Hamas Vows To Continue Building Terror Tunnels


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
Hamas Vows To Continue Building Terror Tunnels

Hamas Vows To Continue Building Terror Tunnels - Middle East - News - Israel National News

A spokesman of the Al-Qassam Brigade military branch of Hamas recently expressed the organization's intentions to continue attacking Israel, promising that the Hamas terrorists will continue working in secret to dig new terror tunnels and continue fighting against the "occupation."

What good is acknowledging "Palestinian" arabs holding free elections if bullying, threats, and fascim result in a tyrannical freely elected Hamas that is inimical to Western values and the idea of a free state?

The islamic terrorist organization elected by the “Palestinian” Arabs occupying Gaza is again demonstrating that “Peace Partners” and “Roadmaps to nowhere" are not going to redefine islamist ideology.

That is even more the case today - because in the islamist terrorist enclave of Gaza lays the Muslim Brotherhood bastard child called Hamas. There is no disputing the evidence to demonstrate that its intentions are genocidal. The “moderate” islamist terrorists in Fatah might want to take the risk of testing those intentions, perhaps while wearing a T-shirt declaring "Not In My Name!" But they shouldn’t be surprised to note that among Jews and non-Jews who understand the Middle East, islamiic terrorist intentions are too well defined to be ignored, but loud enough that they can attract some Hellfire Missile diplomacy..
What else is new? Same old Palestinian mentality. I guess some things just never change.

Hamas Vows To Continue Building Terror Tunnels

Hamas Vows To Continue Building Terror Tunnels - Middle East - News - Israel National News

A spokesman of the Al-Qassam Brigade military branch of Hamas recently expressed the organization's intentions to continue attacking Israel, promising that the Hamas terrorists will continue working in secret to dig new terror tunnels and continue fighting against the "occupation."

What good is acknowledging "Palestinian" arabs holding free elections if bullying, threats, and fascim result in a tyrannical freely elected Hamas that is inimical to Western values and the idea of a free state?

The islamic terrorist organization elected by the “Palestinian” Arabs occupying Gaza is again demonstrating that “Peace Partners” and “Roadmaps to nowhere" are not going to redefine islamist ideology.

That is even more the case today - because in the islamist terrorist enclave of Gaza lays the Muslim Brotherhood bastard child called Hamas. There is no disputing the evidence to demonstrate that its intentions are genocidal. The “moderate” islamist terrorists in Fatah might want to take the risk of testing those intentions, perhaps while wearing a T-shirt declaring "Not In My Name!" But they shouldn’t be surprised to note that among Jews and non-Jews who understand the Middle East, islamiic terrorist intentions are too well defined to be ignored, but loud enough that they can attract some Hellfire Missile diplomacy..
What else is new? Same old Palestinian mentality. I guess some things just never change.

Hamas Vows To Continue Building Terror Tunnels

Hamas Vows To Continue Building Terror Tunnels - Middle East - News - Israel National News

A spokesman of the Al-Qassam Brigade military branch of Hamas recently expressed the organization's intentions to continue attacking Israel, promising that the Hamas terrorists will continue working in secret to dig new terror tunnels and continue fighting against the "occupation."

What good is acknowledging "Palestinian" arabs holding free elections if bullying, threats, and fascim result in a tyrannical freely elected Hamas that is inimical to Western values and the idea of a free state?

The islamic terrorist organization elected by the “Palestinian” Arabs occupying Gaza is again demonstrating that “Peace Partners” and “Roadmaps to nowhere" are not going to redefine islamist ideology.

That is even more the case today - because in the islamist terrorist enclave of Gaza lays the Muslim Brotherhood bastard child called Hamas. There is no disputing the evidence to demonstrate that its intentions are genocidal. The “moderate” islamist terrorists in Fatah might want to take the risk of testing those intentions, perhaps while wearing a T-shirt declaring "Not In My Name!" But they shouldn’t be surprised to note that among Jews and non-Jews who understand the Middle East, islamiic terrorist intentions are too well defined to be ignored, but loud enough that they can attract some Hellfire Missile diplomacy..

I would expect that Egypt has taken notice of this. A struggling Egyptian government has a lot to lose with Muslim Brotherhood wannabes smuggling weapons and ammunitions cross-border.
Hamas Vows To Continue Building Terror Tunnels

Hamas Vows To Continue Building Terror Tunnels - Middle East - News - Israel National News

A spokesman of the Al-Qassam Brigade military branch of Hamas recently expressed the organization's intentions to continue attacking Israel, promising that the Hamas terrorists will continue working in secret to dig new terror tunnels and continue fighting against the "occupation."

What good is acknowledging "Palestinian" arabs holding free elections if bullying, threats, and fascim result in a tyrannical freely elected Hamas that is inimical to Western values and the idea of a free state?

The islamic terrorist organization elected by the “Palestinian” Arabs occupying Gaza is again demonstrating that “Peace Partners” and “Roadmaps to nowhere" are not going to redefine islamist ideology.

That is even more the case today - because in the islamist terrorist enclave of Gaza lays the Muslim Brotherhood bastard child called Hamas. There is no disputing the evidence to demonstrate that its intentions are genocidal. The “moderate” islamist terrorists in Fatah might want to take the risk of testing those intentions, perhaps while wearing a T-shirt declaring "Not In My Name!" But they shouldn’t be surprised to note that among Jews and non-Jews who understand the Middle East, islamiic terrorist intentions are too well defined to be ignored, but loud enough that they can attract some Hellfire Missile diplomacy..

They continue to encourage terror, and we will continue fighting them.

Nothing new there.
The lying Israeli juden say the people of Gaza are a free people.

Yet, the inmates of the Gaza open air prison have to dig tunnels to get supplies and food for their families. . :doubt:
Egypt knows the Palestinians very well & how to deal with them. As soon as Israel granted the Palestinians their Jew free Gaza, Egypt closed the border on them. When will Israel ever learn from the surrounding Arab countries how to deal with Palestinians?

What else is new? Same old Palestinian mentality. I guess some things just never change.

Hamas Vows To Continue Building Terror Tunnels

Hamas Vows To Continue Building Terror Tunnels - Middle East - News - Israel National News

What good is acknowledging "Palestinian" arabs holding free elections if bullying, threats, and fascim result in a tyrannical freely elected Hamas that is inimical to Western values and the idea of a free state?

The islamic terrorist organization elected by the “Palestinian” Arabs occupying Gaza is again demonstrating that “Peace Partners” and “Roadmaps to nowhere" are not going to redefine islamist ideology.

That is even more the case today - because in the islamist terrorist enclave of Gaza lays the Muslim Brotherhood bastard child called Hamas. There is no disputing the evidence to demonstrate that its intentions are genocidal. The “moderate” islamist terrorists in Fatah might want to take the risk of testing those intentions, perhaps while wearing a T-shirt declaring "Not In My Name!" But they shouldn’t be surprised to note that among Jews and non-Jews who understand the Middle East, islamiic terrorist intentions are too well defined to be ignored, but loud enough that they can attract some Hellfire Missile diplomacy..

I would expect that Egypt has taken notice of this. A struggling Egyptian government has a lot to lose with Muslim Brotherhood wannabes smuggling weapons and ammunitions cross-border.
The lying Israeli juden say the people of Gaza are a free people.

Yet, the inmates of the Gaza open air prison have to dig tunnels to get supplies and food for their families. . :doubt:

the dogs who worship the meccan rapist pig------who live in Egypt------laugh at the
dogs and pigs they call BALESTINIANS ------and say----"YOU WANT TO GO
The lying Israeli juden say the people of Gaza are a free people.

Yet, the inmates of the Gaza open air prison have to dig tunnels to get supplies and food for their families. . :doubt:

You're typically confused. The "Pal" arabs elected islamist terrorists who, subsequent to being elected, did as one would expect islamist terrorists to do: strip away freedoms and totally mismanage all civil affairs.

That still hasn't prevented from Hamas from begging at the UN for infidel welfare dollars.
The lying Israeli juden say the people of Gaza are a free people.

Yet, the inmates of the Gaza open air prison have to dig tunnels to get supplies and food for their families. . :doubt:

You're typically confused. The "Pal" arabs elected islamist terrorists who, subsequent to being elected, did as one would expect islamist terrorists to do: strip away freedoms and totally mismanage all civil affairs.

That still hasn't prevented from Hamas from begging at the UN for infidel welfare dollars.

Hollie---there is no shariah cesspit in the world that does not BLAME DA JOOOOS
for their problems Long ago-----I came into contact with new comers to the USA---
from islamic cesspits that had no jewish population (at least ANYMORE----there were
jews in every land invaded by the dogs and pigs------EVEN AFGHANISTAN)------but
they all managed to blame everything from their personal body odor to the
filth of their daughters on DA JOOOOOS ---------a very important phrase in the
lexicon of their filth is "ZIONIST CONTROLLED CIA " <<< I have not heard that one
for years------but it was very popular a few decades ago
noun \&#712;ter-&#601;r, &#712;te-r&#601;r\

: a very strong feeling of fear

: something that causes very strong feelings of fear : something that is terrifying

: violence that is committed by a person, group, or government in order to frighten people and achieve a political goal

noun \&#712;t&#601;-n&#601;l\

: a passage that goes under the ground, through a hill, etc.
The lying Israeli juden say the people of Gaza are a free people.

Yet, the inmates of the Gaza open air prison have to dig tunnels to get supplies and food for their families. . :doubt:

Strange how the convert wannabe thinks that islamist Dark Agers are going to feed their families with smuggled weapons and ammunition.

Strange also how convert wannabes would whine about conditions in Gaza when the squatter Arabs voted in an islamic terrorist syndicate to manage governmental affairs.

suuuuuu we boy obviously fell out of the wannabe jihadi tree.
The lying Israeli juden say the people of Gaza are a free people.

Yet, the inmates of the Gaza open air prison have to dig tunnels to get supplies and food for their families. . :doubt:

Strange how the convert wannabe thinks that islamist Dark Agers are going to feed their families with smuggled weapons and ammunition.

Strange also how convert wannabes would whine about conditions in Gaza when the squatter Arabs voted in an islamic terrorist syndicate to manage governmental affairs.

suuuuuu we boy obviously fell out of the wannabe jihadi tree.

Its the creed------they don't feed their daughters------first they sell them ---and when
their asses are worn out-----they tie the bombs on.
The lying Israeli juden say the people of Gaza are a free people.

Yet, the inmates of the Gaza open air prison have to dig tunnels to get supplies and food for their families. . :doubt:

Strange how the convert wannabe thinks that islamist Dark Agers are going to feed their families with smuggled weapons and ammunition.

Strange also how convert wannabes would whine about conditions in Gaza when the squatter Arabs voted in an islamic terrorist syndicate to manage governmental affairs.

suuuuuu we boy obviously fell out of the wannabe jihadi tree.

Its the creed------they don't feed their daughters------first they sell them ---and when
their asses are worn out-----they tie the bombs on.

Taking out the trash in Gaza&#8217;istan.

Israel bombs Gaza tunnel; 4 Hamas militants killed

Israel bombs Gaza tunnel; 4 Hamas militants killed - Worcester Telegram & Gazette - telegram.com

JERUSALEM &#8212; Israeli aircraft bombed what the military described as a "terror tunnel" used by Hamas in Gaza and the militant Palestinian group said three of its fighters were killed in the strike early Friday.
Three green-hat terrorists killed. Is that all? Hear that deafening roar? That's the dead silence blaring from a world community hard at work not caring about dead islamist terrorists.

Regarding reality, what an odd bit of reality that green-hat terrorists don't consider a harried, itinerant existence, living from tunnel to tunnel to be a humiliating and useless existence.

As far as another bit of alternate reality for islamist terrorists, you've bought into the obscene and absurd notion that muhammud (swish) likes to see defenseless noncombatants slaughtered and the even more ludicrous idea that you will get you sweet, eternal 72 virgin sex after the Israeli military hunts you down and sprays you all over the tunnel wall. By all means, enjoy your alternate reality.

"Quiet will be met with quiet but if they attack, there will be a painful response," Maj. Gen. Sami Turgeman, head of the Israeli military's southern command, said while visiting the wounded soldiers in hospital.

&#8220;Quiet&#8221; is only temporary, Gen. Turgeman. After almost a year of the absurd tahadiya (aka hudna, aka "time out", aka attacking Israelis at a quantitatively lower rate than usual), the jihadi scum in Gaza are announcing that the fake "truce" is over.

Hamas: We'll Expel or Kill All the Zionists - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Hamas Official: We'll Expel or Kill All the Zionists

A senior Hamas official declared on Thursday that his group intends to stick to its mission - &#8220;liberating&#8221; all of &#8220;Palestine&#8221; (meaning all of Israel).

The official, Khalil Al-Khiya, stressed that Hamas will never give up on one inch of &#8220;Palestine&#8221;. He made the comments during a memorial event for five Hamas terrorists who were killed by IDF soldiers in Gaza last week.

In modern day Israel, nothing has changed except for two things: The Jews returned to the land of their fathers and made it prosper where the Arabs/Moslems let it stagnate, and now, jihad is utterly impotent at seizing political power from the Jews. Instead, it is only successful at failing.
Well at least let us hope there are male virgins up there in paradise as well for these victimized Palestinian girls.

The lying Israeli juden say the people of Gaza are a free people.

Yet, the inmates of the Gaza open air prison have to dig tunnels to get supplies and food for their families. . :doubt:

Strange how the convert wannabe thinks that islamist Dark Agers are going to feed their families with smuggled weapons and ammunition.

Strange also how convert wannabes would whine about conditions in Gaza when the squatter Arabs voted in an islamic terrorist syndicate to manage governmental affairs.

suuuuuu we boy obviously fell out of the wannabe jihadi tree.

Its the creed------they don't feed their daughters------first they sell them ---and when
their asses are worn out-----they tie the bombs on.

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