Halloween pumpkins cause global warming and make water disappear


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2021
More awesome liberal "science" for ya, courtesy of Beverly Jaszczurowski, COO of Scarce, an environmental group focused on recycling and reusing commercial products. These people in the climate science business are sharp!

She dropped this knowledge - "Pumpkins are about 90% water and that water ends up in a landfill and we never get that water back." She seriously said that. Ever hear of the water cycle, you moron?

Then they decompose and produce methane, which of course is a "big cause of climate change". She continues, "Methane is a very disruptive gas. It's very harmful. And so we don't want it." The solution? Composting. "The best way is to put them under a bush". Yes, because pumpkins that decompose under a bush don't produce methane but pumpkins that decompose in a landfill do? I guess you also get the water back if it decomposes under a bush versus somewhere else.

These idiots who are so confident in their idiocy are amazing. She'd fit right in here.

Same with watermelons (91%) but I bet a certain segment of the population would riot over getting shed of them....And I would join them! ;)

Watermelons grown in the US each year........3.4 billion pounds

Pumpkins grown in the US each year.........1.5 billion pounds.
All statist lefties are into the "warmie movement" for there's free tax dollars available to them through bogus grants plus g'ment employment for them if they can land a warmie degree through any local warmie post K12 institution. The pumpkin skit is most likely due to ADHD as there is nothing the warmies crave for more than "Standing Out In The Hive".

More awesome liberal "science" for ya, courtesy of Beverly Jaszczurowski, COO of Scarce, an environmental group focused on recycling and reusing commercial products. These people in the climate science business are sharp!

She dropped this knowledge - "Pumpkins are about 90% water and that water ends up in a landfill and we never get that water back." She seriously said that. Ever hear of the water cycle, you moron?

Then they decompose and produce methane, which of course is a "big cause of climate change". She continues, "Methane is a very disruptive gas. It's very harmful. And so we don't want it." The solution? Composting. "The best way is to put them under a bush". Yes, because pumpkins that decompose under a bush don't produce methane but pumpkins that decompose in a landfill do? I guess you also get the water back if it decomposes under a bush versus somewhere else.

These idiots who are so confident in their idiocy are amazing. She'd fit right in here.

She would love us then. We have a fake pumpkin that runs on an LED bulb.
More awesome liberal "science" for ya, courtesy of Beverly Jaszczurowski, COO of Scarce, an environmental group focused on recycling and reusing commercial products. These people in the climate science business are sharp!

She dropped this knowledge - "Pumpkins are about 90% water and that water ends up in a landfill and we never get that water back." She seriously said that. Ever hear of the water cycle, you moron?

Then they decompose and produce methane, which of course is a "big cause of climate change". She continues, "Methane is a very disruptive gas. It's very harmful. And so we don't want it." The solution? Composting. "The best way is to put them under a bush". Yes, because pumpkins that decompose under a bush don't produce methane but pumpkins that decompose in a landfill do? I guess you also get the water back if it decomposes under a bush versus somewhere else.

These idiots who are so confident in their idiocy are amazing. She'd fit right in here.

Just read today that a new plant is starting up in California which sucks out carbon dioxide from the air, turns it into a powder form, and then they mix it in cement to permanently take it out of the air. Trouble is, manufacturing cement is very much bad for the environment, contributing to global warming.

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