Ha! The "polls" were a fraud!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
We've been hearing by several different so called "unbiased" polling organizations, that the Wisconsin race is in a "dead heat" and "Walker has a slight 1% advantage". Well, as we saw, the lead was much bigger and Walker won by a huge margin. It was devastating for both Walker's opponent as well as the Democrat party as a whole.

We have also been hearing, by the very same polling organzations over the last two months, that Obama and Romney are also in a dead heat. As I said before, the national polls are false, and the Romney's lead is much greater than the Obama camp or his enablers in the media are letting on. I predict that Romney will also win over Obama by the same margin if not greater.

Recall Obama in 2012.
Well I sure hope you are correct.
It's only logical. The same orgnizations that called the Wisconsin race are also saying the same thing about Obama versus Romney. In fact they made it look like the race was so close, that most Americans felt either one could win this, up to the last minute. How could they be so wrong? They weren't, they were fraudulent. Bottom line is, Obama's in deep shit and the media is trying to breath life into him by quoting these fake polls.
Even the corrupt criminal asshole Eric Holder couldn't rig it. I love it. Congrats Scott Walker!
Even the corrupt criminal asshole Eric Holder couldn't rig it. I love it. Congrats Scott Walker!
I'm wondering what they will do this November, without acorn committing voter election fraud or the Black Panthers harassing and threatening voters at the polls. It's going to be a bloodbath.
We've been hearing by several different so called "unbiased" polling organizations, that the Wisconsin race is in a "dead heat" and "Walker has a slight 1% advantage". Well, as we saw, the lead was much bigger and Walker won by a huge margin. It was devastating for both Walker's opponent as well as the Democrat party as a whole.

We have also been hearing, by the very same polling organzations over the last two months, that Obama and Romney are also in a dead heat. As I said before, the national polls are false, and the Romney's lead is much greater than the Obama camp or his enablers in the media are letting on. I predict that Romney will also win over Obama by the same margin if not greater.

Recall Obama in 2012.

Walker was worried though. All that money spent and he still wasn't sure until after it happened.

Btw, I believe Obama is looking forward to his matchup with Romney. Obama hasn't even broken a sweat and Romney has been through the mill. Don't get ahead of yourself there wingnut.
We've been hearing by several different so called "unbiased" polling organizations, that the Wisconsin race is in a "dead heat" and "Walker has a slight 1% advantage". Well, as we saw, the lead was much bigger and Walker won by a huge margin. It was devastating for both Walker's opponent as well as the Democrat party as a whole.

We have also been hearing, by the very same polling organzations over the last two months, that Obama and Romney are also in a dead heat. As I said before, the national polls are false, and the Romney's lead is much greater than the Obama camp or his enablers in the media are letting on. I predict that Romney will also win over Obama by the same margin if not greater.

Recall Obama in 2012.

Walker was worried though. All that money spent and he still wasn't sure until after it happened.

Btw, I believe Obama is looking forward to his matchup with Romney. Obama hasn't even broken a sweat and Romney has been through the mill. Don't get ahead of yourself there wingnut.

Way to spin things Obamabot wingnut. :cuckoo:
We've been hearing by several different so called "unbiased" polling organizations, that the Wisconsin race is in a "dead heat" and "Walker has a slight 1% advantage". Well, as we saw, the lead was much bigger and Walker won by a huge margin. It was devastating for both Walker's opponent as well as the Democrat party as a whole.

We have also been hearing, by the very same polling organzations over the last two months, that Obama and Romney are also in a dead heat. As I said before, the national polls are false, and the Romney's lead is much greater than the Obama camp or his enablers in the media are letting on. I predict that Romney will also win over Obama by the same margin if not greater.

Recall Obama in 2012.

You are as big a dipstick as anyone who thought this was a dead heat. It was a dead heat if you include the margin of error. Most polls, including Dem polls showed Walker with a three point lead, which is in the margin of error, and it was, only the margin of error actually went the other way. A 3% margin with a margin of error of +/- 3% gives you 6%, very close to the final margin.
Reality check.

1,326,658 - Walker
1,150,233 - Barrett

For all the money Walker spent, his number is way low. The money spent should have resulted in more votes.
Reality check.

1,326,658 - Walker
1,150,233 - Barrett

For all the money Walker spent, his number is way low. The money spent should have resulted in more votes.

$30 million vs. $4 million. That extra $26 million bought Walker his recall victory.
Reality check.

1,326,658 - Walker
1,150,233 - Barrett

For all the money Walker spent, his number is way low. The money spent should have resulted in more votes.

$30 million vs. $4 million. That extra $26 million bought Walker his recall victory.

Wait till your Unions/Democrats drop this Recall tab on Wisconsin Taxpayers. You think they were pissed at you guys before? You guys are very stupid. You should have worked with Walker. Now you'll have to pay the price.
We've been hearing by several different so called "unbiased" polling organizations, that the Wisconsin race is in a "dead heat" and "Walker has a slight 1% advantage". Well, as we saw, the lead was much bigger and Walker won by a huge margin. It was devastating for both Walker's opponent as well as the Democrat party as a whole.

We have also been hearing, by the very same polling organzations over the last two months, that Obama and Romney are also in a dead heat. As I said before, the national polls are false, and the Romney's lead is much greater than the Obama camp or his enablers in the media are letting on. I predict that Romney will also win over Obama by the same margin if not greater.

Recall Obama in 2012.

I put some stock in the polls b/c I do have some respect/trust for organizations like Rasmussen/Gallup. But it is striking how wrong they often are. I think there are inaccuracies and they repeatedly go against the GOP. This is probably b/c the filter questions of "are you a likely voter" is not strong enough and weak minded Democrats and Independents sit at home on election night.
Reality check.

1,326,658 - Walker
1,150,233 - Barrett

For all the money Walker spent, his number is way low. The money spent should have resulted in more votes.

Except for the FACT that it is not necesarily true that money spent is proportinal to ballot share.
Reality check.

1,326,658 - Walker
1,150,233 - Barrett

For all the money Walker spent, his number is way low. The money spent should have resulted in more votes.

$30 million vs. $4 million. That extra $26 million bought Walker his recall victory.

How does that work exactly? Did Walker pay the union supporters to not care so much that they didn't vote?
We've been hearing by several different so called "unbiased" polling organizations, that the Wisconsin race is in a "dead heat" and "Walker has a slight 1% advantage". Well, as we saw, the lead was much bigger and Walker won by a huge margin. It was devastating for both Walker's opponent as well as the Democrat party as a whole.

We have also been hearing, by the very same polling organzations over the last two months, that Obama and Romney are also in a dead heat. As I said before, the national polls are false, and the Romney's lead is much greater than the Obama camp or his enablers in the media are letting on. I predict that Romney will also win over Obama by the same margin if not greater.

Recall Obama in 2012.

Walker was worried though. All that money spent and he still wasn't sure until after it happened.

Btw, I believe Obama is looking forward to his matchup with Romney. Obama hasn't even broken a sweat and Romney has been through the mill. Don't get ahead of yourself there wingnut.

Unions went to try and burn down the House Walker built but in turned may have set fire to the house obama built. I think obama since 2010 has become more and more concerned than anyone else.
$30 million vs. $4 million. That extra $26 million bought Walker his recall victory.

How does that work exactly? Did Walker pay the union supporters to not care so much that they didn't vote?

That's what I keep wondering. :lol:

I always knew you were too stupid to understand how campaigns work. Why not read up on it instead of flitting around here gloating like a little girl. Nellie Oleson.


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