of $9,086 per person annually, life expectancy was 78.8 years. Switzerland, the second-highest-spending country, spent $6,325 per person and had a life expectancy of 82.9 years. Mortality rates for cancer were among the lowest in the U.S., but rates of chronic conditions, obesity, and infant mortality were higher than those abroad.

“Time and again, we see evidence that the amount of money we spend on health care in this country is not gaining us comparable health benefits,” said Commonwealth Fund President David Blumenthal, M.D. “We have to look at the root causes of this disconnect and invest our health care dollars in ways that will allow us to live longer while enjoying better health and greater productivity.”

U.S. Spends More on Health Care Than Other High-Income Nations But Has Lower Life Expectancy, Worse Health | Commonwealth Fund

U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries

U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries

Major Findings
· Quality: The indicators of quality were grouped into four categories: effective care, safe care, coordinated care, and patient-centered care. Compared with the other 10 countries, the U.S. fares best on provision and receipt of preventive and patient-centered care. While there has been some improvement in recent years, lower scores on safe and coordinated care pull the overall U.S. quality score down. Continued adoption of health information technology should enhance the ability of U.S. physicians to identify, monitor, and coordinate care for their patients, particularly those with chronic conditions.

· Access: Not surprisingly—given the absence of universal coverage—people in the U.S. go without needed health care because of cost more often than people do in the other countries. Americans were the most likely to say they had access problems related to cost. Patients in the U.S. have rapid access to specialized health care services; however, they are less likely to report rapid access to primary care than people in leading countries in the study. In other countries, like Canada, patients have little to no financial burden, but experience wait times for such specialized services. There is a frequent misperception that trade-offs between universal coverage and timely access to specialized services are inevitable; however, the Netherlands, U.K., and Germany provide universal coverage with low out-of-pocket costs while maintaining quick access to specialty services.

· Efficiency: On indicators of efficiency, the U.S. ranks last among the 11 countries, with the U.K. and Sweden ranking first and second, respectively. The U.S. has poor performance on measures of national health expenditures and administrative costs as well as on measures of administrative hassles, avoidable emergency room use, and duplicative medical testing. Sicker survey respondents in the U.K. and France are less likely to visit the emergency room for a condition that could have been treated by a regular doctor, had one been available.

· Equity: The U.S. ranks a clear last on measures of equity. Americans with below-average incomes were much more likely than their counterparts in other countries to report not visiting a physician when sick; not getting a recommended test, treatment, or follow-up care; or not filling a prescription or skipping doses when needed because of costs. On each of these indicators, one-third or more lower-income adults in the U.S. said they went without needed care because of costs in the past year.

· Healthy lives: The U.S. ranks last overall with poor scores on all three indicators of healthy lives—mortality amenable to medical care, infant mortality, and healthy life expectancy at age 60. The U.S. and U.K. had much higher death rates in 2007 from conditions amenable to medical care than some of the other countries, e.g., rates 25 percent to 50 percent higher than Australia and Sweden. Overall, France, Sweden, and Switzerland rank highest on healthy lives.

How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally

No other advanced country even comes close to the United States in annual spending on health care, but plenty of those other countries see much better outcomes in their citizens' actual health overall.

A new Commonwealth Fund report released Thursday underscored that point — yet again — with an analysis that ranks 13 high-income nations on their overall health spending, use of medical services, prices and health outcomes.

The study data, which is from 2013, predates the full implementation of Obamacare, which took place in 2014. Obamacare is designed to increase health coverage for Americans and stem the rise in health-care costs.

The findings indicate that despite spending well in excess of the rate of any other of those countries in 2013, the United States achieved worse outcomes when it comes to rates of chronic conditions, obesity and infant mortality.

One rare bright spot for the U.S., however, is that its mortality rate for cancer is among the lowest out of the 13 countries, and that cancer rates fell faster between 1995 and 2007 than in other countries.

"Time and again, we see evidence that the amount of money we spend on health care in this country is not gaining us comparable health benefits," said Dr. David Blumenthal, president of the Commonwealth Fund. "We have to look at the root causes of this disconnect and invest our health-care dollars in ways that will allow us to live longer while enjoying better health and greater productivity."

US health care: Spending a lot, getting the least

Ranking 37th — Measuring the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System
NEJM - Error

Health Care Outcomes in States Influenced by Coverage, Disparities

One explanation for the health disadvantage of the United States relative to other high-income countries might be deficiencies in health services. Although the United States is renowned for its leadership in biomedical research, its cutting-edge medical technology, and its hospitals and specialists, problems with ensuring Americans’ access to the system and providing quality care have been a long-standing concern of policy makers and the public (Berwick et al., 2008; Brook, 2011b; Fineberg, 2012). Higher mortality rates from diseases, and even from transportation-related injuries and homicides, may be traceable in part to failings in the health care system.

The United States stands out from many other countries in not offering universal health insurance coverage. In 2010, 50 million people (16 percent of the U.S. population) were uninsured (DeNavas-Walt et al., 2011). Access to health care services, particularly in rural and frontier communities or disadvantaged urban centers, is often limited. The United States has a relatively weak foundation for primary care and a shortage of family physicians (American Academy of Family Physicians, 2009; Grumbach et al., 2009; Macinko et al., 2007; Sandy et al., 2009). Many Americans rely on emergency departments for acute, chronic, and even preventive care (Institute of Medicine, 2007a; Schoen et al., 2009b, 2011). Cost sharing is common in the United States, and high out-of-pocket expenses make health care services, pharmaceuticals, and medical supplies increasingly unaffordable (Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance System, 2011; Karaca-Mandic et al., 2012). In 2011, one-third of American households reported problems paying medical bills (Cohen et al., 2012), a problem that seems to have worsened in recent years (Himmelstein et al., 2009). Health insurance premiums are consuming an increasing proportion of U.S. household income (Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance System, 2011).

Public Health and Medical Care Systems - U.S. Health in International Perspective - NCBI Bookshelf

Once again, U.S. has most expensive, least effective health care system in survey

A report released Monday by a respected think tank ranks the United States dead last in the quality of its health-care system when compared with 10 other western, industrialized nations, the same spot it occupied in four previous studies by the same organization. Not only did the U.S. fail to move up between 2004 and 2014 -- as other nations did with concerted effort and significant reforms -- it also has maintained this dubious distinction while spending far more per capita ($8,508) on health care than Norway ($5,669), which has the second most expensive system.

"Although the U.S. spends more on health care than any other country and has the highest proportion of specialist physicians, survey findings indicate that from the patients’ perspective, and based on outcome indicators, the performance of American health care is severely lacking," the Commonwealth Fund, a New York-based foundation that promotes improved health care, concluded in its extensive analysis. The charts in this post are from the report.

Once again, U.S. has most expensive, least effective health care system in survey

US healthcare system ranks 50th out of 55 countries for efficiency

The U.S. healthcare system notched another dubious honor in a new comparison of its quality to the systems of 10 other developed countries: its rank was dead last.

The new study by the Commonwealth Fund ranks the U.S. against seven wealthy European countries and Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It's a follow-up of previous surveys published in 2010, 2007, 2006 and 2004, in all of which the U.S. also ranked last.

Although the U.S. ranked in the middle of the pack on measures of effectiveness, safety and coordination of care, it ranked dead last on access and cost, by a sufficient margin to rank dead last overall. The breakdowns are in the chart above.

Conservative pundits hastened to explain away these results after the report was published. See Aaron Carroll for a gloss on the "zombie arguments" put forth against the clear evidence that the U.S. system falls short.


U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World
The next logical step of the nanny state.

2020 Gold.

A right does not make your fellow citizen have to give up his time or effort to make it possible for your right.

If you make others pay for you to enjoy a right, it is not a right.

A good deal of the world already has outlawed for profit health insurance. Predatory, care rationing for profit, zero value added. And these countries have better healthcare outcomes. Are you really this unaware?

He's a leftist fool.
Nothing but labels. How common.

You're one to talk. You deserve every negative comment and more.
Well since that's all you're capable of ....
Here comes the backtracking. Wow! This early?

Backtracking what?
The fact that she wants to abolish private insurance. Keep up with the conversation.

When did she say that?

Wow! Can’t research what your candidate said? Typical.

Oh, now she's my candidate?

I asked you a simple question which you can't seem to answer. Why is that?
Backtracking what?
The fact that she wants to abolish private insurance. Keep up with the conversation.

When did she say that?
It's in the news. Look it up.

I did. I don't see her stating that anywhere. Three pages now and none of you have been able to quote her saying that either.

Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt for one second that's a goal she might want to ultimately see, but she did not state so in this interview, or any other that I can find, and that's what this thread is about. The OP made an erroneous claim.
Found it in 3 seconds.
Kamala Harris vows to get rid of private health care plans: 'Let's eliminate all of that. Let's move on'
Backtracking what?
The fact that she wants to abolish private insurance. Keep up with the conversation.

When did she say that?
It's in the news. Look it up.

I did. I don't see her stating that anywhere. Three pages now and none of you have been able to quote her saying that either.

Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt for one second that's a goal she might want to ultimately see, but she did not state so in this interview, or any other that I can find, and that's what this thread is about. The OP made an erroneous claim.
Found it in 3 seconds.
Kamala Harris vows to get rid of private health care plans: 'Let's eliminate all of that. Let's move on'

Dems always talk sense when they're out of power, relax, she's a corporatist. just like you like 'em.
The next logical step of the nanny state.

2020 Gold.

This is so stupid. People don’t like paying money for something they don’t need.

What is an insurance company?

It’s a middleman.

They don’t have any doctors or nurses or hospitals or medicine or anything.

All you do is you give them your money, they skim money off the policies, and then they send you to a doctor that you were going to have to pay for anyway.
This is why Republicans have mental problems in my opinion.

They complain about the government taking your money but they want to spend money on insurance companies that do absolutely nothing for you.
Backtracking what?
The fact that she wants to abolish private insurance. Keep up with the conversation.

When did she say that?
It's in the news. Look it up.

I did. I don't see her stating that anywhere. Three pages now and none of you have been able to quote her saying that either.

Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt for one second that's a goal she might want to ultimately see, but she did not state so in this interview, or any other that I can find, and that's what this thread is about. The OP made an erroneous claim.
Found it in 3 seconds.
Kamala Harris vows to get rid of private health care plans: 'Let's eliminate all of that. Let's move on'

First off, that link doesn't work. Second, that's the same quote that's in the OP's article in which she never said eliminate private health care plans.
When did she say that?
It's in the news. Look it up.

I did. I don't see her stating that anywhere. Three pages now and none of you have been able to quote her saying that either.

Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt for one second that's a goal she might want to ultimately see, but she did not state so in this interview, or any other that I can find, and that's what this thread is about. The OP made an erroneous claim.
It's a goal we should have accomplished long ago. For profit insurance adds nothing, no value added at all.

Zero? Really? LMAO.

I found out firsthand that this is another lie by you, Houston. At least you're a consistent liar.


For profit health insurance is outlawed in nations with 21st century healthcare for all, because they provide nothing of value to anyone but insurance company investors and shareholders; they provide nothing of value to society as a whole, they're parasites. Let's take a look at how our system stacks up, shall we?

New York, N.Y., October 8, 2015 The U.S. spent more per person on health care than 12 other high-income nations in 2013, while seeing the lowest life expectancy and some of the worst health outcomes among this group, according to a Commonwealth Fund report out today. The analysis shows that in the U.S., which spent an average of $9,086 per person annually, life expectancy was 78.8 years. Switzerland, the second-highest-spending country, spent $6,325 per person and had a life expectancy of 82.9 years. Mortality rates for cancer were among the lowest in the U.S., but rates of chronic conditions, obesity, and infant mortality were higher than those abroad.

“Time and again, we see evidence that the amount of money we spend on health care in this country is not gaining us comparable health benefits,” said Commonwealth Fund President David Blumenthal, M.D. “We have to look at the root causes of this disconnect and invest our health care dollars in ways that will allow us to live longer while enjoying better health and greater productivity.”

U.S. Spends More on Health Care Than Other High-Income Nations But Has Lower Life Expectancy, Worse Health | Commonwealth Fund

U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries

U.S. Healthcare Ranked Dead Last Compared To 10 Other Countries

Major Findings
· Quality: The indicators of quality were grouped into four categories: effective care, safe care, coordinated care, and patient-centered care. Compared with the other 10 countries, the U.S. fares best on provision and receipt of preventive and patient-centered care. While there has been some improvement in recent years, lower scores on safe and coordinated care pull the overall U.S. quality score down. Continued adoption of health information technology should enhance the ability of U.S. physicians to identify, monitor, and coordinate care for their patients, particularly those with chronic conditions.

· Access: Not surprisingly—given the absence of universal coverage—people in the U.S. go without needed health care because of cost more often than people do in the other countries. Americans were the most likely to say they had access problems related to cost. Patients in the U.S. have rapid access to specialized health care services; however, they are less likely to report rapid access to primary care than people in leading countries in the study. In other countries, like Canada, patients have little to no financial burden, but experience wait times for such specialized services. There is a frequent misperception that trade-offs between universal coverage and timely access to specialized services are inevitable; however, the Netherlands, U.K., and Germany provide universal coverage with low out-of-pocket costs while maintaining quick access to specialty services.

· Efficiency: On indicators of efficiency, the U.S. ranks last among the 11 countries, with the U.K. and Sweden ranking first and second, respectively. The U.S. has poor performance on measures of national health expenditures and administrative costs as well as on measures of administrative hassles, avoidable emergency room use, and duplicative medical testing. Sicker survey respondents in the U.K. and France are less likely to visit the emergency room for a condition that could have been treated by a regular doctor, had one been available.

· Equity: The U.S. ranks a clear last on measures of equity. Americans with below-average incomes were much more likely than their counterparts in other countries to report not visiting a physician when sick; not getting a recommended test, treatment, or follow-up care; or not filling a prescription or skipping doses when needed because of costs. On each of these indicators, one-third or more lower-income adults in the U.S. said they went without needed care because of costs in the past year.

· Healthy lives: The U.S. ranks last overall with poor scores on all three indicators of healthy lives—mortality amenable to medical care, infant mortality, and healthy life expectancy at age 60. The U.S. and U.K. had much higher death rates in 2007 from conditions amenable to medical care than some of the other countries, e.g., rates 25 percent to 50 percent higher than Australia and Sweden. Overall, France, Sweden, and Switzerland rank highest on healthy lives.

How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally

No other advanced country even comes close to the United States in annual spending on health care, but plenty of those other countries see much better outcomes in their citizens' actual health overall.

A new Commonwealth Fund report released Thursday underscored that point — yet again — with an analysis that ranks 13 high-income nations on their overall health spending, use of medical services, prices and health outcomes.

The study data, which is from 2013, predates the full implementation of Obamacare, which took place in 2014. Obamacare is designed to increase health coverage for Americans and stem the rise in health-care costs.

The findings indicate that despite spending well in excess of the rate of any other of those countries in 2013, the United States achieved worse outcomes when it comes to rates of chronic conditions, obesity and infant mortality.

One rare bright spot for the U.S., however, is that its mortality rate for cancer is among the lowest out of the 13 countries, and that cancer rates fell faster between 1995 and 2007 than in other countries.

"Time and again, we see evidence that the amount of money we spend on health care in this country is not gaining us comparable health benefits," said Dr. David Blumenthal, president of the Commonwealth Fund. "We have to look at the root causes of this disconnect and invest our health-care dollars in ways that will allow us to live longer while enjoying better health and greater productivity."

US health care: Spending a lot, getting the least

Ranking 37th — Measuring the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System
NEJM - Error

Health Care Outcomes in States Influenced by Coverage, Disparities

One explanation for the health disadvantage of the United States relative to other high-income countries might be deficiencies in health services. Although the United States is renowned for its leadership in biomedical research, its cutting-edge medical technology, and its hospitals and specialists, problems with ensuring Americans’ access to the system and providing quality care have been a long-standing concern of policy makers and the public (Berwick et al., 2008; Brook, 2011b; Fineberg, 2012). Higher mortality rates from diseases, and even from transportation-related injuries and homicides, may be traceable in part to failings in the health care system.

The United States stands out from many other countries in not offering universal health insurance coverage. In 2010, 50 million people (16 percent of the U.S. population) were uninsured (DeNavas-Walt et al., 2011). Access to health care services, particularly in rural and frontier communities or disadvantaged urban centers, is often limited. The United States has a relatively weak foundation for primary care and a shortage of family physicians (American Academy of Family Physicians, 2009; Grumbach et al., 2009; Macinko et al., 2007; Sandy et al., 2009). Many Americans rely on emergency departments for acute, chronic, and even preventive care (Institute of Medicine, 2007a; Schoen et al., 2009b, 2011). Cost sharing is common in the United States, and high out-of-pocket expenses make health care services, pharmaceuticals, and medical supplies increasingly unaffordable (Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance System, 2011; Karaca-Mandic et al., 2012). In 2011, one-third of American households reported problems paying medical bills (Cohen et al., 2012), a problem that seems to have worsened in recent years (Himmelstein et al., 2009). Health insurance premiums are consuming an increasing proportion of U.S. household income (Commonwealth Fund Commission on a High Performance System, 2011).

Public Health and Medical Care Systems - U.S. Health in International Perspective - NCBI Bookshelf

Once again, U.S. has most expensive, least effective health care system in survey

A report released Monday by a respected think tank ranks the United States dead last in the quality of its health-care system when compared with 10 other western, industrialized nations, the same spot it occupied in four previous studies by the same organization. Not only did the U.S. fail to move up between 2004 and 2014 -- as other nations did with concerted effort and significant reforms -- it also has maintained this dubious distinction while spending far more per capita ($8,508) on health care than Norway ($5,669), which has the second most expensive system.

"Although the U.S. spends more on health care than any other country and has the highest proportion of specialist physicians, survey findings indicate that from the patients’ perspective, and based on outcome indicators, the performance of American health care is severely lacking," the Commonwealth Fund, a New York-based foundation that promotes improved health care, concluded in its extensive analysis. The charts in this post are from the report.

Once again, U.S. has most expensive, least effective health care system in survey

US healthcare system ranks 50th out of 55 countries for efficiency

The U.S. healthcare system notched another dubious honor in a new comparison of its quality to the systems of 10 other developed countries: its rank was dead last.

The new study by the Commonwealth Fund ranks the U.S. against seven wealthy European countries and Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It's a follow-up of previous surveys published in 2010, 2007, 2006 and 2004, in all of which the U.S. also ranked last.

Although the U.S. ranked in the middle of the pack on measures of effectiveness, safety and coordination of care, it ranked dead last on access and cost, by a sufficient margin to rank dead last overall. The breakdowns are in the chart above.

Conservative pundits hastened to explain away these results after the report was published. See Aaron Carroll for a gloss on the "zombie arguments" put forth against the clear evidence that the U.S. system falls short.


U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World

#1) Our lifespans are shorter because we work more and eat like crap. Nothing to do with health insurance. Did the study compare us to Sweden? A country of nine million people?

#2) Although the U.S. has the most expensive health care system in the world, the nation ranks lowest in terms of “efficiency, equity and outcomes,” according to the report. One of the most piercing revelations is that the high rate of expenditure for insurance is not commensurate to the satisfaction of patients or quality of service. High out-of-pocket costs and gaps in coverage “undermine efforts in the U.S. to improve care coordination,” the report summarized. --- This is because many have crappy insurance. Again, the wealthy don't have these complaints or problems. TIME is also a Leftist publication and it was trying to spruce up the awful ACA.

#3) Note how laser eye surgery is not covered by insurance. Costs have gone down significantly. Why? Because more doctors have gone into the space and supply has met demand and prices have come down. Capitalism works.

30 Most Technologically Advanced Hospitals in the World - Top Master's in Healthcare Administration
30 Most Technologically Advanced Cancer Centers in the World - Top Master's in Healthcare Administration

Seems as though the US kicks ass when you really look at studies.

I agree out healthcare system sucks for the poor and middle class (some of it) but if you're upper middle class or wealthy, it is great. Like it is in every other country.
A good deal of the world already has outlawed for profit health insurance. Predatory, care rationing for profit, zero value added. And these countries have better healthcare outcomes. Are you really this unaware?

He's a leftist fool.
Nothing but labels. How common.

You're one to talk. You deserve every negative comment and more.
Well since that's all you're capable of ....

Never end a sentence with a preposition, Houston.
Is she in favor of putting elected officials like herself and staff on the same plan?....is she ready to give up her gold plated government plan?....is she ready to give up her doctor?.....because Obama wasn't....he just lied to us....and folks!...she is lying too....
What she put on the table is silly and would bankrupt the nation in less than a year......if you must vote for a dem vote for the Starbucks guy....he is a lib but at least he has his head on straight....Harris is a nut....
Does anyone - conservative, liberal or anything in between - really, truly think we're going to have another black president in any of our lifetimes (and I'm a healthy, young 46-year-old whippersnapper)? After eight years of the Obamaggots' race obsession, race-baiting, riot-inciting, race-card-masturbating, constantly badmouthing "white folk," constantly glorifying black career criminals, constantly flaunting that millionaire-black-crybaby grievance mongering FILTH, does any American actually think that the 87% of non-black Americans want to go through that continuous black, violent hate-convulsion AGAIN??? It's not going to happen.

Fuck it.

Im fully on board. Let's crush the system. Once the dollar becomes worthless the parasite class will devour itself and the billionaire democrook donor class will be cannibalized by the ghetto rats.

Fuck em.

Does anyone - conservative, liberal or anything in between - really, truly think we're going to have another black president in any of our lifetimes (and I'm a healthy, young 46-year-old whippersnapper)? After eight years of the Obamaggots' race obsession, race-baiting, riot-inciting, race-card-masturbating, constantly badmouthing "white folk," constantly glorifying black career criminals, constantly flaunting that millionaire-black-crybaby grievance mongering FILTH, does any American actually think that the 87% of non-black Americans want to go through that continuous black, violent hate-convulsion AGAIN??? It's not going to happen.
I hazard a guess you will not vote for a non-white. LOL

However, Weather's OP does hit the nail of why no single payer on the head. Most Americans don't want the govt actually in charge. Regulating covering prior conditions, being able to dispute insurance companies decisions, keeping your kids on plans until they are really on their own, and even mandating some basic coverages ..... all that is why the GOP will never be able to repeal Obamacare without a real replacement, and we just saw that play out last year.
This is why Republicans have mental problems in my opinion.

They complain about the government taking your money but they want to spend money on insurance companies that do absolutely nothing for you.

Before Obama's fiasco, it was up to the individual to decide if he wanted to pay for insurance or not. And a smart insurance plan certainly does a lot for you.

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