"Gun Grabbing" a topic again? Time to squash this uneducation of politics (and add spice)

When you gun nuts stop murdering children, I'll calm down.

Sorry, us "gun nuts" are the ones who actually want to stop these killers....where as you and your ilk simply want guns banned...they aren't the same thing....sadly, you don't know or understand the difference....
Nothing will start a tantrum faster than taking an infant's toy away from him, other, perhaps, than giving a gun nut even the remote seed of an idea that someday, somewhere, somehow, somebody may tell him, "You have demonstrated that you are not responsible enough to bring your loaded semiautomatic rifle to Starbucks".
Sorry, us "gun nuts" are the ones who actually want to stop these killers....where as you and your ilk simply want guns banned...they aren't the same thing....sadly, you don't know or understand the difference....

I'm not sure how you want to "Stop" the killers when you prevent any possible method for them to get guns.

Frankly, every attempt at common sense gun control - which is to say rules that will keep guns out of the hands of bad guys- the NRA and the gun nuts fight. Waiting periods. Shit, I'm angry now! Background checks? Er, um, Freedom. Founding Fathers! Registration? Fuck no.

And then when a guy like Holmes or Lanza or Loughner- who EVERYONE who encountered said were crazy - were able to get guns, you guys act all shocked and shit when they slaughter a bunch of people.
Sorry, us "gun nuts" are the ones who actually want to stop these killers....where as you and your ilk simply want guns banned...they aren't the same thing....sadly, you don't know or understand the difference....

I'm not sure how you want to "Stop" the killers when you prevent any possible method for them to get guns.

Frankly, every attempt at common sense gun control - which is to say rules that will keep guns out of the hands of bad guys- the NRA and the gun nuts fight. Waiting periods. Shit, I'm angry now! Background checks? Er, um, Freedom. Founding Fathers! Registration? Fuck no.

And then when a guy like Holmes or Lanza or Loughner- who EVERYONE who encountered said were crazy - were able to get guns, you guys act all shocked and shit when they slaughter a bunch of people.

why do people who want to ban guns lie and say they want "common sense gun control"

common sense gun laws are ones that PUNISH CRIMINAL misuse of guns

you on the other hand want to pass laws that disarm honest people

waiting periods only impact people legally able to buy guns. not criminals-not common sense

magazine limits only impact people who are able to own guns-not criminals-NOT common sense

same with registration

same with "assault weapon bans"

its liberals who opposed sharing medical records with the NICS

So Shut the fuck up
I'm not sure how you want to "Stop" the killers when you prevent any possible method for them to get guns.

Nothing, nothing you guys propose keeps guns out of the hands of the killers....Britain, Australia, Japan....even in these anti gun paradises, the killers get guns...no matter what they have tried....they have managed to make more victims out of innocent, regular people who are raped, beaten, stabbed, robbed and murdered...and can't prevent these things from happening because they don't have guns....

But....stopping violent criminals isn't your concern is it....you have an irrational fear of guns...and even if 1.4 million times guns are used to save lives and stop violent crime in America...far more times than guns are used to commit crime or are involved in accidents combined....it doesn't matter....screw those people....you just hate guns...

You have been shown that background checks are stupid...they simply make innocent, non violent people pay more...

Registration...a waste of time and man power for police, waste of money, and completely meaningless when it comes to either stopping violent crime or solving a violent crime...

Yet you guys don't care....as long as it makes it harder for people you can actually control...those who will obey any stupid law you manage to impose on them....you could care less about the dead victims....

Remember, it is us pro 2nd amendment people who want to try to do something about the nuts who are dangerous....

But....we do not f*****g trust you anti gunners and your psychotic, irrational fear of guns....

Any honest attempt to keep guns out of the hands of the dangerously mentally ill will be used by you psychotics to get guns out of the hands of the people who won't abuse them...in fact...you will disarm more honest, law abiding people than you will the nuts....but that is what you really want...isn't it....?
Joe, this one's for you...why registration is not just a waste of police man power and time and budgets....but it is a waste of money, and meaningless because it will not stop violent crime with guns and it won't help solve violent crime with guns...

The only question about gun registration

Only one thing is overlooked in the common-sense proposals to register guns, so here it is. How exactly would writing down my name, or your name, help arrest criminals or make you safer? Although at first blush, gun listing has a sort of tantalizing appeal, on reflection you have to wonder whether gun lists would be an instrument of crime control at all.

The unfortunate answer is that, no matter how good it feels when the words first pass your ears, registering honest gun owners doesn't stop criminals, and in fact focuses in exactly the opposite direction. It is an allocation of resources that has no chance of achieving its goal, if that goal is the reduction of crime.

1. Registering 70 million American households is extremely expensive.

Do you know what it takes to run a database that big? You need 19,000 changes daily, just to keep up with people who move every ten years. Floor after floor of cubicle after cubicle for employees with permanent jobs, payroll, parking and dry cleaning bills. It's a government jobs program all by itself, all in the common sense -- but deceptive name -- of stopping crime. How many criminals do you figure will register when all is said and done? That's right, none, and the planners know that. All that money and time, invested on tracking the innocent. That's why so many police departments are against it -- they'll be forced to run huge data centers with their limited resources, and hire clerks instead of cops.

2. Americans who fail to register would become felons without committing a crime.

Under registration, activity that is a common practice and has been perfectly legal since inception makes you a felon. Think about that. Possession of private property would subject you to felony arrest, if the property isn't on the government's master list. Boy, that doesn't sound like the American way. No other evil is needed, there is no victim and no inherent criminal act takes place. Paperwork equals prison. That's just wrong.

3. Registration, if enacted, will create an underground market for unregistered guns bigger than the drug trade.

How many times must an elite forbid what the public wants, before learning the unintended consequences of outlawing liberties? People get what they want either way, it's just a question of how much crime the government itself forces to accompany it. With respect to guns, the last thing you want to encourage is the creative import programs and price supports that drug dealers enjoy, for gun runners.

4. People have said to me, "But Alan, if all guns were registered and there was a crime, then you could tell."

Tell what? If your neighbor is shot, that's not probable cause to search everyone with a matching caliber in a ten-block radius. The evidence needed to conclusively link a person to a crime has no connection at all to a registration plan -- you need motive, opportunity, witnesses, physical evidence, the murder weapon. Police aren't waiting for official lists so they can start catching murderers. Gun registration schemes lack a crime prevention component.

and there is more....you anti gunners should read this piece, learn it, live it...and try to f*****g understand what it is saying....

I know...you went to government schools run by the education wing of the democrat party...but given the graduation rate at government controlled schools, at least half of you should be able to read at least at the 4th grade level....right? Or get someone to read it to you....you really need to understand it....perhaps some home school kid could read it for you...they are actually getting an education...and not indoctrination...and can read...well....
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many people are realizing that gun banning dickheads don't care about public safety but only banning guns.

the orgasmic wallowing in the blood of dead children following Sandy Hook showed lots of people what really motivates the gun haters

There wouldn't have been any dead kids at Sandy Hook if the Gun industry hadn't armed Nancy Lanza like the Zombies were coming.

The gun industry didn't. She did. She was a progressive loon who felt that was the only way she could "connect" with her troubled son. Then you can add in the State which couldn't be bothered to deal with a seriously screwed up young man. But ultimately I blame the mom for being so incredibly stupid as to have a weapon and not properly lock it up.

a gun safe protects your weapons when you are absent

YOU PROTECT them when you are present.

a guy willing to kill his mother and then die could have easily obtained the weapons from a locked safe by threatening his mother with death or torture

I disagree. She was asleep when he took the weapon from the safe. Thus, while she was "there" she really wasn't. Thus it should have been locked up in a safe that he didn't have access to.
Not from the likes of you. Any man probably has a fear of his goolies being cut off though! I can guarantee you that!

True, but we were talking about how you gun nuts use your guns as penile substitutes.

I mean, I can kind of understand it, the gun gives you a false sense of control in a chaotic world. It's what Obama meant by "Clinging to your guns and bibles"....

Ah yes, the typical descent into 3rd grade insults. You silly people are all alike. I'm agnostic so no Bible for me, my world is quite sedate. I wish to leave everyone alone. I don't want to take anything away from anybody. Nope it's you and your fellow travelers who wish to take away fundamental rights from people and impose your will on them.

That, to me, is pretty fucked up. You're no better than any of those church types trying to do the same damned thing.

if she was asleep and the safe locked-do you believe he could not or would not force her to open it?

He could certainly try and do it. But, she would have had the opportunity to try and prevent it. She may not have succeeded, but the way she had it secured gave her ZERO chance. Don't you think it prudent to at least give yourself a chance?
Ah yes, the typical descent into 3rd grade insults. You silly people are all alike. I'm agnostic so no Bible for me, my world is quite sedate. I wish to leave everyone alone. I don't want to take anything away from anybody. Nope it's you and your fellow travelers who wish to take away fundamental rights from people and impose your will on them.

Owning a gun is not a right. And there's no good reason for you to own one.

Owning a gun is an absolute right. No matter what twisted BS logic you contort yourself into the Bill Of Rights very clearly says that it is. The Supremes have said it is and US V Miller says that military style arms are the ones protected by the 2nd Amendment. You're just simply stupid, and wrong.
why do people who want to ban guns lie and say they want "common sense gun control"

common sense gun laws are ones that PUNISH CRIMINAL misuse of guns

you on the other hand want to pass laws that disarm honest people

I think the point is, you guys don't even want to meet gun opponents half way on the common sense things.

100 Round mags! CHeck

Teflon-coated Cop Killer BUllets! Check.

Water down background checks! Check.

Gun Show Loopholes? Check.

What is obvious to non-crazy people is the gun lobby wants the crooks to have guns so you'll want them, too. It's marketing 101. You need to create a demand for something.
Owning a gun is an absolute right. No matter what twisted BS logic you contort yourself into the Bill Of Rights very clearly says that it is. The Supremes have said it is and US V Miller says that military style arms are the ones protected by the 2nd Amendment. You're just simply stupid, and wrong.

US v Miller protected the rights of States and Cities to ban certain kinds of weapons or ban them entirely if they so chose, under the "Well Regulated Militia" part of the second.

Only recently has the NRA's crazy position that the Second was about gun ownership been accepted by half the Supreme Court.
Joe, this one's for you...why registration is not just a waste of police man power and time and budgets....but it is a waste of money, and meaningless because it will not stop violent crime with guns and it won't help solve violent crime with guns...

Guy, we register every car in this country. We can register every gun.

The rest of your post can be safely ignored.
Nothing, nothing you guys propose keeps guns out of the hands of the killers....Britain, Australia, Japan....even in these anti gun paradises, the killers get guns...no matter what they have tried....they have managed to make more victims out of innocent, regular people who are raped, beaten, stabbed, robbed and murdered...and can't prevent these things from happening because they don't have guns

Except all these countries have lower crime rates than we do because the robbers and rapists don't feel so brave without a gun.

Can killers still get guns. Yes, but it's a lot harder. What you don't have in these countries is little kids finding grandpa's gun inthe nightstand or someone settling that argument over who drank the last beer with a .38.
why do people who want to ban guns lie and say they want "common sense gun control"

common sense gun laws are ones that PUNISH CRIMINAL misuse of guns

you on the other hand want to pass laws that disarm honest people

I think the point is, you guys don't even want to meet gun opponents half way on the common sense things.

100 Round mags! CHeck

Teflon-coated Cop Killer BUllets! Check.

Water down background checks! Check.

Gun Show Loopholes? Check.

What is obvious to non-crazy people is the gun lobby wants the crooks to have guns so you'll want them, too. It's marketing 101. You need to create a demand for something.
100 round magazine?
There is no such thing as a gun show loop hole, why to you keep spewing this lie?
Water down back ground checks? How so?
Teflon-coated Cop Killer bullets? aNY BULLET CAN KILL
Nothing will start a tantrum faster than taking an infant's toy away from him, other, perhaps, than giving a gun nut even the remote seed of an idea that someday, somewhere, somehow, somebody may tell him, "You have demonstrated that you are not responsible enough to bring your loaded semiautomatic rifle to Starbucks".
Oh look.... another anti-gun loon that can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
You people who say you worry over GUN VIOLENCE are the same people who champions ABORTIONS on demand. You have no problem with the deaths of 55MILLION children with abortion but USE AND dance on the graves of the dead of people who died from a gun which is done mostly by GANG bangers, crooks and criminals.You people are as phony with this as you are with how YOU care so much more for the POOR, minorities, women and children
You people who say you worry over GUN VIOLENCE are the same people who champions ABORTIONS on demand. You have no problem with the deaths of 55MILLION children with abortion but USE AND dance on the graves of the dead of people who died from a gun which is done mostly by GANG bangers, crooks and criminals.You people are as phony with this as you are with how YOU care so much more for the POOR, minorities, women and children

Fetuses aren't "children". Nobody refers to the result of an abortion as "my child". They refer to it as "that thing I need to take care of."

since no one can really force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term if she doesn't want to, it make no sense to outlaw abortions.
Nothing will start a tantrum faster than taking an infant's toy away from him, other, perhaps, than giving a gun nut even the remote seed of an idea that someday, somewhere, somehow, somebody may tell him, "You have demonstrated that you are not responsible enough to bring your loaded semiautomatic rifle to Starbucks".

we feel the same way about your silly posts
You people who say you worry over GUN VIOLENCE are the same people who champions ABORTIONS on demand. You have no problem with the deaths of 55MILLION children with abortion but USE AND dance on the graves of the dead of people who died from a gun which is done mostly by GANG bangers, crooks and criminals.You people are as phony with this as you are with how YOU care so much more for the POOR, minorities, women and children

The next time I return to my former home in New Orleans, Please go with me down to the Lower 9th Ward for a stroll. I will need you to protect me from gang bangers, and I am sure that by the time we emerge, you will have saved my life by laying down covering fire with your 100 magazine drum.

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