Hammer movies with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Around halloween these movies are player quite a bit.
Not outstanding but sorta fun to watch.
I guess I'm just nostalgic for the old stuff.
Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee worked together and were personal friends. In the Hammer collaborations they acted their parts with complete credibility and sober seriousness.

Saturday triple features for fifty cents at the movie house had those movies playing for us kids as a way for parents to have a quite day....
Around halloween these movies are player quite a bit.
Not outstanding but sorta fun to watch.
I guess I'm just nostalgic for the old stuff.

When I was a little kid Channel 7 here in Chicago had a morning movie show...a woman sat on a couch and had one of those funny French Telephones and she would host the movie....for one week they would play the Hammer horror movies......Dracula, Frankenstein, the Werewolf with the guy from the 3 Musketeers....I loved those movies.....watched them all the time......those were great movies as a kid......
When I was a little kid Channel 7 here in Chicago had a morning movie show...a woman sat on a couch and had one of those funny French Telephones and she would host the movie....for one week they would play the Hammer horror movies......Dracula, Frankenstein, the Werewolf with the guy from the 3 Musketeers....I loved those movies.....watched them all the time......those were great movies as a kid......
I thought that show was called "Shock Theater".
When I was a little kid Channel 7 here in Chicago had a morning movie show...a woman sat on a couch and had one of those funny French Telephones and she would host the movie....for one week they would play the Hammer horror movies......Dracula, Frankenstein, the Werewolf with the guy from the 3 Musketeers....I loved those movies.....watched them all the time......those were great movies as a kid......
I thought that show was called "Shock Theater".

this show was on during the actual work week.....Monday-Friday....the rest of the year she played regular movies.....but once a year it was a week of Hammer horror films.....
When I was a little kid Channel 7 here in Chicago had a morning movie show...a woman sat on a couch and had one of those funny French Telephones and she would host the movie....for one week they would play the Hammer horror movies......Dracula, Frankenstein, the Werewolf with the guy from the 3 Musketeers....I loved those movies.....watched them all the time......those were great movies as a kid......
I thought that show was called "Shock Theater".

this show was on during the actual work week.....Monday-Friday....the rest of the year she played regular movies.....but once a year it was a week of Hammer horror films.....
What year was that? Approximately.
When I was a little kid Channel 7 here in Chicago had a morning movie show...a woman sat on a couch and had one of those funny French Telephones and she would host the movie....for one week they would play the Hammer horror movies......Dracula, Frankenstein, the Werewolf with the guy from the 3 Musketeers....I loved those movies.....watched them all the time......those were great movies as a kid......
I thought that show was called "Shock Theater".

this show was on during the actual work week.....Monday-Friday....the rest of the year she played regular movies.....but once a year it was a week of Hammer horror films.....
What year was that? Approximately.

Had to be the middle 70s.....
When I was a little kid Channel 7 here in Chicago had a morning movie show...a woman sat on a couch and had one of those funny French Telephones and she would host the movie....for one week they would play the Hammer horror movies......Dracula, Frankenstein, the Werewolf with the guy from the 3 Musketeers....I loved those movies.....watched them all the time......those were great movies as a kid......
I thought that show was called "Shock Theater".

this show was on during the actual work week.....Monday-Friday....the rest of the year she played regular movies.....but once a year it was a week of Hammer horror films.....
What year was that? Approximately.

Had to be the middle 70s.....
Oh! Way after my time! I'm from the Pinky Lee, Garfiled Goose, Elmer the Elephant, and Susan show era.
When I was a little kid Channel 7 here in Chicago had a morning movie show...a woman sat on a couch and had one of those funny French Telephones and she would host the movie....for one week they would play the Hammer horror movies......Dracula, Frankenstein, the Werewolf with the guy from the 3 Musketeers....I loved those movies.....watched them all the time......those were great movies as a kid......
I thought that show was called "Shock Theater".

this show was on during the actual work week.....Monday-Friday....the rest of the year she played regular movies.....but once a year it was a week of Hammer horror films.....
What year was that? Approximately.

Had to be the middle 70s.....
Oh! Way after my time! I'm from the Pinky Lee, Garfiled Goose, Elmer the Elephant, and Susan show era.

I had Garfield Goose too...and Ray Raynor...and Family Classics on Sunday....Do you remember B.J. and the Dirty Dragon show.....on after school...?
Christopher Lee was awesome!

The original "The Wicker Man" is so fun to watch..in a gruesome sort of way - and Christopher steals the show.
Did anyone see the movie....Terror Train? Telly Savalas was in it with Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing....I think....Savalas played a Cossak.......that was a pretty good movie too.....

found it....Horror Express.......good movie too....

Horror Express - Wikipedia

Horror Express opens with a voice over by Professor Alexander Saxton (Christopher Lee):

"The following report to the Royal Geological Society by the undersigned Alexander Saxton is a true and faithful account of the events that befell the society's expedition in Manchuria. As the leader of the expedition, I must accept the responsibility for its ending in disaster. But I will leave, to the judgment of the honorable members, the decision as to where the blame for the catastrophe lies".

In 1906, Saxton (Lee), a renowned British anthropologist, is returning to Europe by the Trans-Siberian Express from China to Moscow. With him is a crate containing the frozen remains of a primitive humanoid creature that he discovered in a cave in Manchuria.

He hopes it is a missing link in human evolution. Doctor Wells (Peter Cushing), Saxton's friendly rival and Royal Society colleague, is also on board but travelling separately. Before the train departs Shanghai, a thief is found dead on the platform. His eyes are completely white without irises or pupils, and a bystander initially mistakes him for a blind man.

A monk named Father Pujardov (Alberto de Mendoza), the spiritual advisor to the Polish Count Marion Petrovski (George Rigaud) and Countess Irina Petrovski (Silvia Tortosa), who are also waiting to board the train, proclaims the contents of the crate to be evil. Saxton furiously dismisses this as superstition. Saxton's eagerness to keep his scientific find secret arouses the suspicion of Wells, who bribes a porter to investigate the crate.

The porter is killed by the ape-like creature (Juan Olaguivel) within, which then escapes the crate by picking the lock.

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