CDZ Guns, Culture & Politics

I don't miss anything ... Much less what you refer to the good old days.
The idea of putting anyone in the federal government in charge of gun control policy is a fairly retarded idea though.

So thanks for the input ...

Every other country does it that way and they have few gun murders.

1st post
No one petitioned for Cruz to be given a competency trial

If people don't follow due process the system doesn't work.

You mean you have to prove he's crazy before you can prevent him from getting a semi-automatic assault rifle. (I'd say machine gun, but that would make you guys nuts.)

Yeah, that makes sense.

Again, no law since the NFA of 1934 has done anything to stop one murder since it was put on paper. You can’t post one instance at all. Say Jose, what have any of them gun laws done to keep the natives from shooting eachother there in Chicago this weekend?

Wouldn't know, we had all our guns laws repealed by the McDonald decision...

And then the murder rate shot up in a year.

And it's the government you think can save you that failed here not the laws.

The government ignored the people and their reports.

I agree, the government did fail to pass sensible gun laws after a crazy person named Adam Lanza shot up a school

So then another crazy person named Nikolas Cruz shot up a school.

Yes you have to prove someone is crazy or guilty BEFORE you take away his rights

Hell Maybe we should just throw you in jail right now because we shouldn't have to prove you did anything right?

And like I said the government neither has the ability nor the obligation to protect you yet you seem to believe it does
Every other country does it that way and they have few gun murders.

You say that like you think it should mean something ... :dunno:

Every other country doesn't do it ... There's no need to lie about it.
America has never been like every other country in the world ... And never will be if I have anything to say about it.
Plus ... I do not want the restrictions other countries have and I understand that means consequences.

very other country doesn't do it ... There's no need to lie about it.
America has never been like every other country in the world

you're right. We are the dumbest people in the industrialized world and damned proud of it. Few of us speak a second language, we don't have passports and most of us can't find places on a map.

But in the real world, when you have a problem, and everyone else has solved the exact same problem, you should probably look at their solution.
Yes you have to prove someone is crazy or guilty BEFORE you take away his rights

ANd now you've hit the point. Calling gun ownership a "right" is absolutely crazy.

I shouldn't have to prove you are crazy to keep you from getting the ability to kill dozens of people. You should have to prove that you aren't before we let you do that.

It is a right.

And everyone on this rocky already has the ability to kill people.

People kill people
People have always killed people
People will always kill people

Laws 1, 2 and 3 of human nature

You will never change that
5th post
It is a right.

And everyone on this rocky already has the ability to kill people.

People kill people
People have always killed people
People will always kill people

Laws 1, 2 and 3 of human nature

You will never change that

Okay. So again, I supposed Japan, the UK, France, Italy, Germany are all mythical places with few murders, because clearly you can't change these things.
It is a right.

And everyone on this rocky already has the ability to kill people.

People kill people
People have always killed people
People will always kill people

Laws 1, 2 and 3 of human nature

You will never change that

Okay. So again, I supposed Japan, the UK, France, Italy, Germany are all mythical places with few murders, because clearly you can't change these things.

They can't. People still kill people in those countries
Just because you want to be defenseless if someone tries to kill you does not give you the right to force others to be
They can't. People still kill people in those countries
Just because you want to be defenseless if someone tries to kill you does not give you the right to force others to be

Again, not worried about being "Defenseless", I'm worried about the next nut with a gun shooting up someplace I happen to be.

Your choice

And guess what IDGAF what your choice is.

I'm not worried about a nut with a gun
10th post
Your choice

And guess what IDGAF what your choice is.

I'm not worried about a nut with a gun

Nope, my vote is to end the gun culture.

And since 78% of us don't want guns in our lives, the NRA's ability to bully people into getting its way is coming to a thankful end.

78% want to ban guns huh?

Ain't gonna happen in either of our lifetimes
78% want to ban guns huh?

Ain't gonna happen in either of our lifetimes

That's what you clowns said about Gay Marriage 10 years ago.

Here's why you are going to lose.

Big Corporations have turned on you. And they are the ones who really run things in this country.

Oh this is great I get to watch your tiny little brain explode

IDGAF if gay people get married because I mind my own business
IDGAF if a woman has an abortion because I mind my own business

I'll step back now so your teeny tine brain explosion doesn't mess up my shoes
Oh this is great I get to watch your tiny little brain explode

IDGAF if gay people get married because I mind my own business
IDGAF if a woman has an abortion because I mind my own business

I'll step back now so your teeny tine brain explosion doesn't mess up my shoes

Naw, I'm just enjoying watching you MISS THE POINT.

The point is, the homophobes, like the gun nuts, managed to bully their way into getting their way...

Until big corporations figured out that their position was kind of dumb and more importantly, costing them money and good will.

Same thing here.
Oh this is great I get to watch your tiny little brain explode

IDGAF if gay people get married because I mind my own business
IDGAF if a woman has an abortion because I mind my own business

I'll step back now so your teeny tine brain explosion doesn't mess up my shoes

Naw, I'm just enjoying watching you MISS THE POINT.

The point is, the homophobes, like the gun nuts, managed to bully their way into getting their way...

Until big corporations figured out that their position was kind of dumb and more importantly, costing them money and good will.

Same thing here.

YEah whatever you say
I know, not an inch more, and we'll keep fighting over that and never address the real problem here.

That's your call, of course.

You're the one that seems to want to fight about something.
I am simply exercising my Constitutionally protected rights ... The ones I already have.

If you want to fight about it ... That's your choice ... I didn't ask you for permission ... :thup:

Let's try it this way:

Instead of spending this time and energy endlessly defending the 2nd Amendment, hashing over the same arguments, would you rather be discussing how our popular culture is creating animals who are more and more likely to use guns to slaughter innocent people?

And if your answer is "yes", why are we not hearing this argument anywhere?

Please substantiate that our popular culture is, in fact, creating animals who are more and more likely to use guns to slaughter innocent people.

I submit that we are not creating more animals. Our culture isn't producing more animals. Instead, we are not dealing with the ones we create in the same manner we once did...and we are letting them get weapons far too easily.
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So is gun violence so prevalent that we are all unsafe and should therefore give up our guns? Or is it that we are so safe that we are just paranoid that we feel we may need to have a gun some day? Hmm. Yet another liberal dilemma.
Now that a couple of Regressive Leftists have joined the conversation, perhaps you'll see what I'm talking about.

They want to keep your focus on arguing about the 2nd Amendment, as they pretend that our popular culture is not contributing to the violence. They don't want what they support to be part of the conversation. They want to keep you on the defensive, just as they do in other ways. They want to make this SOLELY about guns.

The only question is whether you'll keep falling for this. Instead of playing this game, you could be talking instead about what video games, music, movies, teevee and the internet are doing to the minds of our young people. Not to mention other issues controlled by the Regressives.

Nope. "We" do not want to make this SOLELY about guns. That is you being dishonest or not paying attention to what "we" have said.
Now that a couple of Regressive Leftists have joined the conversation, perhaps you'll see what I'm talking about.

They want to keep your focus on arguing about the 2nd Amendment, as they pretend that our popular culture is not contributing to the violence. They don't want what they support to be part of the conversation. They want to keep you on the defensive, just as they do in other ways. They want to make this SOLELY about guns.

The only question is whether you'll keep falling for this. Instead of playing this game, you could be talking instead about what video games, music, movies, teevee and the internet are doing to the minds of our young people. Not to mention other issues controlled by the Regressives.

You don't think that conversation is being held? 'We' can multitask with trains of's all interconnected.

What you perceive as defensive I perceive as a reality check in that ground has already been given - and compromise is not possible without honest brokers on both sides.

It is a commentary on the state of our culture when it is accurately pointed out that guns are a dangerous tool in the hands of the mentally unbalanced and/or criminally inclined. We have laws that intend to keep guns out of the hands of felons and the mentally unbalanced. What the regressives are seeking is federal control over an issue that is generally handled (albeit unevenly) at the city/state level.

You feel that the premise of this thread has been misunderstood. That may be. As I understand it - the premise is based on the belief that if inches are given at the federal level, then both sides will turn their attention to the 'real problem', cultural decay. Won't happen. One reason that it won't happen is because one side's cultural decay is the other side's longed for progress.
I haven't seen any conversation about the role popular culture has played in the forming of these sociopaths, at least not for a very a long time, and definitely not since the Florida shooting. Not in any media, Left or Right, not in politics, nothing from public figures, and not on this board.

My point is we SHOULD be multi-tasking, we SHOULD be talking about both, but we're NOT.

And by the way, I'm not so sure we're capable of multi-tasking, not as l look at how binary and myopic our political discourse has become. Most of this thread has been gun supporters completely ignoring my point about popular culture and focusing entirely on their distorted perception that the thread is simply an attack on the 2nd Amendment. That's ALL they see, that's ALL they want to talk about. They're playing right into this by staying defensive on one single thing and not seeing anything else.

Can you suggest something specific regarding popular culture that you'd like to address? I mean...a specific video game or movie? Perhaps a societal norm that has led
to the creation of more animals? Give us a little direction here....

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