Happy Anniversary JoeyB Dolezal...


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
...Rush today celebrates 30 years behind the EIB golden microphone.

Quite an accomplishment, especially considering it's been more than five years now since JoeyB Dolezal told the world ALL of Rush's advertisers had abandoned him over the Flake flap which forced WLS AM 890 in Chicago to run Rush's show subbing self-promos and Public Service Announcements during the show's normal commercial breaks for national and local ads.

One astute USMB member however pointed out that JoeyB Dolezal was full of crap, said he was lying about the alleged loss of sponsorship simply because the liar didn't like Rush. Well JoeyB Dolezal wasn't gonna take that lying down, so he doubled down and changed the allegation to only local businesses/services were buying airtime on Rush's show, apparently not realizing such a change meant he was admitting his original allegation was complete bullshit. The USMB member was quick to enlighten JoeyB Dolezal about his stupid mistake.

Unable to see very clearly because of the egg all over his face, JoeyB Dolezal shifted gears and instead went on a jag in which he denigrated the quality of the businesses/services from whom Rush was accepting his normal confiscatory ad rates for airtime on his show. If nothing else it at least showed JoeyB Dolezal was persistent when it came to making, as in up, false allegations to fit his agenda.

So, Happy Anny, Rush! Best wishes for many more to come.

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