Hannity flip flops like a fish out of water


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Hannity has done a 100 degree turnabout on illegal immigration. From deportation to legalization for those been here 4 years? This is a new low feven for Radical Right Wing Extremists. This proves they will do anything, say anything and sell their mothers for Latino and Hispanic votes. I wonder what they would give for Afro-American votes? They are willing to give America away to Illegal Aliens at any cost. Illegal immigration cost tax payers $113 billion a year, not counting the cost of Americans lives lost by the hands of illegal aliens.

Romney flip flopped from self deportation to he would go farther than Obama’s Dream Act but it was a little to late.

I love to see right wing nuts grapple like he little weasels they are. :lol:
It is time to stop voting for the two major traitor parties.Neither major party will ever secure our borders or depoart all illegals.It is time to vote for a 3rd party candidate who will vow to secure our borders with armed military and deport all illegals.You might want to look into the platform of the Constitution Party on immigration.You might like what you read.
It is time to stop voting for the two major traitor parties.Neither major party will ever secure our borders or depoart all illegals.It is time to vote for a 3rd party candidate who will vow to secure our borders with armed military and deport all illegals.You might want to look into the platform of the Constitution Party on immigration.You might like what you read.

or try the "Rent Is Too High" Party.....
Put someone in who isn't into media, isn't into bargaining, negotiating, foreign relations, etc., and all of a sudden, starving people haunt page one in the news...

Good theory, texasdon. Wish it were practical here. You'd get voted out with a jail sentence if you couldn't make it through the election season with the goofy birds of the press looking up your pants leg.

Put someone in who isn't into media, isn't into bargaining, negotiating, foreign relations, etc., and all of a sudden, starving people haunt page one in the news...

Good theory, texasdon. Wish it were practical here. You'd get voted out with a jail sentence if you couldn't make it through the election season with the goofy birds of the press looking up your pants leg.

IOW's, a rw who knows fuck all about governing :eusa_eh: :clap2: :disagree:
Many republicans see pandering for the hispanic vote as the way to increase their voting base. Whether trading off hispanics for Americans is a net benefit will have to be seen.
Israel is massing on the Gaza border, the dirty tricks squad forced the CIA director to quit, the secretary of state is quitting and the left worries about Sean Hannity flip flopping on an issue? You lefties had better worry about who the hell is running the Country before you spend time critiquing a voice on the radio.
The post is proof that the radical left is just a tool of left wing propaganda. They either don't or can't think for themselves so they parrot left wing blogs every day to fuel their hatred. The modern political term called "flip-flop" is restricted to politics. The rest of us including news analysts might change our minds or revise our opinions but only elected representatives can "flip-flop".

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