hamas vs cia charter validity backdoor delivery method questioning location


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
location = .pk

you just lost the re-endorsement Trump for your upcoming so-called voting couting parties happening after November elections (as votes voted for with paper copy i hope), of the account holder making the post on the one forum discussing US elections in the former region known as an actual country with export rights into the browser and civilian section of the delivery method now known as fiber for long range intercontinental delivery, to ADSL modems running over copper available per country code that has a country code to begin with.

end-results, well in advance of discussion happening in muslim country code .pk as TLD,
of soccer match "Hamas Charter validity" vs "CIA Charter validity",

intermediate results #1 = you just lost my endorsement for re-election of the guy who runs office mostly from computer at desk found in washington.us at building whitehouse.gov, office = oval office, desk = run by a guy with lastname = trump.

ha ha ha.

the one relevant EU endorsement REVOKED.

reason : the place where digital freedom arrived during the playboy still on paper at local bookstore selling latest playboy copy in cartoon form..

reason #2 : bullshit to be posting arguments to a country that no longer has valid ways of counting votes during actual voting party days, the country using touchscreens as interface to get votes delivered via...


your entire forum and country is set to deliver nothing but bullshit bytes.

.us = country without internet beyond morse code delivered in standard ASCII 1-byte format.

laughing from bed now.

returning to bed, while it's still dark,
with new desk at home office of company #1, server room #1 = seductiveapps.com = gitlab.com/seductiveapps/seductiveapps

by the way..

you've ended as well your right to deliver bytes as features.

on everything i deem necessary to have features available via the default apps platform,
called browser for operating system installed on civilian internet equipment,
at supermarket for computers (apple / PC / mobile camera / mobile camera with touchscreen the size of (i)pad).

have fun.

we'll be watching the show over from muslim interest discussion zone..

this time, no need to be in the rubber room, with door that never opens to anyone but foreigner with opinion never welcome..

ha ha ha

posted from .nl

stay away from our AMS airport code.

reason : medical health of visitors = tourists, in hotzone with plague or ebola, hospital = via cops and sleeping drug that always work, to local psychiatric hospital for long-ass stay, via start of 20 years worth of stuff designed to keep you depressed enough to end up suicidal, 24/7/365, all 20 years long,

by the modern day nazi headquarters having manual written at location = .us
aka shrinks, in psychiatric jobs at psychiatrist rank of job.

the true saddist section of the medical industry.

ha ha.
actual argumentation for this thread = off.

notation method = new, yet to become a notation level thing of stenography per modern day morse code (delivery method = internet).

I have no idea what's going on in this thread, so I'll just post this...

the .gov TLD jurisdiction has .us.gov at the moment, right :)

we're turning CIA.gov into cui.us,
in the least amount of time it takes to block all bytes reaching old domain name of old TLD address used by former agency now without charter powers reaching jurisdiction outside it's old domain name (cia.gov)...

bytes only to be delivered, soon enough, i HOPE :D, to cui.us = central user interface, country-code TLD = .us,
country = the USA.

block at nearest xs point to .gov domain :D
only old cia.gov domain to block at point of entry of long distance trip to country now without a CIA,
but with new acronym = central user interface . us = cui.us :D

as soon as possible = reach desk with or without coffee and/or fresh tea with nutrients = local variety of just enough brown sugar per cube,
relative to cup size available at nearest cup for coffee/tea size per cube of sugar nutrients (brown sugar supplied at nearest supermarket from desk with actual keyboard and mouse.

when = sorta now open as job-interview.


heading to matras function for more bed-rest,
possibly real sleep,

pretending to be asleep falling phase of actual sleep at matras nearest to desk...
first. :D
state of diplomacy = ubuntu.com = delivery method = .us for index of apps at 'apt-get install' command.

next domain not to trust is all stored at the .com domain.
reason = jurisdiction == .us

domain to avoid when getting app level new version of operating supermarket for software =
ubuntu.com -> listed as completly unreliable to deliver latest version without backdoor-via-exploits-installed + base-layer=ubuntu.com delivery system, command =
.... apt-get
.... apt remove + apt autoremove
.... apt install [app-name]

(limited by lack of cyber-warfare section of 'get latest software at relevant supermarket-for-software, company name = ubuntu.com).
(operating system without back doors at operating system apps menu available via desktop at normal size desk with monitor = 1080p / 4K-screen, input = keyboard + mouse == USB / wired).

more news (a little while later).

back to using desk as bed function,
using newly chrome-stable,
securing most HTML+CSS+Javascript delivery methods.

back to youtube tab open in new version of Chrome at nearest keyboard + mouse = desk made of wood.

this is getting less cryptic as new notation techniques develop in ASCII-only version of internet-age (2019AD) used as delivery method of text input...

aka memo's in ASCII text only first.

summaries in normal plain english to follow soon enough,
but only when human at desk with normal keyboard.

human location = using desk as youtube only TV.
human = peacefan at this forum website.
state of diplomacy = ubuntu.com = delivery method = .us for index of apps at 'apt-get install' command.

next domain not to trust is all stored at the .com domain.
reason = jurisdiction == .us

domain to avoid when getting app level new version of operating supermarket for software =
ubuntu.com -> listed as completly unreliable to deliver latest version without backdoor-via-exploits-installed + base-layer=ubuntu.com delivery system, command =
.... apt-get
.... apt remove + apt autoremove
.... apt install [app-name]

(limited by lack of cyber-warfare section of 'get latest software at relevant supermarket-for-software, company name = ubuntu.com).
(operating system without back doors at operating system apps menu available via desktop at normal size desk with monitor = 1080p / 4K-screen, input = keyboard + mouse == USB / wired).

more news (a little while later).

back to using desk as bed function,
using newly chrome-stable,
securing most HTML+CSS+Javascript delivery methods.

back to youtube tab open in new version of Chrome at nearest keyboard + mouse = desk made of wood.

this is getting less cryptic as new notation techniques develop in ASCII-only version of internet-age (2019AD) used as delivery method of text input...

aka memo's in ASCII text only first.

summaries in normal plain english to follow soon enough,
but only when human at desk with normal keyboard.

human location = using desk as youtube only TV.
human = peacefan at this forum website.

TLD level name change.

country = .nl
aivd.nl = new name @ cui.nl

aivd.nl = not to be delivered bytes to,
whenever available for delivery,
by anyone interested in the relevant name change for the .nl that is now intel.nl = aivd.nl

deadline = none.


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