Half, but all Hot


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
An interesting twist on a usually superficial, silly exercise.

Haafu to represent Japan at Miss Universe 2015 Japan Today Japan News and Discussion

"Whoever said that Niigata Prefecture is home the most beautiful women in Japan may need to think again. For the second year in the row, the Japanese representative for the Miss Universe competition hails from Nagasaki, with last year’s crown holder being Keiko Tsuji. As cool as that is, the real story of the year is that the 2015 representative, Ariana Miyamoto, is half-Japanese."

"Although this should be a joyous occasion for the young beauty, Ariana is facing challenges that no other Japanese Miss Universe contestant to date has had to face, with those opposing Ariana voicing their dissent online with statements such as “She has too much black blood in her to be Japanese.”

As sad as it is, luckily, Ariana also has a very supportive fan base who are making an even bigger impact on social media with praise and congratulations.

“Don’t lose to discrimination and with a strong heart do your best to go win the Miss Universe prize.”
“Having a different ethnicity in you doesn’t make you ANY LESS JAPANESE!”

Ariana appreciates the support that helped her get to this point and promised, “The world competition is going to be tough, but I’ll believe in myself and continue doing me best!”"
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"Twenty-year-old Ariana was born to a Japanese mother and an African-American father in Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture, the location of a major American naval base. After junior high graduation in Sasebo, she spent her high school years studying in the U.S. Upon returning to Japan as a young adult she set her sights on becoming a model."
Why not just have a totally non-Japanese woman represent Japan? That would be the ultimate in non-racism. Hell, why does it have to be woman? And why that racist insistence that they be from Japan? Just send a 72-year-old white guy from Oklahoma.
I was expecting her to have a head growing out of her back, being that she is from Nagasaki and all.
Why not just have a totally non-Japanese woman represent Japan? That would be the ultimate in non-racism. Hell, why does it have to be woman? And why that racist insistence that they be from Japan? Just send a 72-year-old white guy from Oklahoma.

What a surprise that a coward like you would be threatened by something like this...
Why don't you go shove one of those liberal curly q light bulbs up your ass, ya fuckin' freak!
Why don't you go shove one of those liberal curly q light bulbs up your ass, ya fuckin' freak!
Keep your hobbies to yourself.

You are a very witty fellow.

Coming back to the topic. She is pretty. I think she has a very good chance of winning this competition. I think Japanese and African ethnicity fuse well as we can see here.
106 percent of Japanese people are so not down with blacks. If you think a Southern white cracker sheriff had a problem with blacks, he's Martin Luther Freakin' King Junior compared to your average salaryman in Tokyo.
106 percent of Japanese people are so not down with blacks. If you think a Southern white cracker sheriff had a problem with blacks, he's Martin Luther Freakin' King Junior compared to your average salaryman in Tokyo.

Wrong, you ignorant fucking loser.

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