Happy Mexican Independence Day (Of Prayer & Fasting)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Famously, the Holy Father went to London: To verity that The Royals are being well-treated, in the new Conservative Austerity.

Arizona would more likely have been inclined to send police, but was not invited. The federal Bracero Program was actually a partnership between entire nations, in fact, for Labor in WWII. Except for the 40 facist families that run the place, even spending cash would help in the creation of an improved way of life among the Mexicans.

Arizona GOP and Tea Party would not be said on board, of course, even then. The war was being waged by the Democrats, and including their FDR.

Foreign Policy, if not according to the Tea Party, is constitutionally prescribed to be federal matter. Arresting foreign diplomats is even an international matter. Presumably they have money.

The Bracero Program of America was actually a Defense measure. The U. S. suddenly had a labor shortage, in WWII. With the blessings of Democrats after the war, then "Operation Wetback" was under way, and Martin Luther King, Jr., was not protesting it all. There is much that the Civil Rights liberals have yet to explain. It continued until 1964, and often at agreed upon wages and benefits: For the Braceros.

Until the "Business" community began to notice that foreign trade aside, these people could slop like dogs for vomit, in lieu of pay or amenities, and cram themselves, hundreds, it would seem, into little chambers: Probably to bathe.

Humanity and Brotherly Love in Christ are evident, everywhere, even now in America: And especially in Arizona.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Christian International Civilization: Has even been regarded, "Intelligent Design," in some of the darker corners of it all. It is unclear now, if Arizona sees it that way, or not: When sober!)
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Are there any Mexicans left in Mexico?

Anyone notices that in the picture of the other advancing poster, that it does appear that The Deity has parted The Sands: Making the one half a Casino, and the other hotel janitorial labor.

Even in California, where jobs lost increased again in the latest reporting period, the advice is now to take anything that comes along. Some will interpret that as employment.

The jobs pay less, and there are not very many of them, according to some(one).

Realistically, the Meg Whitman campaign probably already knows: The head of the UCLA medical school was just voted a $400,000.00 annual pay raise, by the regents. The Regents stressed that the money was coming from private donations.

Anyone notices that the money was not intended to provide educational grants for the poor! The administrator now gets $1.8 mil., or so.

And still, for some reason, they come(?), to the America, that the Paulson, GOP, Bank Bail-outs actually left intact, as they know it.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Her Majesty's Austerity Household Budget--somehow seems to have left the same gaping hole in other household economies.)

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