Happy Mother's Day


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
To all the moms out there, have a great day, and if you had boys I'm sure there were many times when you wanted to strangle them. My mom always wished a son for me just like me. :lol:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhcA4Ry65FU]Mother's Day - YouTube[/ame]
Mother's Day? Isn't that the day when we are all supposed to make somebody a Mother?

Obama made certain one couldn't go to school with his children....

"Obama’s Budget Ends Funding for D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program"

Not a problem! Mitt wants to end that, too. And Head Start as well. And the entire safety net.

But no worries! The rich will still get their tax breaks, and we all know that someday? That shit's gonna trickle downhill.

Obama made certain one couldn't go to school with his children....

"Obama’s Budget Ends Funding for D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program"

Not a problem! Mitt wants to end that, too. And Head Start as well. And the entire safety net.

But no worries! The rich will still get their tax breaks, and we all know that someday? That shit's gonna trickle downhill.

1. Head Start is just one more Liberal fraud.
The government has spent some $168 billion over 45 years on Head Start.
See comments by Andrew Coulson, Cato Institute.

"...kids get no lasting benefits from participating in the program. By the end of kindergarten and first grade, students who had been in Head Start are no further ahead academically or behaviorally than students who lost the lottery to enter the program.
Empirical evidence shows that D.C. vouchers work; that program should be expanded, not killed. The evidence also shows that Head Start is a long-running failure; that program should be wound down, not funded with new billions. Even diverting a few hundred million from Head Start into a reauthorized D.C. voucher program would go some way toward restoring the administration’s credibility.
So Much for the Evidence by Jay P. Greene, City Journal 3 February 2010

2. The Department of Health and Human Services has been sitting on an evaluation of the Head Start government run pre-school program. The study found virtually no lasting effects on participants.

The study used a gold-standard, random assignment design and had a very large nationally representative sample. For students who were randomly assigned to Head Start or not at the age of 4:
The researchers collected 41 measures of lasting cognitive effects; of those 41 measures, only one was significant and positive while the remaining 40 showed no statistically significant difference.
The one significant effect was for receptive vocabulary, which showed no significant advantage for Head Start students after kindergarten but somehow re-emerged at the end of 1st grade.
For students randomly assigned to Head Start or not at the age of 3:
The researchers also collected 41 measures of lasting cognitive effects; this time they found two statistically significant positive effects and one statistically significant negative effect.

Again, 38 of the 41 measures of lasting effects showed no difference and the few significant effects, which could be produced by chance, showed mixed results.
It is safe to say from this very rigorous evaluation that Head Start had no lasting effect on the academic preparation of students, says Jay Greene, a professor of education reform at the University of Arkansas and a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.
The long and short of it is that the government runs an enormously expensive pre-school program that has made basically no difference for the students who participate in it. And folks are proposing that we expand government pre-school to include all students, says Greene.

Source: Jay Greene, "Head Start Basically Has No Effect," Goldwater Institute, January 15, 2010.
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