Hamas leader escapes from Israel, likely hiding underground


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
They're coming to get you, you piece of shit!
Hiding, either underground, or in the nursery ward of a hospital. They're coming to get you! Keep an eye open, don't fall asleep. They're coming to get you!

The Israeli media has reported the escape of Hamas leader, Yahya Sinwar, from the northern region of the Gaza Strip. Sinwar managed to flee his hiding place in a medical convoy at the start of the Israeli forces' invasion, making his way to the southern part of the enclave.

The head of Hamas managed to escape from the north of the Gaza Strip in a convoy heading south. Reports suggest he is likely hiding in tunnels under Khan Yunis - this was reported on Sunday by the Times of Israel, referencing sources from Israeli authorities.


Top Hamas sitting on a sofa in Qatar and love how their human shields dying triggers sympathy for THEM.
You wait....When things calm down a bit you will see them get Eichmann-ed.....But without the trial. ;)
When the mossad kidnapped Eichmann and brought him back to Israel, it was at a time when they followed the rule of law closely, the didnt want to spark an International incident. As difficult as it must have been, they took meticulous steps to make him agree to be transferred so as to stay within International law and probably even Israeli law of the time. I would prefer to see them follow this path rather than extradiction murder. Except on the battlefield or in the most extreme cases , this is a better approach and Eichmann did FAR worse than these terrorists did, as horrific as Oct 7th was.
When the mossad kidnapped Eichmann and brought him back to Israel, it was at a time when the followed the ruoe of law closely. As difficult as it must have been, they took meticulous steps to make him agree to be transferred so as to stay within International law.and probably even Israeli law of the time. I would prefer to see them follow thie path rather than extradiction murder. Exfept on the battlefield or in the most extreme cases, this is a better approac and Eichmann did FAR.worse than these terrorists did, as horrific as Oct 7th was.

Ice pick in the ear, compliments of the Mossad

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