Happening Now: The Twitter Files on Covid are Released!

Lots of vague comments. Walk me through the bullshit that you’re trying to say. You guys always struggle with making specific claims.

“Pushed aside”, “end the gene pool”. I don’t think either of us knows what the hell you’re trying to say. Put your big boy pants on and say what you mean. Walk me through it.

You guys seem to follow the same routine:

1) Say something stupid that sounds cool in your head.

2) Make vague statements when called out on stupid claims.

3) Call the other person stupid for not understanding your mysteriously vague claims.

4) Scamper off.
It is fairly obvious that no matter what I say you will ask for more. I am saying when they no longer need you to obtain the goal, they will kill you, does that clear it up for you? They will no longer need your stupidity, and won't want you to pro create, DUMBASS. That is very clear as were my previous statements, I was trying to sugar coat it because THEY WILL NOT!
Do you even know what you’re arguing about anymore?
Nice deflection, and yes we all know what's been happening inside of leftist politics and their constant scheming. We watch the news and social media like everyone else does... Now if there are lie's being told, then they are telling them. We are just consumer's of it, and we are open minded about it. Prove it wrong is all you can do, but in many cases we haven't seen that very much. A lot is turning out to be true after all.
Here is a left leaning poster wanting speech suppressed in a nation that has prided itself on free speech.

Many on the left have gone completely over to authoritarianism and Fascism, but don’t know it.
And they are excellent at blaming other's at what they are in fact doing themselves, otherwise they are hypocrites.
Nice deflection, and yes we all know what's been happening inside of leftist politics and their constant scheming. We watch the news and social media like everyone else does... Now if there are lie's being told, then they are telling them. We are just consumer's of it, and we are open minded about it. Prove it wrong is all you can do, but in many cases we haven't seen that very much. A lot is turning out to be true after all.
After you’re done with your mindless rambling, feel free to get to your point.
We are done, I spoke plainly, I told you why, and yet you still ask the same idiotic questions!

Off you go. Right on schedule. :)

You guys seem to follow the same routine:

1) Say something stupid that sounds cool in your head.

2) Make vague statements when called out on stupid claims.

3) Call the other person stupid for not understanding your mysteriously vague claims.

4) Scamper off.
Anyone who wishes to accept Knowledge will know from the very resource that pushed the “vaccine” that it does not prevent you from getting, does not prevent transmission and does not effect intensity of transmission. It may prevent fatality Solely in the minuscule percentage (6%) that are categorized as severe to critical and usually already hospitalized any way

These facts weight too heavily on panic induced lib loons so they shift to an abandonment of reality and replace that with what they wish or feel .
Still no point, just more incoherent rambling.
Denial ain't always going to work just so you know... Stick around to J3 and beyond, unless y'all done got those official's targeted with your ladies of the night accusations or maybe a little black book or other bull shite you demon's love whipping out in order to get your opponents off your ace's.

That's exactly why the left has scampered to normalize every kind of sin they can think of, otherwise in order to then go after their rivals with some sort higher yet immoral set of new leftist acceptable standards in which they think won't ever bode well for the ones who haven't adopted them yet, and never will.....Yep the leftist are hiding behind their new secure feelings that are found in their newly normalized bull shite and brainwashing that is now flooding the leftist communities in a political powerful way... It won't last though, it never does, because going against the grain can't last before the chain finally dulls out.

Brilliant I must say, just brilliant the tactic they have come up with, but very devilish indeed.
I’m starting to make comments to mask wearers. We will see how it pans out.
To me a mask is a sign on your face of “I want to be quarantined “. I object to that message. Several responses so far are “I can do what I want” with my response being” and I will say what I want”
Whose on my team??

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