Hakeem Jeffries, Dem House Leader, Has Made Some Ugly Anti-Semitic Comments in the Past

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
The esteemed new House Dem Leader, the Honorable Hakeem Al-Qaida Zulu Jeffries, has been busted saying things about Jews that would cause even Heinrich Himmler to would, "I think he crossed the line." We already knew about his black supremacist uncle and his affinity with the Reverend Louis Vittan Farrakhan. Why did this not matter to the Democrats? I will tell you why: Most of them are vile anti-Semites. Sure, there are Jews amongst the Islam loving, America hating Dems. Just look at "Chuck-You" Schumer. But let's face it: Chucky is only a matzo ball away from joining the Palestinians in throwing Molotov Cocktails at Israeli police. Chucky USES his Jewishness. Hell, George Soros is a Jew. But he is a self-loathing Jew; an evil Jew. That is, he does not let his Jewish blood stop his political ambitions, even when it means acting against the best interests of his own kind.

Personally, I admire the Jews. I have found them generally to be hard-working, spiritual people. They are ambitious and desire to prosper. These are all positive qualities that every human being should seek to emulate. I am not at all religious. But if I was going to practice a religion, I would want to be a Jew. Of course, they will not allow me to convert. So, I can never be a real Jew. But that is ok. I am pretty much happy being somewhere on the spectrum between agnosticism and atheism.

Perhaps my feelings about Jews is based on experience. While I am by nature a southern white boy with redneck tendencies (even though I lack religion), I have been friends with a handful of Jews over the years. I like them and their families. They are just and good people. It starts with their culture and its values. The same cannot be said, generally, of other cultures. For example, look at the Muslims. They are so messed up their very ideology (which is both religious and political) cannot coexist with western civilization. This is one of the things that bug me the most about black Americans today trying demonize us for being colonial white supremacists. We are on the side of black folks. You have to be an idiot not to see this. We don't need a bunch of Muslims, Asians, browns, and "other" coming to America. I am ok with the Jews coming here, of course, because they make America better. Muslims...not so much. The same really can be said about any of the people illegally entering our nation today. We do not need them here. We ought to stop ALL immigration into America, placing a moratorium on it for, say, 10 years.

The negroes have earned their place in America. They went through a lot. They even assimilated somewhat. We gave them complete legal equality and some hand-outs to put them on even footing. Today, there is absolutely no reason why a negro cannot prosper. However, the Democrats are teaching them something else. They WANT the blacks to be held back so that they can play politics, offering them some breadcrumbs to utilize them as a voting bloc. Blacks are being used and abused by the American leftists. These are the same leftists that are so anti-Semitic.

Why are they this way? Because if blacks were to adopt the attributes of Jews and become prosperous, then they could exist independent of the Democrat Party. They could get off the fucking Democrat plantation and start being individuals instead of merely a member of a group. Democrats do not love individuals; they shun and denigrate them. Democrats only love and reward voting blocs. Dems with F anything and everything up the A if you let them. They are horrible people.

The esteemed new House Dem Leader, the Honorable Hakeem Al-Qaida Zulu Jeffries, has been busted saying things about Jews that would cause even Heinrich Himmler to would, "I think he crossed the line." We already knew about his black supremacist uncle and his affinity with the Reverend Louis Vittan Farrakhan. Why did this not matter to the Democrats? I will tell you why: Most of them are vile anti-Semites. Sure, there are Jews amongst the Islam loving, America hating Dems. Just look at "Chuck-You" Schumer. But let's face it: Chucky is only a matzo ball away from joining the Palestinians in throwing Molotov Cocktails at Israeli police. Chucky USES his Jewishness. Hell, George Soros is a Jew. But he is a self-loathing Jew; an evil Jew. That is, he does not let his Jewish blood stop his political ambitions, even when it means acting against the best interests of his own kind.

Personally, I admire the Jews. I have found them generally to be hard-working, spiritual people. They are ambitious and desire to prosper. These are all positive qualities that every human being should seek to emulate. I am not at all religious. But if I was going to practice a religion, I would want to be a Jew. Of course, they will not allow me to convert. So, I can never be a real Jew. But that is ok. I am pretty much happy being somewhere on the spectrum between agnosticism and atheism.

Perhaps my feelings about Jews is based on experience. While I am by nature a southern white boy with redneck tendencies (even though I lack religion), I have been friends with a handful of Jews over the years. I like them and their families. They are just and good people. It starts with their culture and its values. The same cannot be said, generally, of other cultures. For example, look at the Muslims. They are so messed up their very ideology (which is both religious and political) cannot coexist with western civilization. This is one of the things that bug me the most about black Americans today trying demonize us for being colonial white supremacists. We are on the side of black folks. You have to be an idiot not to see this. We don't need a bunch of Muslims, Asians, browns, and "other" coming to America. I am ok with the Jews coming here, of course, because they make America better. Muslims...not so much. The same really can be said about any of the people illegally entering our nation today. We do not need them here. We ought to stop ALL immigration into America, placing a moratorium on it for, say, 10 years.

The negroes have earned their place in America. They went through a lot. They even assimilated somewhat. We gave them complete legal equality and some hand-outs to put them on even footing. Today, there is absolutely no reason why a negro cannot prosper. However, the Democrats are teaching them something else. They WANT the blacks to be held back so that they can play politics, offering them some breadcrumbs to utilize them as a voting bloc. Blacks are being used and abused by the American leftists. These are the same leftists that are so anti-Semitic.

Why are they this way? Because if blacks were to adopt the attributes of Jews and become prosperous, then they could exist independent of the Democrat Party. They could get off the fucking Democrat plantation and start being individuals instead of merely a member of a group. Democrats do not love individuals; they shun and denigrate them. Democrats only love and reward voting blocs. Dems with F anything and everything up the A if you let them. They are horrible people.

He wouldn't be a prominent DemoKKKrat if he didn't hate Jews. The DemoKKKrats are the party of Holocaust denial.
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