CNN host Trump won because of racist like you


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Nine months later, CNN still can’t get over the fact that Donald Trump won the election. So the network aired a special Monday ‘investigating’ “Why Trump Won,” and it came to the conclusion that everyone who voted for him is a racist.
CNN Host: Trump Won Because Of Racists like You

If you can't see the break down of society because or morons like this , well consider yourselves part of the problem. Since this is what MSM does to get their sheep following like good little sheep do. Attack those who just don't think like you. Vicious rabid dogs going into action.
Consider this CNN host one of degenerates who voted for Obama then Clinton both psychopaths with a little narcissism included.

And this is another reason we have the ANTIFA, BLM, TRUMP HATERS, GAYS, TRANNIES hating AMERICA and they are ALL VICTIMS of their own stupidity created and generated by people like Obama, Clinton, Bill Ayers, Saul Alinsky................... and that missing gene just doesn't allow them to see the game plan being used against them.

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Nine months later, CNN still can’t get over the fact that Donald Trump won the election. So the network aired a special Monday ‘investigating’ “Why Trump Won,” and it came to the conclusion that everyone who voted for him is a racist.
CNN Host: Trump Won Because Of Racists like You

If you can't see the break down of society because or morons like this , well consider yourselves part of the problem. Since this is what MSM does to get their sheep following like good little sheep do. Attack those who just don't think like you. Vicious rabid dogs going into action.
Consider this CNN host one of degenerates who voted for Obama then Clinton both psychopaths with a little narcissism included.

We actually have a president who is standing up for the USA and putting America first and the left is tripping over themselves to say he hates people.

It's been so long since the left saw a president who put America first they forgot what it looks like.

Hint to the left: You can be pro-American, put-America-first and not hate anyone.

Just like you can be pro-white people and not hate anyone. But good luck with that. But of course black people being pro-black is totally fine and not the least bit racist.

Blacks have black history month yet have done very little in our history that was significant, white people have made the history of our nation what it is.....and where is white history month?
I was "racist" because I voted for Trump?

I wasn't aware that Hillary was black.
Hillary and her granddaughter:

Nine months later, CNN still can’t get over the fact that Donald Trump won the election. So the network aired a special Monday ‘investigating’ “Why Trump Won,” and it came to the conclusion that everyone who voted for him is a racist.

I'm glad the secret is finally out. It was only a matter of time that CNN would eventually somehow accidentally publish some piece of real, world-shaking news. :eek: It could never be that Trump simply ran a better, more aggressive campaign, didn't constantly lie, evade and prevaricate, wasn't always falling down, choking on his own dry phlegm, cackling, needing help to stand on his own two feet without falling over or off busy wiping all of his computers and cellphones clean of all data with a cloth. Now maybe finally we can move on and get some of the nation's business done.

WHAT HAPPENED, Hillary? Everyone KNOWS what happened, you were such a totally offensive ass and crook that all the money in the world and political and media weight behind you could not overcome the nation's revulsion to the idea of putting you back in the White House. Trump's grabbing pussies wasn't even a hill to your Himalayan crimes.
CNN host Trump won because of racist like you

What part of of this inconvenient truth are you having trouble with?

Let's say I voted for Hillary. What race is she?

She's created a new race it's called " democratic race" bhaah that doesn't see skin color because no matter who one is, or where they are from as long as they think along the desire of a Clinton, Obama, Sanders they all think alike so you see colors don't ever come into play / =) Oh and you can be Rich, poor, middle class.......

They all act alike think alike etc, why i'd say they are all a clone from take your pick Obama, Clinton maybe even throw Bill Ayres in there.
He hates muslims? Really?

Well considering they killed 3000 Americans, I hate them too.

Next issue.....
CNN's Fareed Zakaria says Trump won because his voters are stupid, racist, gay hating bigots, & misogynistic.

Hey Fareed, F*^K you. - USA

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