Happy avoided being a Father day


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Lol....That is so funny... That is why the joke taught is the father impregnated the mother but since the son is claimed to be the father they are teaching incest.... No wonder certain segments of society are so screwed up ... Course Maury Paveich knows that is why he gives them those DNA tests... Course we can’t do that because that Jesus fellow never exsisted except in the fictional book of the New Testament and he rose up after the CruciFICTION thus the missing Waldo cannot have his DNA tested for obvious reasons to say the least...
Maybe the Christmas tale is eluding to the fact the borrowed mythology of Baal the father(one in the same son Morning Star Jesus ) does impregnate the mother (Isis/Ishtar).
Gives birth to the masking mythology(Dying God mythology of the Canaanites).
I would have to say that there is very little in Roman culture that is not borrowed or taken from other cultures and claimed for their own especially if they can get an advantage from it either through monetary gains, power or territorial....Therefore I would have to agree that Christianity is just a new mask on a much older base and that it is just a new shiny spin on the same old worn out pagan belief system of the past.
And the same racketering scam.
Money for protection, money for a good seat in heaven, money for the idol god that the Priests OF BAAL will gladly hold for him through flashy cars, huge mansions, and JETLINERS.

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