Hamas Placed Rocket Launchers On Top Of Hospitals Yet Ilhan Omar Does Her Best To Dispel 'Myth' Palestinians Use 'Human Shields'

B. The size of the rocket is irrelevant. They point is all the propellant is almost immediately burned up, and payload weight greatly reduces range. The payload then is limited to a few ounces.

Care to tell me how "a few ounces" did this much damage to a car?

Rigby must think neither the amount of damage done not the fact thatterrorist Hamas fired over 4000 rockets into Israel matters...as long as they were tiny rockets with tiny payloads.

And, of course, would NEVER tolerate ANY of those rockets being fired into his/her neighborhood from ANYWHERE, regardless of the provocation. That's where the hypocrisy becomes evident.

If such crimes were being committed like what Israel does, I would be firing the rockets myself.
Anyone who would not, is then a criminal as well, for protecting those guilty.
Based on what you said, the US is already guilty of worse, so why are you not already attacking your own neighborhood?

No one is doing worse than Israel.
The worst the US is doing is supporting Israel.
My own neighborhood is guilty of lots of thing, like Vietnam, Iraq WMD lies, illegal invasions, illegal economic sanctions, the War on Drugs, asset forfeiture laws, 3 strikes laws, etc., but none of that is any where near as bad as what Israel has been doing for 70 years.
The US is not guilty of genocide.
And the excuses flow.


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

Last I checked that’s a direct violation of international law.
So where’s the Lefts precious UN?

Everything Israel says is essentially a lie.
The rockets raining down on Israel never happened?

Like I said, you Leftards are a special kind of evil.

We were talking about the claim that rockets were fired from the roofs of hospitals.
That obviously makes no sense and is a lie.
How would anyone even get all these rockets up on to a hospital roof anyway?
Its not like the elevators go all the way to the roof.

But Palestinian rockets are small and home made, without any guidance. They rarely harm anyone.
I just wish there were more lethal, so that Israel could be stopped from murdering and stealing.
A. They are not home made. Gaza has no rocket store, warhead store nor Amazon delivery. They are smuggled in from Iran. You lied.

B. A 6 foot rocket with an explosive warhead is very lethal. That’s why our military has been using them for 80 years. Lie #2 by you.

C. At least 6 dead and dozens injured from the Hamas terrorists rocket attacks. Numerous Palestinians have been killed and wounded by their own rockets. Lie #3 by you.

D. Hamas terrorists use human shields. Lie #4 by you The Leftist Atlantic:

E. It is a direct violation of international law to intentionally target civilians. All Hamas and their supporters should be executed for their war crimes.


A. Palestinians have been making rockets for 70 years now. A rocket is just a tube filled with propellant with a funnel shaped nozzle.
They are easy to make from home. I have built hundreds of model rockets at home, and some have gone for miles. They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

B. The size of the rocket is irrelevant. They point is all the propellant is almost immediately burned up, and payload weight greatly reduces range. The payload then is limited to a few ounces. And that can never be very lethal. Our military has NEVER tried to use little rockets with such a range limitation. When we want a long range lethal rocket, we make it much larger. When we use little rockets, like air to ground, they don't need much propellant because they are short range, get velocity from the launching aircraft, and gain speed from gravity. We do NOT use rockets at all similar to these Palestinians rockets, except on the 4th of July.

C. Obviously Palestinians are going to be killed from home made rockets, because they are going to have problems mixing the propellant with the wrong pressure for the container. It is very unlikely any of the rockets ever killed anyone, and it is more likely the tens of thousands of rockets fired as interceptors from Iron Dome is what actually killed some Israelis.

D. Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying. Gaza has the single highest population density in the world. There is no where in Gaza that does not have a civilian population. But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders. It is not like there are freight elevators to the roof tops. They should have claimed rockets were fired from parking lots. At least that could have been possible. Rooftops is just an obvious lie.

E. Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal. Just like the US incinerating the civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel. They all do their stint in the IDF and remain on reserve. And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home, they all know they are in possession of stolen property. They are all totally guilty.

They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

What about the tunnels from Sinai?

Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying.

Where are they launching from? Open fields?

Gaza has the single highest population density in the world.

How dense? Link?

But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders.

Or up the stairs. They have stairs in Gaza, don't they?

Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal.

Where do you get the claim that firing unguided rockets at civilian areas is legal? Link?

But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel.


And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home


To use the tunnels from Sinai to smuggle Iranian rockets into Gaza, you would have to somehow get the Iranian rockets into Egypt first, which is impossible.

Since these homemade rockets sometimes blowup on ignition, yes, they are launched from open fields, parking lots, etc.
There is no point in human shields because you leave right after launching.

Gaza population denisity.

CountryPopulationLand area (sq mi)Density per sq miDensity per sq mi
Gaza Strip1,428,7571479,71377


Typically you don't built stairs to the roof.
The only way to access most roofs is from ladders.

Firing unguided rockets is legal when they are fired in retaliation for worse crimes, like Israel murdering to steal homes.
And we can tell it is legal because the US did much worse, like targeting civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I don't need a link to prove no Israeli has paid for their home.
Israel offers every Jew a free home.
They offered me a free home.
It is well known.
And obviously they can only do that if they are stealing the homes to start with.
And it is well known they did.
They massacred hundreds of Arab villages.
Based on your own criteria and things you said, it would be legal for someone to fire unguided munitions into your New Mexico town. Tell us, how long would you tolerate watching cars and buildings be destroyed and people being killed and hurt before you demand that the government do something to stop the attacks? Or would you instead nod sagely and say that everyone just needs to settle down and tolerate the attacks?

If the town where I lived was guilty of the things Israel has done and is doing, I would burn the town to the ground.
for the record-----Rigby was not offered a free home

I was offered a free home and good job in Israel as far back as 1968
look on the bottle of the pills which you were prescribed and let me know the
NAME of the pills


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

Last I checked that’s a direct violation of international law.
So where’s the Lefts precious UN?

Everything Israel says is essentially a lie.
The rockets raining down on Israel never happened?

Like I said, you Leftards are a special kind of evil.

We were talking about the claim that rockets were fired from the roofs of hospitals.
That obviously makes no sense and is a lie.
How would anyone even get all these rockets up on to a hospital roof anyway?
Its not like the elevators go all the way to the roof.

But Palestinian rockets are small and home made, without any guidance. They rarely harm anyone.
I just wish there were more lethal, so that Israel could be stopped from murdering and stealing.
A. They are not home made. Gaza has no rocket store, warhead store nor Amazon delivery. They are smuggled in from Iran. You lied.

B. A 6 foot rocket with an explosive warhead is very lethal. That’s why our military has been using them for 80 years. Lie #2 by you.

C. At least 6 dead and dozens injured from the Hamas terrorists rocket attacks. Numerous Palestinians have been killed and wounded by their own rockets. Lie #3 by you.

D. Hamas terrorists use human shields. Lie #4 by you The Leftist Atlantic:

E. It is a direct violation of international law to intentionally target civilians. All Hamas and their supporters should be executed for their war crimes.


A. Palestinians have been making rockets for 70 years now. A rocket is just a tube filled with propellant with a funnel shaped nozzle.
They are easy to make from home. I have built hundreds of model rockets at home, and some have gone for miles. They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

B. The size of the rocket is irrelevant. They point is all the propellant is almost immediately burned up, and payload weight greatly reduces range. The payload then is limited to a few ounces. And that can never be very lethal. Our military has NEVER tried to use little rockets with such a range limitation. When we want a long range lethal rocket, we make it much larger. When we use little rockets, like air to ground, they don't need much propellant because they are short range, get velocity from the launching aircraft, and gain speed from gravity. We do NOT use rockets at all similar to these Palestinians rockets, except on the 4th of July.

C. Obviously Palestinians are going to be killed from home made rockets, because they are going to have problems mixing the propellant with the wrong pressure for the container. It is very unlikely any of the rockets ever killed anyone, and it is more likely the tens of thousands of rockets fired as interceptors from Iron Dome is what actually killed some Israelis.

D. Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying. Gaza has the single highest population density in the world. There is no where in Gaza that does not have a civilian population. But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders. It is not like there are freight elevators to the roof tops. They should have claimed rockets were fired from parking lots. At least that could have been possible. Rooftops is just an obvious lie.

E. Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal. Just like the US incinerating the civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel. They all do their stint in the IDF and remain on reserve. And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home, they all know they are in possession of stolen property. They are all totally guilty.

They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

What about the tunnels from Sinai?

Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying.

Where are they launching from? Open fields?

Gaza has the single highest population density in the world.

How dense? Link?

But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders.

Or up the stairs. They have stairs in Gaza, don't they?

Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal.

Where do you get the claim that firing unguided rockets at civilian areas is legal? Link?

But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel.


And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home


To use the tunnels from Sinai to smuggle Iranian rockets into Gaza, you would have to somehow get the Iranian rockets into Egypt first, which is impossible.

Since these homemade rockets sometimes blowup on ignition, yes, they are launched from open fields, parking lots, etc.
There is no point in human shields because you leave right after launching.

Gaza population denisity.

CountryPopulationLand area (sq mi)Density per sq miDensity per sq mi
Gaza Strip1,428,7571479,71377


Typically you don't built stairs to the roof.
The only way to access most roofs is from ladders.

Firing unguided rockets is legal when they are fired in retaliation for worse crimes, like Israel murdering to steal homes.
And we can tell it is legal because the US did much worse, like targeting civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I don't need a link to prove no Israeli has paid for their home.
Israel offers every Jew a free home.
They offered me a free home.
It is well known.
And obviously they can only do that if they are stealing the homes to start with.
And it is well known they did.
They massacred hundreds of Arab villages.
Based on your own criteria and things you said, it would be legal for someone to fire unguided munitions into your New Mexico town. Tell us, how long would you tolerate watching cars and buildings be destroyed and people being killed and hurt before you demand that the government do something to stop the attacks? Or would you instead nod sagely and say that everyone just needs to settle down and tolerate the attacks?

If the town where I lived was guilty of the things Israel has done and is doing, I would burn the town to the ground.
for the record-----Rigby was not offered a free home

I was offered a free home and good job in Israel as far back as 1968
I asked you before, and will again. Post pictures taken of the area before Israel was formed and after, then tell us Israel didn't build anything.

B. The size of the rocket is irrelevant. They point is all the propellant is almost immediately burned up, and payload weight greatly reduces range. The payload then is limited to a few ounces.

Care to tell me how "a few ounces" did this much damage to a car?

Rigby must think neither the amount of damage done not the fact thatterrorist Hamas fired over 4000 rockets into Israel matters...as long as they were tiny rockets with tiny payloads.

And, of course, would NEVER tolerate ANY of those rockets being fired into his/her neighborhood from ANYWHERE, regardless of the provocation. That's where the hypocrisy becomes evident.

If such crimes were being committed like what Israel does, I would be firing the rockets myself.
Anyone who would not, is then a criminal as well, for protecting those guilty.
Based on what you said, the US is already guilty of worse, so why are you not already attacking your own neighborhood?

No one is doing worse than Israel.
The worst the US is doing is supporting Israel.
My own neighborhood is guilty of lots of thing, like Vietnam, Iraq WMD lies, illegal invasions, illegal economic sanctions, the War on Drugs, asset forfeiture laws, 3 strikes laws, etc., but none of that is any where near as bad as what Israel has been doing for 70 years.
The US is not guilty of genocide.
I am fascinated Rigie, dear. Did you graduate High School in the USA. Were you ever assigned to write a "composition" ? -----your ability to express yourself in English indicates that you have NOTHING to say and lack the ability even to explain your NOTHING. You claim Israel offered you a "free house" ----because you are a "jew"-----have you ever been examined by a neurologist or
psychiatrist? -----was the "free house" a GROUP HOME?

Shall we stick to facts?
Like why else would Zionist murder the British peacekeepers in Palestine, by blowing up their headquarters In the King David Hotel, unless they intended something illegal, like mass murder of Arab villages, unless they knew the British would have tried to stop them?
Same with gunning down the UN Moderator, Folke Bernadotte? Why kill the UN Moderator unless you wanted to commit genocide without witnesses?


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

Last I checked that’s a direct violation of international law.
So where’s the Lefts precious UN?

Everything Israel says is essentially a lie.
The rockets raining down on Israel never happened?

Like I said, you Leftards are a special kind of evil.

We were talking about the claim that rockets were fired from the roofs of hospitals.
That obviously makes no sense and is a lie.
How would anyone even get all these rockets up on to a hospital roof anyway?
Its not like the elevators go all the way to the roof.

But Palestinian rockets are small and home made, without any guidance. They rarely harm anyone.
I just wish there were more lethal, so that Israel could be stopped from murdering and stealing.
A. They are not home made. Gaza has no rocket store, warhead store nor Amazon delivery. They are smuggled in from Iran. You lied.

B. A 6 foot rocket with an explosive warhead is very lethal. That’s why our military has been using them for 80 years. Lie #2 by you.

C. At least 6 dead and dozens injured from the Hamas terrorists rocket attacks. Numerous Palestinians have been killed and wounded by their own rockets. Lie #3 by you.

D. Hamas terrorists use human shields. Lie #4 by you The Leftist Atlantic:

E. It is a direct violation of international law to intentionally target civilians. All Hamas and their supporters should be executed for their war crimes.


A. Palestinians have been making rockets for 70 years now. A rocket is just a tube filled with propellant with a funnel shaped nozzle.
They are easy to make from home. I have built hundreds of model rockets at home, and some have gone for miles. They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

B. The size of the rocket is irrelevant. They point is all the propellant is almost immediately burned up, and payload weight greatly reduces range. The payload then is limited to a few ounces. And that can never be very lethal. Our military has NEVER tried to use little rockets with such a range limitation. When we want a long range lethal rocket, we make it much larger. When we use little rockets, like air to ground, they don't need much propellant because they are short range, get velocity from the launching aircraft, and gain speed from gravity. We do NOT use rockets at all similar to these Palestinians rockets, except on the 4th of July.

C. Obviously Palestinians are going to be killed from home made rockets, because they are going to have problems mixing the propellant with the wrong pressure for the container. It is very unlikely any of the rockets ever killed anyone, and it is more likely the tens of thousands of rockets fired as interceptors from Iron Dome is what actually killed some Israelis.

D. Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying. Gaza has the single highest population density in the world. There is no where in Gaza that does not have a civilian population. But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders. It is not like there are freight elevators to the roof tops. They should have claimed rockets were fired from parking lots. At least that could have been possible. Rooftops is just an obvious lie.

E. Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal. Just like the US incinerating the civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel. They all do their stint in the IDF and remain on reserve. And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home, they all know they are in possession of stolen property. They are all totally guilty.

They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

What about the tunnels from Sinai?

Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying.

Where are they launching from? Open fields?

Gaza has the single highest population density in the world.

How dense? Link?

But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders.

Or up the stairs. They have stairs in Gaza, don't they?

Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal.

Where do you get the claim that firing unguided rockets at civilian areas is legal? Link?

But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel.


And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home


To use the tunnels from Sinai to smuggle Iranian rockets into Gaza, you would have to somehow get the Iranian rockets into Egypt first, which is impossible.

Since these homemade rockets sometimes blowup on ignition, yes, they are launched from open fields, parking lots, etc.
There is no point in human shields because you leave right after launching.

Gaza population denisity.

CountryPopulationLand area (sq mi)Density per sq miDensity per sq mi
Gaza Strip1,428,7571479,71377


Typically you don't built stairs to the roof.
The only way to access most roofs is from ladders.

Firing unguided rockets is legal when they are fired in retaliation for worse crimes, like Israel murdering to steal homes.
And we can tell it is legal because the US did much worse, like targeting civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I don't need a link to prove no Israeli has paid for their home.
Israel offers every Jew a free home.
They offered me a free home.
It is well known.
And obviously they can only do that if they are stealing the homes to start with.
And it is well known they did.
They massacred hundreds of Arab villages.
Based on your own criteria and things you said, it would be legal for someone to fire unguided munitions into your New Mexico town. Tell us, how long would you tolerate watching cars and buildings be destroyed and people being killed and hurt before you demand that the government do something to stop the attacks? Or would you instead nod sagely and say that everyone just needs to settle down and tolerate the attacks?

If the town where I lived was guilty of the things Israel has done and is doing, I would burn the town to the ground.
for the record-----Rigby was not offered a free home

I was offered a free home and good job in Israel as far back as 1968
I asked you before, and will again. Post pictures taken of the area before Israel was formed and after, then tell us Israel didn't build anything.

The point is the land did not belong to the Zionists or Israel, and the Zionists destroyed dozens of prosperous Arab villages, with mass murder.

B. The size of the rocket is irrelevant. They point is all the propellant is almost immediately burned up, and payload weight greatly reduces range. The payload then is limited to a few ounces.

Care to tell me how "a few ounces" did this much damage to a car?

Rigby must think neither the amount of damage done not the fact thatterrorist Hamas fired over 4000 rockets into Israel matters...as long as they were tiny rockets with tiny payloads.

And, of course, would NEVER tolerate ANY of those rockets being fired into his/her neighborhood from ANYWHERE, regardless of the provocation. That's where the hypocrisy becomes evident.

If such crimes were being committed like what Israel does, I would be firing the rockets myself.
Anyone who would not, is then a criminal as well, for protecting those guilty.
Based on what you said, the US is already guilty of worse, so why are you not already attacking your own neighborhood?

No one is doing worse than Israel.
The worst the US is doing is supporting Israel.
My own neighborhood is guilty of lots of thing, like Vietnam, Iraq WMD lies, illegal invasions, illegal economic sanctions, the War on Drugs, asset forfeiture laws, 3 strikes laws, etc., but none of that is any where near as bad as what Israel has been doing for 70 years.
The US is not guilty of genocide.
I am fascinated Rigie, dear. Did you graduate High School in the USA. Were you ever assigned to write a "composition" ? -----your ability to express yourself in English indicates that you have NOTHING to say and lack the ability even to explain your NOTHING. You claim Israel offered you a "free house" ----because you are a "jew"-----have you ever been examined by a neurologist or
psychiatrist? -----was the "free house" a GROUP HOME?

Shall we stick to facts?
Like why else would Zionist murder the British peacekeepers in Palestine, by blowing up their headquarters In the King David Hotel, unless they intended something illegal, like mass murder of Arab villages, unless they knew the British would have tried to stop them?
Same with gunning down the UN Moderator, Folke Bernadotte? Why kill the UN Moderator unless you wanted to commit genocide without witnesses?
you should TRY to research the issue on the Internet-----there were very important issues.
Do you ALSO believe that Hindu Indians murdered millions of muslims of the Indian subcontinent
in order to steal their mosques


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

Last I checked that’s a direct violation of international law.
So where’s the Lefts precious UN?

Everything Israel says is essentially a lie.
The rockets raining down on Israel never happened?

Like I said, you Leftards are a special kind of evil.

We were talking about the claim that rockets were fired from the roofs of hospitals.
That obviously makes no sense and is a lie.
How would anyone even get all these rockets up on to a hospital roof anyway?
Its not like the elevators go all the way to the roof.

But Palestinian rockets are small and home made, without any guidance. They rarely harm anyone.
I just wish there were more lethal, so that Israel could be stopped from murdering and stealing.
A. They are not home made. Gaza has no rocket store, warhead store nor Amazon delivery. They are smuggled in from Iran. You lied.

B. A 6 foot rocket with an explosive warhead is very lethal. That’s why our military has been using them for 80 years. Lie #2 by you.

C. At least 6 dead and dozens injured from the Hamas terrorists rocket attacks. Numerous Palestinians have been killed and wounded by their own rockets. Lie #3 by you.

D. Hamas terrorists use human shields. Lie #4 by you The Leftist Atlantic:

E. It is a direct violation of international law to intentionally target civilians. All Hamas and their supporters should be executed for their war crimes.


A. Palestinians have been making rockets for 70 years now. A rocket is just a tube filled with propellant with a funnel shaped nozzle.
They are easy to make from home. I have built hundreds of model rockets at home, and some have gone for miles. They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

B. The size of the rocket is irrelevant. They point is all the propellant is almost immediately burned up, and payload weight greatly reduces range. The payload then is limited to a few ounces. And that can never be very lethal. Our military has NEVER tried to use little rockets with such a range limitation. When we want a long range lethal rocket, we make it much larger. When we use little rockets, like air to ground, they don't need much propellant because they are short range, get velocity from the launching aircraft, and gain speed from gravity. We do NOT use rockets at all similar to these Palestinians rockets, except on the 4th of July.

C. Obviously Palestinians are going to be killed from home made rockets, because they are going to have problems mixing the propellant with the wrong pressure for the container. It is very unlikely any of the rockets ever killed anyone, and it is more likely the tens of thousands of rockets fired as interceptors from Iron Dome is what actually killed some Israelis.

D. Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying. Gaza has the single highest population density in the world. There is no where in Gaza that does not have a civilian population. But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders. It is not like there are freight elevators to the roof tops. They should have claimed rockets were fired from parking lots. At least that could have been possible. Rooftops is just an obvious lie.

E. Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal. Just like the US incinerating the civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel. They all do their stint in the IDF and remain on reserve. And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home, they all know they are in possession of stolen property. They are all totally guilty.

They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

What about the tunnels from Sinai?

Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying.

Where are they launching from? Open fields?

Gaza has the single highest population density in the world.

How dense? Link?

But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders.

Or up the stairs. They have stairs in Gaza, don't they?

Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal.

Where do you get the claim that firing unguided rockets at civilian areas is legal? Link?

But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel.


And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home


To use the tunnels from Sinai to smuggle Iranian rockets into Gaza, you would have to somehow get the Iranian rockets into Egypt first, which is impossible.

Since these homemade rockets sometimes blowup on ignition, yes, they are launched from open fields, parking lots, etc.
There is no point in human shields because you leave right after launching.

Gaza population denisity.

CountryPopulationLand area (sq mi)Density per sq miDensity per sq mi
Gaza Strip1,428,7571479,71377


Typically you don't built stairs to the roof.
The only way to access most roofs is from ladders.

Firing unguided rockets is legal when they are fired in retaliation for worse crimes, like Israel murdering to steal homes.
And we can tell it is legal because the US did much worse, like targeting civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I don't need a link to prove no Israeli has paid for their home.
Israel offers every Jew a free home.
They offered me a free home.
It is well known.
And obviously they can only do that if they are stealing the homes to start with.
And it is well known they did.
They massacred hundreds of Arab villages.
Based on your own criteria and things you said, it would be legal for someone to fire unguided munitions into your New Mexico town. Tell us, how long would you tolerate watching cars and buildings be destroyed and people being killed and hurt before you demand that the government do something to stop the attacks? Or would you instead nod sagely and say that everyone just needs to settle down and tolerate the attacks?

If the town where I lived was guilty of the things Israel has done and is doing, I would burn the town to the ground.
for the record-----Rigby was not offered a free home

I was offered a free home and good job in Israel as far back as 1968
I asked you before, and will again. Post pictures taken of the area before Israel was formed and after, then tell us Israel didn't build anything.

The point is the land did not belong to the Zionists or Israel, and the Zionists destroyed dozens of prosperous Arab villages, with mass murder.

not at all true------but it is good for you to repeat that statement at the mosque
The UN is an Old Ladies International Debating Society...


It's sole value is that it serves as a neutral meeting-ground for nations to talk when things get too tense...

Its bias against Israel and the Jews is legendary and the UN may safely be ignored and ridiculed in this context.


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

Last I checked that’s a direct violation of international law.
So where’s the Lefts precious UN?

Everything Israel says is essentially a lie.
The rockets raining down on Israel never happened?

Like I said, you Leftards are a special kind of evil.

We were talking about the claim that rockets were fired from the roofs of hospitals.
That obviously makes no sense and is a lie.
How would anyone even get all these rockets up on to a hospital roof anyway?
Its not like the elevators go all the way to the roof.

But Palestinian rockets are small and home made, without any guidance. They rarely harm anyone.
I just wish there were more lethal, so that Israel could be stopped from murdering and stealing.
A. They are not home made. Gaza has no rocket store, warhead store nor Amazon delivery. They are smuggled in from Iran. You lied.

B. A 6 foot rocket with an explosive warhead is very lethal. That’s why our military has been using them for 80 years. Lie #2 by you.

C. At least 6 dead and dozens injured from the Hamas terrorists rocket attacks. Numerous Palestinians have been killed and wounded by their own rockets. Lie #3 by you.

D. Hamas terrorists use human shields. Lie #4 by you The Leftist Atlantic:

E. It is a direct violation of international law to intentionally target civilians. All Hamas and their supporters should be executed for their war crimes.


A. Palestinians have been making rockets for 70 years now. A rocket is just a tube filled with propellant with a funnel shaped nozzle.
They are easy to make from home. I have built hundreds of model rockets at home, and some have gone for miles. They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

B. The size of the rocket is irrelevant. They point is all the propellant is almost immediately burned up, and payload weight greatly reduces range. The payload then is limited to a few ounces. And that can never be very lethal. Our military has NEVER tried to use little rockets with such a range limitation. When we want a long range lethal rocket, we make it much larger. When we use little rockets, like air to ground, they don't need much propellant because they are short range, get velocity from the launching aircraft, and gain speed from gravity. We do NOT use rockets at all similar to these Palestinians rockets, except on the 4th of July.

C. Obviously Palestinians are going to be killed from home made rockets, because they are going to have problems mixing the propellant with the wrong pressure for the container. It is very unlikely any of the rockets ever killed anyone, and it is more likely the tens of thousands of rockets fired as interceptors from Iron Dome is what actually killed some Israelis.

D. Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying. Gaza has the single highest population density in the world. There is no where in Gaza that does not have a civilian population. But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders. It is not like there are freight elevators to the roof tops. They should have claimed rockets were fired from parking lots. At least that could have been possible. Rooftops is just an obvious lie.

E. Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal. Just like the US incinerating the civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel. They all do their stint in the IDF and remain on reserve. And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home, they all know they are in possession of stolen property. They are all totally guilty.

They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

What about the tunnels from Sinai?

Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying.

Where are they launching from? Open fields?

Gaza has the single highest population density in the world.

How dense? Link?

But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders.

Or up the stairs. They have stairs in Gaza, don't they?

Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal.

Where do you get the claim that firing unguided rockets at civilian areas is legal? Link?

But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel.


And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home


To use the tunnels from Sinai to smuggle Iranian rockets into Gaza, you would have to somehow get the Iranian rockets into Egypt first, which is impossible.

Since these homemade rockets sometimes blowup on ignition, yes, they are launched from open fields, parking lots, etc.
There is no point in human shields because you leave right after launching.

Gaza population denisity.

CountryPopulationLand area (sq mi)Density per sq miDensity per sq mi
Gaza Strip1,428,7571479,71377


Typically you don't built stairs to the roof.
The only way to access most roofs is from ladders.

Firing unguided rockets is legal when they are fired in retaliation for worse crimes, like Israel murdering to steal homes.
And we can tell it is legal because the US did much worse, like targeting civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I don't need a link to prove no Israeli has paid for their home.
Israel offers every Jew a free home.
They offered me a free home.
It is well known.
And obviously they can only do that if they are stealing the homes to start with.
And it is well known they did.
They massacred hundreds of Arab villages.
Based on your own criteria and things you said, it would be legal for someone to fire unguided munitions into your New Mexico town. Tell us, how long would you tolerate watching cars and buildings be destroyed and people being killed and hurt before you demand that the government do something to stop the attacks? Or would you instead nod sagely and say that everyone just needs to settle down and tolerate the attacks?

If the town where I lived was guilty of the things Israel has done and is doing, I would burn the town to the ground.
for the record-----Rigby was not offered a free home

I was offered a free home and good job in Israel as far back as 1968
I asked you before, and will again. Post pictures taken of the area before Israel was formed and after, then tell us Israel didn't build anything.

The point is the land did not belong to the Zionists or Israel, and the Zionists destroyed dozens of prosperous Arab villages, with mass murder.
Hardly irrelevant when you're claiming that Israel didn't build any houses. Obviously you know that a side by side comparison would reveal that the area was desolate scrub land before Israel caused the desert to bloom and built modern cities.
long ago----I learned by experience that trying to TALK a psychotic out of his
delusions is utterly futile. I also learned that a muslim education ---whether
at home, school or mosque---IS LIKE A PSYCHOSIS
Those are great journalistic operations

Maybe decades ago, when they weren't 100% in the bag for liberals.
Now they're hacks.......

47% don't pay taxes

Feel free to post the actual percentage who pay no federal income taxes.
Unfortunately most of you brainwashed functional morons believe 47% pay no taxes which is how it is usually said on your propaganda machine. Actually the top 80% pay the same about 27% on average In all taxes. Even the bottom 20% pay about 20%.... And all that never happened before and has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Only the distraction of total garbage propaganda allows you to keep believing all your crap....

Calling CNN a propaganda machine? Works for me!

Nobody doubts the 47% figure you stupid ass off. It's just that it is a small tax and the only progressive tax. If you count all taxes, everybody is paying 27%. It's just stupid propaganda the way you idiots use it. Oh sorry brainwashed functional idiots morons whatever.
"everybody is paying 27%" in taxes francoHFW

I would love to see you link us up to your data, just for shits and grins.

But of course, brainwash functional moron. Straight from IRS stats

View attachment 493766

They both pay the same rate, 7.65%, on the first $110,100 ($142,800 in 2021).
Sounds fair.....and equal.

View attachment 493768

Corporate taxes? Why the fuck would you include that? Sounds dishonest. And even if you did, the guy making $40,000 doesn't pay any corporate taxes. If you look at state taxes, here in Illinois, income tax is a flat 4.95%.
So the rich guy isn't paying a lower rate, the poor guy isn't paying a higher rate.
In about half the states, the state tax is progressive. In California, it ranges from 1%-12%.

View attachment 493771
Pretty damn progressive.

Sales tax?
The poor guy pays the same rate as the rich guy on every dollar they spend.

And then, of course, poor little Ezra ignores transfer payments.
In 2012, the lowest quintile household earned less than $20,600.
The second lowest $20,600-$39,764.
Plenty of juicy transfer payments to those households.
A family making $25,000 with one child was getting $2,400-$3,300 in EITC.
That's between 10%-13% of their income. They're looking at a negative Federal Tax burden.
A flat tax is a giveaway to the rich and it's called a regressive tax. What about the payroll tax I'm over $142,000, dingbat. You must be insipid. At any rate, my link shows the entire country is based on flat tax about 27% in all taxes for everyone that makes money. That's how you get the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. This country is unfair and only brainwashed functional morons don't know it. It's called reaganism. And when Reagan ended the fairness starting we got garbage GOP propaganda to fight real journalism. Your heroes are a bunch of lying scum bags.
Those are great journalistic operations

Maybe decades ago, when they weren't 100% in the bag for liberals.
Now they're hacks.......

47% don't pay taxes

Feel free to post the actual percentage who pay no federal income taxes.
Unfortunately most of you brainwashed functional morons believe 47% pay no taxes which is how it is usually said on your propaganda machine. Actually the top 80% pay the same about 27% on average In all taxes. Even the bottom 20% pay about 20%.... And all that never happened before and has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Only the distraction of total garbage propaganda allows you to keep believing all your crap....

Calling CNN a propaganda machine? Works for me!

Nobody doubts the 47% figure you stupid ass off. It's just that it is a small tax and the only progressive tax. If you count all taxes, everybody is paying 27%. It's just stupid propaganda the way you idiots use it. Oh sorry brainwashed functional idiots morons whatever.
"everybody is paying 27%" in taxes francoHFW

I would love to see you link us up to your data, just for shits and grins.

But of course, brainwash functional moron. Straight from IRS stats

View attachment 493766

They both pay the same rate, 7.65%, on the first $110,100 ($142,800 in 2021).
Sounds fair.....and equal.

View attachment 493768

Corporate taxes? Why the fuck would you include that? Sounds dishonest. And even if you did, the guy making $40,000 doesn't pay any corporate taxes. If you look at state taxes, here in Illinois, income tax is a flat 4.95%.
So the rich guy isn't paying a lower rate, the poor guy isn't paying a higher rate.
In about half the states, the state tax is progressive. In California, it ranges from 1%-12%.

View attachment 493771
Pretty damn progressive.

Sales tax?
The poor guy pays the same rate as the rich guy on every dollar they spend.

And then, of course, poor little Ezra ignores transfer payments.
In 2012, the lowest quintile household earned less than $20,600.
The second lowest $20,600-$39,764.
Plenty of juicy transfer payments to those households.
A family making $25,000 with one child was getting $2,400-$3,300 in EITC.
That's between 10%-13% of their income. They're looking at a negative Federal Tax burden.
It would be a hell of a lot easier if we just had good jobs like every other modern country has. What a GOP scam and EITC leads to blaming the poor And doesn't help most people. A disgrace. They used to be called the unfortunate more fairly. Now they all became stupid and lazy, nothing to do with unfair GOP taxes and policies. Why are we the only country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations? Brainwashed functional morons and scumbag GOP.


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

Last I checked that’s a direct violation of international law.
So where’s the Lefts precious UN?

Everything Israel says is essentially a lie.
The rockets raining down on Israel never happened?

Like I said, you Leftards are a special kind of evil.

We were talking about the claim that rockets were fired from the roofs of hospitals.
That obviously makes no sense and is a lie.
How would anyone even get all these rockets up on to a hospital roof anyway?
Its not like the elevators go all the way to the roof.

But Palestinian rockets are small and home made, without any guidance. They rarely harm anyone.
I just wish there were more lethal, so that Israel could be stopped from murdering and stealing.
A. They are not home made. Gaza has no rocket store, warhead store nor Amazon delivery. They are smuggled in from Iran. You lied.

B. A 6 foot rocket with an explosive warhead is very lethal. That’s why our military has been using them for 80 years. Lie #2 by you.

C. At least 6 dead and dozens injured from the Hamas terrorists rocket attacks. Numerous Palestinians have been killed and wounded by their own rockets. Lie #3 by you.

D. Hamas terrorists use human shields. Lie #4 by you The Leftist Atlantic:

E. It is a direct violation of international law to intentionally target civilians. All Hamas and their supporters should be executed for their war crimes.


A. Palestinians have been making rockets for 70 years now. A rocket is just a tube filled with propellant with a funnel shaped nozzle.
They are easy to make from home. I have built hundreds of model rockets at home, and some have gone for miles. They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

B. The size of the rocket is irrelevant. They point is all the propellant is almost immediately burned up, and payload weight greatly reduces range. The payload then is limited to a few ounces. And that can never be very lethal. Our military has NEVER tried to use little rockets with such a range limitation. When we want a long range lethal rocket, we make it much larger. When we use little rockets, like air to ground, they don't need much propellant because they are short range, get velocity from the launching aircraft, and gain speed from gravity. We do NOT use rockets at all similar to these Palestinians rockets, except on the 4th of July.

C. Obviously Palestinians are going to be killed from home made rockets, because they are going to have problems mixing the propellant with the wrong pressure for the container. It is very unlikely any of the rockets ever killed anyone, and it is more likely the tens of thousands of rockets fired as interceptors from Iron Dome is what actually killed some Israelis.

D. Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying. Gaza has the single highest population density in the world. There is no where in Gaza that does not have a civilian population. But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders. It is not like there are freight elevators to the roof tops. They should have claimed rockets were fired from parking lots. At least that could have been possible. Rooftops is just an obvious lie.

E. Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal. Just like the US incinerating the civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel. They all do their stint in the IDF and remain on reserve. And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home, they all know they are in possession of stolen property. They are all totally guilty.

They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

What about the tunnels from Sinai?

Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying.

Where are they launching from? Open fields?

Gaza has the single highest population density in the world.

How dense? Link?

But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders.

Or up the stairs. They have stairs in Gaza, don't they?

Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal.

Where do you get the claim that firing unguided rockets at civilian areas is legal? Link?

But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel.


And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home


To use the tunnels from Sinai to smuggle Iranian rockets into Gaza, you would have to somehow get the Iranian rockets into Egypt first, which is impossible.

Since these homemade rockets sometimes blowup on ignition, yes, they are launched from open fields, parking lots, etc.
There is no point in human shields because you leave right after launching.

Gaza population denisity.

CountryPopulationLand area (sq mi)Density per sq miDensity per sq mi
Gaza Strip1,428,7571479,71377


Typically you don't built stairs to the roof.
The only way to access most roofs is from ladders.

Firing unguided rockets is legal when they are fired in retaliation for worse crimes, like Israel murdering to steal homes.
And we can tell it is legal because the US did much worse, like targeting civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I don't need a link to prove no Israeli has paid for their home.
Israel offers every Jew a free home.
They offered me a free home.
It is well known.
And obviously they can only do that if they are stealing the homes to start with.
And it is well known they did.
They massacred hundreds of Arab villages.
Based on your own criteria and things you said, it would be legal for someone to fire unguided munitions into your New Mexico town. Tell us, how long would you tolerate watching cars and buildings be destroyed and people being killed and hurt before you demand that the government do something to stop the attacks? Or would you instead nod sagely and say that everyone just needs to settle down and tolerate the attacks?

If the town where I lived was guilty of the things Israel has done and is doing, I would burn the town to the ground.

You're so dramatic!

Perhaps you should reduce your estrogen intake?


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

Last I checked that’s a direct violation of international law.
So where’s the Lefts precious UN?

Everything Israel says is essentially a lie.
The rockets raining down on Israel never happened?

Like I said, you Leftards are a special kind of evil.

We were talking about the claim that rockets were fired from the roofs of hospitals.
That obviously makes no sense and is a lie.
How would anyone even get all these rockets up on to a hospital roof anyway?
Its not like the elevators go all the way to the roof.

But Palestinian rockets are small and home made, without any guidance. They rarely harm anyone.
I just wish there were more lethal, so that Israel could be stopped from murdering and stealing.
A. They are not home made. Gaza has no rocket store, warhead store nor Amazon delivery. They are smuggled in from Iran. You lied.

B. A 6 foot rocket with an explosive warhead is very lethal. That’s why our military has been using them for 80 years. Lie #2 by you.

C. At least 6 dead and dozens injured from the Hamas terrorists rocket attacks. Numerous Palestinians have been killed and wounded by their own rockets. Lie #3 by you.

D. Hamas terrorists use human shields. Lie #4 by you The Leftist Atlantic:

E. It is a direct violation of international law to intentionally target civilians. All Hamas and their supporters should be executed for their war crimes.


A. Palestinians have been making rockets for 70 years now. A rocket is just a tube filled with propellant with a funnel shaped nozzle.
They are easy to make from home. I have built hundreds of model rockets at home, and some have gone for miles. They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

B. The size of the rocket is irrelevant. They point is all the propellant is almost immediately burned up, and payload weight greatly reduces range. The payload then is limited to a few ounces. And that can never be very lethal. Our military has NEVER tried to use little rockets with such a range limitation. When we want a long range lethal rocket, we make it much larger. When we use little rockets, like air to ground, they don't need much propellant because they are short range, get velocity from the launching aircraft, and gain speed from gravity. We do NOT use rockets at all similar to these Palestinians rockets, except on the 4th of July.

C. Obviously Palestinians are going to be killed from home made rockets, because they are going to have problems mixing the propellant with the wrong pressure for the container. It is very unlikely any of the rockets ever killed anyone, and it is more likely the tens of thousands of rockets fired as interceptors from Iron Dome is what actually killed some Israelis.

D. Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying. Gaza has the single highest population density in the world. There is no where in Gaza that does not have a civilian population. But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders. It is not like there are freight elevators to the roof tops. They should have claimed rockets were fired from parking lots. At least that could have been possible. Rooftops is just an obvious lie.

E. Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal. Just like the US incinerating the civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel. They all do their stint in the IDF and remain on reserve. And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home, they all know they are in possession of stolen property. They are all totally guilty.

They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

What about the tunnels from Sinai?

Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying.

Where are they launching from? Open fields?

Gaza has the single highest population density in the world.

How dense? Link?

But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders.

Or up the stairs. They have stairs in Gaza, don't they?

Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal.

Where do you get the claim that firing unguided rockets at civilian areas is legal? Link?

But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel.


And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home


To use the tunnels from Sinai to smuggle Iranian rockets into Gaza, you would have to somehow get the Iranian rockets into Egypt first, which is impossible.

Since these homemade rockets sometimes blowup on ignition, yes, they are launched from open fields, parking lots, etc.
There is no point in human shields because you leave right after launching.

Gaza population denisity.

CountryPopulationLand area (sq mi)Density per sq miDensity per sq mi
Gaza Strip1,428,7571479,71377


Typically you don't built stairs to the roof.
The only way to access most roofs is from ladders.

Firing unguided rockets is legal when they are fired in retaliation for worse crimes, like Israel murdering to steal homes.
And we can tell it is legal because the US did much worse, like targeting civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I don't need a link to prove no Israeli has paid for their home.
Israel offers every Jew a free home.
They offered me a free home.
It is well known.
And obviously they can only do that if they are stealing the homes to start with.
And it is well known they did.
They massacred hundreds of Arab villages.
Based on your own criteria and things you said, it would be legal for someone to fire unguided munitions into your New Mexico town. Tell us, how long would you tolerate watching cars and buildings be destroyed and people being killed and hurt before you demand that the government do something to stop the attacks? Or would you instead nod sagely and say that everyone just needs to settle down and tolerate the attacks?

If the town where I lived was guilty of the things Israel has done and is doing, I would burn the town to the ground.
So you don't think people should defend themselves from mooslim terrorist scum?

Moslems are reformed Jews, so are more advanced and have better religious ethics than Zionists do.
Essentially Moslems don't do terrorism since it is against their religion.
If they do something, it is because there is no other choice in the face of violent aggression from the perpetrator, who is Israel in this case.
It is the Palestinians who have the right of defense, and the Israelis are totally and completely not just wrong, but EVIL.
What aggression did the Twin Towers do against muzzie terrorist Goat sucking scum?


As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel,​

Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

As Hamas terrorists literally hide behind civilians to attack Israel, Ilhan Omar does her part to dispel ‘the myth of ‘human shield’ in Palestine’​

Terrorists attempt to justify using civilians as Human Shields by claiming they are engaged in 'Urban Warfare', requiring the hiding and fighting from within a civilian population, which they claim is completely different from using innocent civilians as 'Human Shields'.
- 'Urban Warfare' is combat conducted in, for example, House-to-House combat, not intentionally placing rocket launchers you are using to attack the next city / territory on top of hospitals or in schools.

'Hamas is not using innocent people as 'Human Shields' - the terrorists can't help that they live within civilian populations - 'There is just so much space in Gaza to go around'.


....and of course there is more BS attempts to justify Hamas using innocent civilians - children - as human shields from terrorist-supporting/sympathizing anti-Semites like Omar are willing to spread:

"And by Ilhan Omar’s faulty logic, Israel is a legitimate target of Hamas terrorists:

An Important thread on the myth of “human shield” in Palestine ⬇️ https://t.co/SUPAJHiCJM
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN)
May 12, 2021"


"The headlines in most places were entirely predictable: “UN Says Israel Killed 44 Palestinians in Schools During Gaza War.” That was indeed one finding of a UN report published Monday — but only part of the story.

The report also confirmed something Israel’s been saying all along: Hamas stored mortars and other weapons in at least three UN schools during last summer’s war and fired rockets at Israel from two of them."

Hamas admits it used civilians as human shields, had terrorists mixed in with crowd

"Two days after the siege on Israel’s border, Hamas acknowledged that 50 of the 60 people killed during the protests were members of the terrorist organization. What Hamas likely won’t admit is that the other Palestinians who died during this altercation were used as human shields to protect the terrorists."

H.R. 3542

H.R. 3542 states that it is U.S. policy to: (1) condemn the use of human shields by Hamas as an act of terrorism and a violation of human rights and international humanitarian law, and (2) act against those engaging in or supporting the use of human shields. The President is urged to direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (U.N.) to use U.S. influence at the U.N. Security Council to secure support for a resolution imposing multilateral sanctions against Hamas's use of human shields.

Hamas' use of civilians as human shields

Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have adopted various tactics of using civilians as human shields. One of them is encouraging civilians to gather on roofs to prevent terrorists and their houses from being attacked by the Israeli Air Force.

1. Hamas spokesman, Sami Abu Zuhri was interviewed on 8 July, and called on the Palestinian people to use the human shield tactic to defend their homes: "We in the Hamas movement call on our people to adopt this procedure" (Source: Memri and Channel 10)

Last I checked that’s a direct violation of international law.
So where’s the Lefts precious UN?

Everything Israel says is essentially a lie.
The rockets raining down on Israel never happened?

Like I said, you Leftards are a special kind of evil.

We were talking about the claim that rockets were fired from the roofs of hospitals.
That obviously makes no sense and is a lie.
How would anyone even get all these rockets up on to a hospital roof anyway?
Its not like the elevators go all the way to the roof.

But Palestinian rockets are small and home made, without any guidance. They rarely harm anyone.
I just wish there were more lethal, so that Israel could be stopped from murdering and stealing.
A. They are not home made. Gaza has no rocket store, warhead store nor Amazon delivery. They are smuggled in from Iran. You lied.

B. A 6 foot rocket with an explosive warhead is very lethal. That’s why our military has been using them for 80 years. Lie #2 by you.

C. At least 6 dead and dozens injured from the Hamas terrorists rocket attacks. Numerous Palestinians have been killed and wounded by their own rockets. Lie #3 by you.

D. Hamas terrorists use human shields. Lie #4 by you The Leftist Atlantic:

E. It is a direct violation of international law to intentionally target civilians. All Hamas and their supporters should be executed for their war crimes.


A. Palestinians have been making rockets for 70 years now. A rocket is just a tube filled with propellant with a funnel shaped nozzle.
They are easy to make from home. I have built hundreds of model rockets at home, and some have gone for miles. They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

B. The size of the rocket is irrelevant. They point is all the propellant is almost immediately burned up, and payload weight greatly reduces range. The payload then is limited to a few ounces. And that can never be very lethal. Our military has NEVER tried to use little rockets with such a range limitation. When we want a long range lethal rocket, we make it much larger. When we use little rockets, like air to ground, they don't need much propellant because they are short range, get velocity from the launching aircraft, and gain speed from gravity. We do NOT use rockets at all similar to these Palestinians rockets, except on the 4th of July.

C. Obviously Palestinians are going to be killed from home made rockets, because they are going to have problems mixing the propellant with the wrong pressure for the container. It is very unlikely any of the rockets ever killed anyone, and it is more likely the tens of thousands of rockets fired as interceptors from Iron Dome is what actually killed some Israelis.

D. Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying. Gaza has the single highest population density in the world. There is no where in Gaza that does not have a civilian population. But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders. It is not like there are freight elevators to the roof tops. They should have claimed rockets were fired from parking lots. At least that could have been possible. Rooftops is just an obvious lie.

E. Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal. Just like the US incinerating the civilians at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel. They all do their stint in the IDF and remain on reserve. And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home, they all know they are in possession of stolen property. They are all totally guilty.

They can't smuggle from Iran or anywhere, because Israel cut off all commerce and inspects all packages.

What about the tunnels from Sinai?

Anyone claiming Hamas is using human shields is lying.

Where are they launching from? Open fields?

Gaza has the single highest population density in the world.

How dense? Link?

But the claims rockets were launched from hospital roof tops are obvious lies. How would anyone even get rockets to rooftops? They would have to carry then up ladders.

Or up the stairs. They have stairs in Gaza, don't they?

Hamas is not deliberately targeting civilians but simply does not have the range or guidance to do any better. So it is perfectly legal.

Where do you get the claim that firing unguided rockets at civilian areas is legal? Link?

But there likely are no innocent civilians in Israel.


And since no one in Israel has ever paid for any home


To use the tunnels from Sinai to smuggle Iranian rockets into Gaza, you would have to somehow get the Iranian rockets into Egypt first, which is impossible.

Since these homemade rockets sometimes blowup on ignition, yes, they are launched from open fields, parking lots, etc.
There is no point in human shields because you leave right after launching.

Gaza population denisity.

CountryPopulationLand area (sq mi)Density per sq miDensity per sq mi
Gaza Strip1,428,7571479,71377


Typically you don't built stairs to the roof.
The only way to access most roofs is from ladders.

Firing unguided rockets is legal when they are fired in retaliation for worse crimes, like Israel murdering to steal homes.
And we can tell it is legal because the US did much worse, like targeting civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I don't need a link to prove no Israeli has paid for their home.
Israel offers every Jew a free home.
They offered me a free home.
It is well known.
And obviously they can only do that if they are stealing the homes to start with.
And it is well known they did.
They massacred hundreds of Arab villages.
Based on your own criteria and things you said, it would be legal for someone to fire unguided munitions into your New Mexico town. Tell us, how long would you tolerate watching cars and buildings be destroyed and people being killed and hurt before you demand that the government do something to stop the attacks? Or would you instead nod sagely and say that everyone just needs to settle down and tolerate the attacks?

If the town where I lived was guilty of the things Israel has done and is doing, I would burn the town to the ground.

You're so dramatic!

Perhaps you should reduce your estrogen intake?
Too much camel “milk”.
Those are great journalistic operations

Maybe decades ago, when they weren't 100% in the bag for liberals.
Now they're hacks.......

47% don't pay taxes

Feel free to post the actual percentage who pay no federal income taxes.
Unfortunately most of you brainwashed functional morons believe 47% pay no taxes which is how it is usually said on your propaganda machine. Actually the top 80% pay the same about 27% on average In all taxes. Even the bottom 20% pay about 20%.... And all that never happened before and has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Only the distraction of total garbage propaganda allows you to keep believing all your crap....

Calling CNN a propaganda machine? Works for me!

Nobody doubts the 47% figure you stupid ass off. It's just that it is a small tax and the only progressive tax. If you count all taxes, everybody is paying 27%. It's just stupid propaganda the way you idiots use it. Oh sorry brainwashed functional idiots morons whatever.
"everybody is paying 27%" in taxes francoHFW

I would love to see you link us up to your data, just for shits and grins.

But of course, brainwash functional moron. Straight from IRS stats

View attachment 493766

They both pay the same rate, 7.65%, on the first $110,100 ($142,800 in 2021).
Sounds fair.....and equal.

View attachment 493768

Corporate taxes? Why the fuck would you include that? Sounds dishonest. And even if you did, the guy making $40,000 doesn't pay any corporate taxes. If you look at state taxes, here in Illinois, income tax is a flat 4.95%.
So the rich guy isn't paying a lower rate, the poor guy isn't paying a higher rate.
In about half the states, the state tax is progressive. In California, it ranges from 1%-12%.

View attachment 493771
Pretty damn progressive.

Sales tax?
The poor guy pays the same rate as the rich guy on every dollar they spend.

And then, of course, poor little Ezra ignores transfer payments.
In 2012, the lowest quintile household earned less than $20,600.
The second lowest $20,600-$39,764.
Plenty of juicy transfer payments to those households.
A family making $25,000 with one child was getting $2,400-$3,300 in EITC.
That's between 10%-13% of their income. They're looking at a negative Federal Tax burden.
A flat tax is a giveaway to the rich and it's called a regressive tax. What about the payroll tax I'm over $142,000, dingbat. You must be insipid. At any rate, my link shows the entire country is based on flat tax about 27% in all taxes for everyone that makes money. That's how you get the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. This country is unfair and only brainwashed functional morons don't know it. It's called reaganism. And when Reagan ended the fairness starting we got garbage GOP propaganda to fight real journalism. Your heroes are a bunch of lying scum bags.

A flat tax is a giveaway to the rich and it's called a regressive tax.

The guy making $1,000,000 pays 25 times as much as the guy making $40,000 under a flat tax.

What about the payroll tax I'm over $142,000, dingbat.

What about it, dipshit?

At any rate, my link shows the entire country is based on flat tax about 27% in all taxes for everyone that makes money.

Yes, your dishonest and misleading link was funny.

And when Reagan ended the fairness

A 70% top rate wasn't fair.
The rich pay more of the total Federal Income taxes now than they did in 1980.

Your heroes are a bunch of useless twats.
Those are great journalistic operations

Maybe decades ago, when they weren't 100% in the bag for liberals.
Now they're hacks.......

47% don't pay taxes

Feel free to post the actual percentage who pay no federal income taxes.
Unfortunately most of you brainwashed functional morons believe 47% pay no taxes which is how it is usually said on your propaganda machine. Actually the top 80% pay the same about 27% on average In all taxes. Even the bottom 20% pay about 20%.... And all that never happened before and has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Only the distraction of total garbage propaganda allows you to keep believing all your crap....

Calling CNN a propaganda machine? Works for me!

Nobody doubts the 47% figure you stupid ass off. It's just that it is a small tax and the only progressive tax. If you count all taxes, everybody is paying 27%. It's just stupid propaganda the way you idiots use it. Oh sorry brainwashed functional idiots morons whatever.
"everybody is paying 27%" in taxes francoHFW

I would love to see you link us up to your data, just for shits and grins.

But of course, brainwash functional moron. Straight from IRS stats

View attachment 493766

They both pay the same rate, 7.65%, on the first $110,100 ($142,800 in 2021).
Sounds fair.....and equal.

View attachment 493768

Corporate taxes? Why the fuck would you include that? Sounds dishonest. And even if you did, the guy making $40,000 doesn't pay any corporate taxes. If you look at state taxes, here in Illinois, income tax is a flat 4.95%.
So the rich guy isn't paying a lower rate, the poor guy isn't paying a higher rate.
In about half the states, the state tax is progressive. In California, it ranges from 1%-12%.

View attachment 493771
Pretty damn progressive.

Sales tax?
The poor guy pays the same rate as the rich guy on every dollar they spend.

And then, of course, poor little Ezra ignores transfer payments.
In 2012, the lowest quintile household earned less than $20,600.
The second lowest $20,600-$39,764.
Plenty of juicy transfer payments to those households.
A family making $25,000 with one child was getting $2,400-$3,300 in EITC.
That's between 10%-13% of their income. They're looking at a negative Federal Tax burden.
It would be a hell of a lot easier if we just had good jobs like every other modern country has. What a GOP scam and EITC leads to blaming the poor And doesn't help most people. A disgrace. They used to be called the unfortunate more fairly. Now they all became stupid and lazy, nothing to do with unfair GOP taxes and policies. Why are we the only country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations? Brainwashed functional morons and scumbag GOP.

What a GOP scam and EITC leads to blaming the poor

It's called math. The poor aren't to blame for your idiocy.

Why are we the only country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations?

You should definitely move to one of those awesome countries! Be sure to write.
Those are great journalistic operations

Maybe decades ago, when they weren't 100% in the bag for liberals.
Now they're hacks.......

47% don't pay taxes

Feel free to post the actual percentage who pay no federal income taxes.
Unfortunately most of you brainwashed functional morons believe 47% pay no taxes which is how it is usually said on your propaganda machine. Actually the top 80% pay the same about 27% on average In all taxes. Even the bottom 20% pay about 20%.... And all that never happened before and has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history. Only the distraction of total garbage propaganda allows you to keep believing all your crap....

Calling CNN a propaganda machine? Works for me!

Nobody doubts the 47% figure you stupid ass off. It's just that it is a small tax and the only progressive tax. If you count all taxes, everybody is paying 27%. It's just stupid propaganda the way you idiots use it. Oh sorry brainwashed functional idiots morons whatever.
"everybody is paying 27%" in taxes francoHFW

I would love to see you link us up to your data, just for shits and grins.

But of course, brainwash functional moron. Straight from IRS stats

View attachment 493766

They both pay the same rate, 7.65%, on the first $110,100 ($142,800 in 2021).
Sounds fair.....and equal.

View attachment 493768

Corporate taxes? Why the fuck would you include that? Sounds dishonest. And even if you did, the guy making $40,000 doesn't pay any corporate taxes. If you look at state taxes, here in Illinois, income tax is a flat 4.95%.
So the rich guy isn't paying a lower rate, the poor guy isn't paying a higher rate.
In about half the states, the state tax is progressive. In California, it ranges from 1%-12%.

View attachment 493771
Pretty damn progressive.

Sales tax?
The poor guy pays the same rate as the rich guy on every dollar they spend.

And then, of course, poor little Ezra ignores transfer payments.
In 2012, the lowest quintile household earned less than $20,600.
The second lowest $20,600-$39,764.
Plenty of juicy transfer payments to those households.
A family making $25,000 with one child was getting $2,400-$3,300 in EITC.
That's between 10%-13% of their income. They're looking at a negative Federal Tax burden.
It would be a hell of a lot easier if we just had good jobs like every other modern country has. What a GOP scam and EITC leads to blaming the poor And doesn't help most people. A disgrace. They used to be called the unfortunate more fairly. Now they all became stupid and lazy, nothing to do with unfair GOP taxes and policies. Why are we the only country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations? Brainwashed functional morons and scumbag GOP.

What a GOP scam and EITC leads to blaming the poor

It's called math. The poor aren't to blame for your idiocy.

Why are we the only country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations?

You should definitely move to one of those awesome countries! Be sure to write.
I think we ought to just pull our military presence out of Europe and see how long the nanny states last when they have to pay for their own defense. Seriously, do the French actually trust the Germans?

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