Gun Grabbing Progressive snaps and putson his KKK hood and says we should not have rights


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
So while I was arguing with this gun grabber for nearly TWO WEEKS, he got very mad and made this statement:

We should follow Texas' fine example and kill all those dumbshits. And we should also follow Texas' fine example by branding you and driving you to Kansas City! LOL! I think what the state of California is trying to say is that Dumb Animals should not own guns, so none of you should own guns. You whack pieces of conservative garbage don't give a shit about gun massacres. You're just a bunch of stupid animals. You shouldn't have "rights," you should be kicked in the ass.

You can see his entire rant here, look at top rated comment on the video:

Historically morons like that are the first people Progressive Dictators round up and execute. They mock them by calling them "intellectuals" when in reality they're too stupid to continue to infect the gene pool; they took a stand against their own country, they helped an evil person take power, and they did so with little provocation, proving they are too stupid to be allowed to breed
Historically morons like that are the first people Progressive Dictators round up and execute. They mock them by calling them "intellectuals" when in reality they're too stupid to continue to infect the gene pool; they took a stand against their own country, they helped an evil person take power, and they did so with little provocation, proving they are too stupid to be allowed to breed

Here's an update, let it be known that at no point in this conversation did I ever claim to be black... so ......???????

It's quite possible that I found hazlnut 's google identity

Dummy, you are far, far from being black. You are a White ultraconservative radical. You are Southern. Hitler was also a white ultraconservative, just like you. And NO liberal at all likes a Tea Partier, you had better get used to that concept. Fewer and fewer moderates like you, explaining why you lose those elections, and many regular conservatives don't even like you radicals, including Speaker Boehner. We don't have to be nice to Ku Klux Klansmen and American Nazis, not at all. And we won't be.

That was his response to:
"dumbshits...animals...stupid animals" these are the words that white KKK Democrats usually use against blacks, figures that a National Socialist like yourself would say these things.

"You shouldn't have right..." and here comes your inner Mao/Stalin/Hitler . You would democide us in a heartbeat. And this is why we need firearms, for dangerous political operatives and agents like you who wish to enslave us and/or kill us.

Molon Labe

Here was my response to him:
You're the KKK Democrat invoking common racist lingo. Remember Democrats are the party of the KKK, Senator Byrd for instance, and LBJ "I"ll have those N**G*Rs voting Democrat for the next 200 years."

You also said, word for word, that we should NOT have rights. This is because you're an authoritarian leftist like Stalin or Mao.

You also expressed a deep desire to put an entire class of citizens in a mass grave...word for word.

You're the reason the Second Amendment was created.

Also, if I'm an ultraconservative white, why am I outraged that millions of blacks have been aborted and Daren Wilson didn't go to trial for murder? Why am I upset that KKK White Democrats like you have done everything they possibly could to keep firearms out of the hands of blacks since the 1600's right up to this very day?

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